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Is Trickster still the worst Killer in the game?

Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

Probably not, he might be stronger than Pig, but still.

The most recent patch didn't address his core issues. He is incapable of pressuring multiple survivors at once, he still can be dodged around loops with walls with unacceptable easiness, his main event is the most useless power up thing in the game in comparison with Blood Fury, Corrupt Purge, even tier 3 Myers, etc.


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    IMO I don't consider him the worst killer in the game anymore, but I agree that his Main Event is terrible and needs updates. Like, maybe allow him to carry it around, and make it work like the PTB version (like how he can throw knives by holding M2). He should move at normal speed before he holds M2 during Main Event.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Main event is pretty bad, mostly in that it cannot be saved and used whenever. Most tiles aren't that strong agaisnt him, although as with any killer a chained series of maze tiles can be devestating. Though, as I just pointed out and am now emphasizing for all the Trickster naysayers, that kind of Saffocation Pit-style setup is devestating for nearly everyone.

    The thing with Trickster is that, while he rarely has super quick chases, he rarely long ones either. He's the most consistently average killer I think I've ever played. Which makes him rather strong imo.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's still soon but I would still say he's the weakest. You don't need to abandon chase if a survivor reaches the shack with pig, or any other killer.

    Ofc there's always going to be a killer who is weakest and strongest of the bunch but those ranges should be capped with what we already have - we don't need anyone stronger than nurse or weaker than trapper (who I'd place as second weakest after trickster these days outside of basement builds)

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    hes better than killers like wraith but hes still d tier. C tier if i feel extra generous. but hes definitely not better than pig, let me explain why:

    pigs reverse bear traps can be used to stall and make survivors lose a ton of gen pressure, even better with addons. her dash attack makes a good combo with perks like stbfl which you can also use to mindgame a lot of loops. 0 terror radius in crouch mode lets you surprise survivors that are working on gens where they cant really see you coming.

    i havent played against the buffed trickster which means he could be a meta killer for all i know but hes definitely not gonna be better than pig

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,798

    Personally for me I think he's much better than he was. My whole problem with Trickster (as a console player) was that recoil. Once they weakened the recoil effect, he became a much better killer to play, at least for me. For the people saying he's better than Pig, I will discuss that with you in the parking lot lmao. On a serious note, I think Pig is still stronger than Trickster. I think the Award for Worst Killer in Dead by Daylight can return to Twins now.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Still the worst and un-viable in red ranks. The patch just give you a very small window to throw some knives around things, but its not very noticeable and you still struggle a lot at doing it, specially with survivors that exploit their hitbox running around things with a controller, you will never catch them and since you stil need 16 knives to down someone.. This killer is still the worst and will be unless the devs make proper changes to his power.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Let's pick the complains apart:

    'pressure multiple survivors at once' He has a very fast attack. If he could easily target multiple survivors at once (like bubba) especially since he's a ranged killer... that'd be a problem

    'can be dodged around loops': remember how people complain how deathslinger can't be dodged at loops (which btw is not correct?) imagine if there'd be no save spot from a killer with a much bigger and much faster attack, especially now that the spread has been reduced.

    There is no way of 'fixing' him without making him absurdly OP. Trickster is a killer that should not have happened, hands down.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Stronger than Pig? According to the dev stats, Pig is more lethal than Freddy, Huntress, Spirit or Nurse.

    So if he was really stronger than Pig, then the devs would already swing the nerf hammer.

  • blackfoxx_x
    blackfoxx_x Member Posts: 68

    As a console player, I totally agree. I have some experience with Huntress. Even though I'm not great with her, I can at least get a few kills unlike with Trickster. There's nothing about him that justifies the 110% movement speed. I can understand that it takes a while to learn a new killer but he just feels so frustrating to play.

  • blackfoxx_x
    blackfoxx_x Member Posts: 68

    He just feels so damn slow, especially when you're being looped with a wall where you can't get knife hits. I really wanted to like this killer, but once I get adept and the other trophy for him, I will never play him again if he stays like this.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Trickster is still the weakest mainly because his downs are slow even when his power works at a loop a Nurse or Spirit would’ve ended the chase and hooked the Survivor before Trickster can hit all eight blades

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    Ive never depipped more in my entire life so he is definitely still very low in my opinion.

  • blackfoxx_x
    blackfoxx_x Member Posts: 68

    For some reason, I have an easier time getting hits on Huntress. Is Trickster's hit box smaller?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Almost like old legion he confirms downs very consistently since he has 60 knives

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, except he actually has counterplay to extend chases provide at least some level of basic interactivity. Also he tears through people like wet tissue paper if they're not near cover.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah he’s definitely not as annoying as old legion but still not really great to fight especially at low wall loops. At the moment he’s pretty an easier but worse huntress

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The real issue is that the way the stick responds to input isn't good for tracking style aiming. And since Trickster is all about tracking, it feels bad to play.


    It's either response curve or deadzone but tracking with trickster + recoil still feels really awful and is hard to do on controller.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Please don’t be offended, I say this in kindness, but this post comes across as not understanding the fundamentals of this game.

    EVERY killer can pressure multiple survivors at a time, even if it’s indirectly. The very act of successfully ending a chase, whether hooking or slugging, puts pressure on the other survivors.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I thought he was but dowsey said he's more lethal than deathslinger so he can't be..... right? 😂😂

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 240

    Nah, I consider the Twins to be the worst killer in the game.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    First of all the twins aren't the worst killer in the game, by a long shot, if played as a slugging machine they're pretty decent. And comparing pig with trickster, as always been kinda stupid, they're so different like day and night, plus, pig it's not as weak as people think, she's on the weaker side, but not bad honestly, but it could be my biases as a pig main lol.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    well twins slugging is death after victor nerf so theyre the worst

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    Until the patch it's live they're not, plus until that time everything could change, if they simply make it its only for misses Viktor ponce, they would still be strong imo

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,508

    He has no issues with chases anymore, those were problems pre-change trickster. His current issues is the inability to juggle survivors and spread damage efficiently due to his laceration meter decay. It makes him lose a lot of injure pressure if he does not successfully land 8(7) knives on a survivor, so he loses a lot of potential generator slowdown from healing.

    He is good at 1vs1, but he's lacking 1vs4 now. I think the post that talks about having 50% laceration meter stay on the survivor is perhaps only change that is missing in current trickster. Other than that, he is perfect where he is at.

    People struggle to down survivors just do not have tracking skill necessary to play him. You can play Huntress or Deathslinger, those two are more for players that are better at flick-shots.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    They did not fix a single one of the major issues that made him so bad, so yes.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,798

    If you need to use one of the worst strategies in the game to get a 4k as a killer, they are not decent in my opinion. Second, I agree with you about Pig.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    If we talk about design, your right, and slugging it's not that bad of a strat honestly, but if we talk how viable they're, your not right, a good twins it's ######### awful to go against, unless you enjoy staying three minutes in the ground

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,798

    But you can say the same about any killer if you're talking about a good killer. A good Wraith is going to be just as bad as good Twins or good Trickster or good Demogorgon. If you're going up against someone who knows how the killer they're playing works and knows how to pressure on the maps, it's going to be awful to go against. To me that's like a "Well duh." If you're facing a killer that knows exactly what they're doing and knows who they're playing that's terrifying no matter what killer they're physically playing.