DS still has NO counterplay at exit gates

There's literally nothing you can do as a killer except watch a survivor crawl through the exit-gate as long as they have this perk. If you attempt to pick them up you will only eat the stun along with the added humilation. This cannot be allowed to continue, the perk should deactivate once a survivor enters the exit gate area.
Look at this and tell me this is fair. This is the equivalent of rubbing salt into the wound, there's absolutely no way to win at that point anymore.
That's why you have to tunnel them earlier to make them use it.
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So long as we get to use it at both hook stages I’d be okay with it deactivating at endgame
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I agree
At this point let's remove all survivor perks
So killers won't complain anymore.
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Doesn't opening an exit gate count cancel DS?
So you can only leave with DS if someone else opened the gate
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I agree but I also think the value of this perk is basically zero if found first in a dead zone or against a zoning killer who knows early 3v1 is crucial.
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nope opening the gate will not disable DS.
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Not everything in this game needs counterplay. Some things will just be unfair, and you'll have to accept it.
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I take greater issue with BT near exit gates than DS
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How about you get good?
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Survivors simply have far too many second chance perks, there really need to be more nerfs to those.
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just pick them up, they MIGHT miss the skill check, and its kinda your fault because you should just eat it mid game unless they are on death hook
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May i suggest that you switch to survivor? Sure, you get a long queue. But at the end of the day, you´ll feel much better than playing killer.
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This you? How about you get good.
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I have bad killer games, but the answer isn’t to nerf DS even tho it’s fresh off a nerf.
How about try to prevent a 4 man escape. You could’ve gotten at least one kill. That would make it much more easier.
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It is fair. Seem like you had bad game. And that is same when you close hatch for last survivor. So 99% survivor will die. So when survivor has DS at gates, you will lose 99%
Good luck for your next games friend
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I've had this happen to me once and it sucked because they were the last survivor alive. But my best advice is to try to eat the stun early like warphead said.
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I don’t see the correlation... What I said in that post is exactly why he should get good. It’s not hard to kill a survivor is it.
Do you have anything substantial to add to either this post or my old one????
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Shocker. The devs put 10 more stipulations on DS and people still want more
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None of the given advice is remotely applicable to a killer like Trickster. Do you have any idea how long it takes to down someone as him? I merely happened to down and hook a completely different survivor when the final gen popped and that person literally got a free escape just because they had DS. Now that is blatant injustice.
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Tbf in the endgame you kind of have to tunnel since you can assume the other survivors are healthy and it would be easier to go after the injured person.
I don't agree with saying that it makes games unwinnable, but it is still pretty cheeky way to escape when there was pretty much nothing else the killer could do.
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Let's just remove all the survivor perks!, Lmao stop crying They nerfed DS it's balanced now
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Yeah, making camping have no counterplay in endgame is definitely a more fair idea.
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DS just got nerfed idk why you killers are crying for more this is ridiculous eat the stun early so they can't use it at EGC... end of discussion.
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I mean would say opening a exit gate be considered "advancing the game state?"
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What else am I supposed to do as a weak Trickster during endgame? There's no alternative, I can't even apply enough pressure to eat any of their Decive Strikes early due to how weak the killer is.
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I feel the best way to deal with this is to put a new machine I'm the end game.
Make the killers protect the doors easier rather then just preventing the survivors from escaping.
I would give killer the ability to close the doors.
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the counter play is to kill them all before all the gens are done :p
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Same with BT. At that point a killer can't do anything other than farming some bloodpoints. I would be extremely fair that DS, and BT wouldn't work in ECG but dbd is everything else but fair.. and giving survivors free escapes and second chances is really a trend.
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They have played with 3 perks up until that point for that single use. If your main gripe is that this perk is preventing you from getting your single kill then maybe the issue isn't the perk.
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The issue is BHVR's lack of awareness on how broken certain perks can be if used during endgame. That's why threads like this one are being made, my only hope is that they actually read it and maybe consider some changes. Weak killers like Trickster already struggle massively and to degrade them even more like this is anything but fair.
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This^. Both sides have these. Not everything can be made perfectly balanced in every single scenario on a micro level. It's unrealistic and unfeasible.
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DS and BT are both doing what they are specifically meant to do, it dosen't matter if it's at EGC because the perks are doing their jobs.
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I think I'd be okay with this trade-off?
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It's almost like the goal is to escape and they brought a tool to help them do it.
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That doesn't take away the fact that DS and BT are a free "get out of jail" card at the endgame. What would you think if the killer could instantly kill survivors in the EGC? Would you find that fair? because that would be the opposite of that scenario. Also this clearly shows the devs favoritism toward survivors.
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No one can give you any advise on Trickster, because he´s still trash.
I just saw Tru3 attempt his adept and all matches had 3 or 4 hooks by the time the gates were powered.
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Myers can do that with that one ultra rare add on.
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Always love it when perks like ds or bt is complained about people jump to "wow must all be just killer mains". Shush with the generalization. For instance do i find bt or ds bs at the end game since the killer can't do anything to prevent the survivor from pretty much escaping unless they have like a instadown? Of course.
Go ahead call me a killer main i have 6k hours and im a 50/50 player. At the end game survivors can have adrenaline,unbreakable,bt,ds, dead hard. Or others to basically guarantee a escape. Survivors have always had so many outs. This is the only game where i can literally destroy a whole team but still not get my max points because survivors get hatch. Then when you close hatch they get doors. Maybe the devs should crack down on it a bit?
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Well no offence to tru but he’s not the best when it comes to using his games as examples
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I guess this doesn't apply to killers
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no this applies to both sides.
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It's nerf or nothin'!
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Have you tried not tunneling?
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I myself get tired of this too, It really drives me away from the game, sometimes i don't play it for weeks or months. Idk about you but i as a killer want to have fun, with any killer i choose, and that not possible with the current game state.
Most survivor perks just erase all the effort you do as a killer while killer perks aren't as powerful at all in comparison. And its really boring and frustrating to face the same survivor perks everytime wich btw have no real counter. DH for distance have no counter, BT and DS in EGC have no counter, keys have no counter, you can't grab people in the hatch anymore and so on..
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Trickster literally only can tunnel, his entire mechanic is based on that. And it's not my fault if the other survivors don't want to stick around until the very end of the match to eat hits for their teammate.
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I mean looking at this game in base value the game is very much in the survivors favor in most situations. You lose and wanna confirm a kill? The survivors could have bt, deliverance, ds,adrenaline,unbreakable. Or have items like keys to escape. Even in the case where the survivors lose the devs are like "we can't be to mean" so they give them hatch. Then you close hatch and the devs are like "well then the survivor can just get gate" like alright... So in my opinion at end game if the killer wants to confirm a kill itd be only fair if stuff like ds and bt wouldn't activate to stop them. Could just be me though. Everyone knows how it feels to just want 1 kill at end game and theres so many ways to stop it.
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That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, DS is already nerfed into the ground, this would make it even more trash and not even meta anymore.
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And Decisive Strike's entire mechanic is based on stopping tunneling, that's the point of the perk. Trickster can do fine without tunneling people. He's a pretty good proxycamper, so I can see why tunneling would be appealing with him, but you played with fire and got burnt.
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The game very heavily favours killers outside of super-coordinated Swiffers. Around red rank, the only killer that doesn't average 2+ kills is Nurse due to her being difficult to play.
Yes, survivors could have BT, Deliverance (lol), DS, Adrenaline or BT (again). They can bring keys. They can get the hatch. And if the hatch gets closed, they can get the gates.
And STILL killers at red rank average more than 2 kills.
No, EGC should not disable a bunch of perks and arbitrarily weaken the survivors. Just like perks like Nurse's Calling, Starstruck, Infectious Fright and others shouldn't be restricted to either EGC or main trial.