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How you buff Pig ?

Member Posts: 53

how the demogorgon is receiving changes in the next patch i would like to know how you would buff the pig, i would think about how to make her ambush more useful, well how would you change?

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  • Member Posts: 1,516

    Maybe an add on where the minute a survivor is using those cages to get rid of the bear trap highlights that bear trap for the Pig?

  • Member Posts: 841

    Allow her to tamper with a generator, or all of them. She could place a trap or mechanism on the generator(s) which requires a specific code. This code could be found on the 4/5 boxes and can be input in any order. One number for each box, 1-10 randomly.

    So for example "48315" is the code. Survivors would have to type in the code or select it on screen to repair the generator normally. Should they fail, the trap will take a health state or put them into the mending state and notify the killer.

    It would be another way to slow down the gen repair speeds, but do so in a more interactive way that compliments her reverse bear traps as survivors would be required to traverse the boxes normally anyway.

    It would give her more utility by slowing down the game or by making survivors easier to down.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Traps cant active in EGC because that would be unfair for survivors and that would make Pig really strong. Because EGC is already killerside and i cant imagine one killer using this to advantage. But other 2 possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    I would make her crouch a bit quicker, I'd make it so when a survivor tries to remove a trap the first search is never a success, and I would have any trap put on a survivors head during EGC activate immediately.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    No thank you sir. You are offering for only one side. Not fair. I am playing both roles and no. Game has to be balance. You offering broken suggestion. It was already nerfed because it was op. Now with EGC, that mean those survivors will die lol. Pig need some love but not that.

  • Member Posts: 6,373

    Somewhat similar to Trapper's recent change I'd have the first Jigsaw box take the longest, the next less time, and so on. Her add-ons need more loving than her kit I'd say. Maybe a stronger Combat Straps that's green or even rarer? As for the roar before ambush I don't know really, moving that further into the animation may likely be too strong.

  • Member Posts: 216

    Adjusted her crouching first person animations and camera position to be higher up, as Blight. Surprisingly, Pig's camera position is lower than Victor's.

  • Member Posts: 177

    check out dicussion i go a analysis on what they should buff her on

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Remove the roar

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    You can't really buff her into a point where she is strong and fair, she needs a rework first.

  • Member Posts: 784

    If you still have inactive traps after the last gen is completed, the game is probably going in the survivor's favor to begin with. If you have to resort to getting a kill by opening an exit gate and tunneling the trapped survivor you probably weren't going to get more than one kill, anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    -give her something useful for egc since her trap is no longer useful and her crouch isn't either.

    -her dash attack has a slow windup and should be faster imo

    -kinda with the first point, but give her an extra ability more for chases (something like a ground trap)

    -give her some info on what traps will do for each so it's not totally rng for her

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    That is why you need use traps to make survivors slow. Pig is weak and need some buffs. But that is not mean devs have to give her broken power. But i also dont think she will get buff because she has good rates on all ranks.

  • Member Posts: 2,753

    I'd maybe look at changing her addons a bit to give the less useful ones some love and maybe moving the roar sound of the ambush to the end of the charge rather than the beginning.

    Also I'd make trap RNG fixed. ie. 1 trap of your traps will always be 1 box, 1 will always be 2, 1 will always be 3, and 1 will always be 4. I'd make the extra box/extra trap addon the same addon so that it increases your traps to 5 and 1 of those traps will always be 5 boxes, would probably be a purple or ultra rare addon.

  • Member Posts: 5,988
    • Normalize RNG for traps for example, pig has 4 traps, each 1 should take 1, 2, 3, and 4 box searches to remove. I.E
    • 1 trap always comes off with 1 search
    • 1 trap comes off with 2 searches
    • 1 with 3 searches
    • 1 with 4 searches
    • Randomize the order of the traps that are placed.

    This makes it so, on average, the RNG is much more fair within a game. You won't have games where all 4 traps are removed in the first search, and you won't have games where all 4 traps aren't removed until the 4th search.

    After that.

    Make the dash charge speed and the crouching speed addons basekit.

  • Member Posts: 57

    The only buff I would ever want for pig is her terror radius reduced to 28 meters. Other than that, I think she’s in a very good place. She’s far from the strongest killer, but a good pig can be terrifying. Scorpionz is proof of that. Part of what makes pig my favorite killer is the fact that she’s on the weaker side, but has great potential when mastered.

  • Member Posts: 784
  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I would make her TR a bit smaller to be more stealth play and also made Combat straps add on her basekit.

    But from what I ve seen, they dont like small changes so they most likely completely change her add ons and power.

    She needs to be less RNG dependant with her traps but I really dont know how to change them to be balanced and not too weak or too strong

  • Member Posts: 737

    A larger snoot to boop

  • Member Posts: 230

    That' would work, but she have a set of add on that make impossible to search all the boxes and not die

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    that would encourage teabagging. ghostface already has that problem

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    i would make an addon that gives her 10 explosive traps that she can put on generators instead of reverse bear traps that kill the survivor (kind of like freddys dream pallet addon). each time a survivor starts repairing the generator, they have to hit 5 ds skill checks in a row. succeeding all skill checks will get rid of the trap and the survivor can start repairing the gen again. failing a skillcheck however will take away a health state. lets say youre healthy, a skill check will put you into the injured state. youre injured, you go into the dying state. i dont know what this would look like but it seems pretty fair to me

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    1. The first RBT you search will never get rid of the trap
    2. Increased movement speed on crouch
    3. Roar sound plays right after the ambush starts and not before
  • Member Posts: 1,288

    She is strong as is. I don't understand why people say she is weak. If anyone is overdue for a buff, it's the trapper. Pig is okay she can win without buffs.

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited April 2021

    Combat straps base kit. Make her ambush slightly faster.

    Traps take a minimum of 2 boxes to search, infrequently take 3 boxes and very rarely take 4 boxes. Wouldn't be hard to code, just make each box fill an invisible progress bar, between 45 and 60% each or something, with a very small chance of it doing nothing. There could be a new sound for when it's successful and the laughing effect could be used for the small chance that it fails.

    Reduce her TR to 28m again. It was cool that she had a uniquely sized TR. And...she is a hybrid stealth killer after all, it would make sense for her TR to be a bit smaller.

    Aside from add-ons which I never really cared about for any killer, that's all I'd do to her. Her abilities are all solid, but her slowdown is reliant on RNG and her ambush is way too slow to transition into to even be a threat to any survivor with more than 3 braincells.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    I like that you made it randomized to prevent survivors from just telling each other where their box will be. Sounds like a fun idea.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2021

    -Remove crouching sound.

    -Faster crouch.

    -Put roar at the end of ambush and make it last slightly longer.

    -Traps auto activate in end game collapse.

    -Rule Set #2 base kit.

    -24m TR

    -Minimum 2 boxes for trap removal

    -Full addon pass. The vast majority of them are terrible or bad design.

    The simple fact that in 99% of the cases you are better off uncrouching and m1'ing instead of using her ambush should make it blatantly obvious there's a design flaw. The only spots you could actually use her ambush are such unsafe loops that you don't even need it in the first place.

    They really need to stop using the kill rate stats that are horribly flawed for a multitude of reasons in determining killer balance. I wouldn't put Pig at the dead bottom, but she is definitely well near it.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's what I'd do:

    • Delay the audible ambush sound until after she commits to the ambush.
    • Ambushing an occupied survivor will deal double damage.
    • RBTs can only be removed between the first and last boxes (doesn't apply when there are 2 or less boxes).
    • Add-on pass
  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It is very easy to fix that problem.

    1) Pause the EGC timer while someone is wearing an RBT.

    2) Make it so RBTs permanently deactivate if the Hatch is closed prior to all the gens being finished AND there's only one Survivor left.

    Boom, problem solved.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Dude you really thinking they will stop EGC timer for Pig. More codes, more effort, more job. Devs are lazy usually :d

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    By that logic, why bother working on the game anymore if it's more codes, more effort, more job?

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Well tell that to devs, not me. 5 years and this game still has problems, that so long. But i liked your Pig idea but i dont think that gonna happen.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    All I care about is that you like the idea. I'm not a dev, so sadly I don't have the power to implement it.

  • Member Posts: 1,052
    edited April 2021

    I love her idea of being a pseudo stealth + chase killer with game delay after getting downs, but it's just currently not there IMO. I don't think her power would've been designed in the way that it was then if it were implemented today.

    I'm aware that her kill rates are high, and this is very obviously because her head traps make already inefficient solo queue survivors into even more inefficient solo queue survivors. Players are also weak to M1 killers because they're not great at chasing. I think she needs a buff to have higher lethality against GOOD players, but the fact that the developers think she already has that because they use statistics largely consisting of matches with good killers vs average Timmys that shouldn't even be against those killers because matchmaking is awful as a way to understand their game is the reason she's probably never gonna get a real buff.

    Either way, I think her traps are good for the most part, she just needs her stealth to be more efficient and her chase to be scarier.

    I would try to increase her ambush dash duration by 0.5 seconds and increase the speed to 8.0m/s while initiating it out of sight, which allows her to travel a maximum of 20 meters in 2.5 seconds with her dash (an increase of 6.2 meters), which is pretty strong. Considering the strength of this, the charge time, missed attack cooldown, and crouch speed (risky change) could all be changed to avoid this being TOO brainlessly strong and usable for mobility. However, her ambush being stronger when dashing out of sight would be an interesting little mechanic IMO.

    On top of that, an increase in crouch speed would be nice. The problem with increasing her speed while crouching is that she can just follow and keep up with a survivor that has an active headtrap if she's as fast or faster than them while crouching. If her crouch speed were 100-105%, they could make it so her crouching can start a chase.

    With an increased crouching movement speed and a stronger dash when using it out of sight, I think this would give her a viable strategy in loops to conceal herself, have the ability to keep up while crouched, and ambush from out of sight without fear of the survivor leaving the tile as easily. At short loops, it would essentially be the same thing but stronger. These changes are very risky though, so I'm not entirely sure how I feel. The ambush isn't a skillshot, and allowing her to move that fast in such a short amount of time without it being very difficult is...something I'd play around with. These might not be the right changes, but something along the lines of this would be neat.

  • Member Posts: 133


  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Why is it okay for Survivors to do it 10 times per second then?

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    im surprised survivors dont break their ankles from doing it

  • Member Posts: 945

    the rules of her power need to be looked at and her addons need a pass they are ether worthless or unfair

  • Member Posts: 73

    An add-ones overhaul.

    Giving her a tablet when crouched that let her see in Jigsaw puppet’s eyes to spot survivors easier (basically a camera).

    Buff her crouch speed.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I main pig and she is great only thing I would change is get rid of the roar and change her useless red add-ons

  • Member Posts: 797

    The only reason she has a high kill rate is because the only people who use her are actually good at her, if we're going off the statistics that bhvr gave us then we should buff nerf nurse since she had the lowest kill rate, right?

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