Why the Devs are scared of Trickster

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Trickster doesn't actually have any counterplay. In fact, I would argue that Trickster has one of only powers in the game that can guarantee downs on every tile regardless of Survivor skill (or their ability to pre-drop pallets). The reason Trickster is weak is because his eight knife requirement makes his chases take two million years sometimes, which can be so time inefficient that he quickly loses the game.

Just keep his potential in mind as he slowly gets buffed. Trickster can keep Survivors trapped in the shack and down them even without even breaking the pallet... imagine if he could do it time efficiently. There's a reason so many Survivors d/c against Trickster even if he's the worst Killer in the game currently. It can feel like your death is predetermined with no chance of outplay or escape so your only option is to stall it as long as possible


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    This is why I e been saying since his release. He’s probably the most volatile killer in terms of balance

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

    That's why most people compare him to old legion, they share many similarities like how despite the fact that they're really bad, they will down you eventually no matter what you do which makes for really frustrating and unsatisfying gameplay.

    I'm not sure what everyone else thinks about this but I feel like tricksters in a really sensitive spot right now where if he gets buffed a little too much he becomes an extremely oppressive killer (Like Legion with old franks mixtape) but if he stays where he is now he's going to be absolute garbage.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    He still has to aim the knives and you can still juke them and take cover and everything unless you are in a large open area or locked in animations.

    Those are all times a huntress would hit you too though.

    It just feels worse because he spams them as he does so you get over whelmed hearing the plink plink plink and think "well this is just gross" but the reality is you would have already been hit by a huntress hatchet a while ago in that scenario.

    Often then amount of time spent trying to down with the knives outside of certain situations, you could even just have M1d them and as a 110% killer that's not great.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Hmm it's true but basically all killers will catch 1 survivor eventually, pallets or not. You can still use LOS blockers and gaining distance vs him. Windows can counter him pretty hard if you vault them with right timing and good angle. Or a really good structure to be near impossible to get hit with knifes if you get a good map.

    I think right now his knifes are fine, strong in some loops weak in others. Just give him the 1 ricochet knife addon baseline + buff his main event to be more threatening and that's all he needs. He'll have some unique mechanics, potencial to be good when played really well + some decent counterplay left.

    The buffs did well for him and he's no longer extremely weak, I'd say he's pretty decent if you play him well.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    What are you talking about? No counterplay? Hello, tall loops, buildings? Running around even a rock is enough to mock him.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited April 2021

    It's comical people keep comparing the trickster to old legion. All old legion had to do was hit you, and if he wanted to down you. It was a 99% percent chance that one would have been down. As he literally had no counter play, just stab and follow, and basically a 100% down. While with the trickster, if you know what you are doing, you can loop him in the shack for 2 to 3 gens. I done it, and I had it happened to me. And that could be the case with any killer, they can eventually get you, some quicker than others. As some other people say, a huntress can get you down quicker with 2 hits, much faster. I mean unless you are running in straight line, or trying to loop him in low loops, then he is very to counter. He is very to win against, as for me I usually escape 80 to 85 percent of my matches against him. I think people DC against him since when they encounter a good one, and they get down, they feel like it should be an easy win.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I seriously doubt they will buff trickster further within the next 12 months. In the devs eyes, they've put enough work into him for a long time until they arbitrary decide to rework his power in 3 years.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Because he is literally a fan-service DLC.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    An idea that came up to me is to rework Main Event to be the baseline bouncy blade. Just make it so you can hold the charge indefinitely, then when you activate it, you just get bouncy blade for X seconds.

  • MrScopesMan99
    MrScopesMan99 Member Posts: 15

    have you never went up against a god-tier nurse or stridor spirit?