Potential DLC Characters

S1xKTruu Member Posts: 2

I read a post on Dead by Daylight that said the game is basically a Horror Hall of Fame in a game but if Vorhees himself even with his game or even Jeepers Creepers are not present at some point then the game reached not even its peak.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,705

    Jason/the Friday the 13th franchise has a standing invitation into the game. But it’s currently in licensing hell and until it’s settled who the rightful license holder is there is no way F13th will get added.

    The devs also already said they don’t want to be linked to the license holder of Jeepers Creepers, but the holder has changed in the meantime, but just recently.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Don’t ever expect the Jeepers Creepers guy to be in this game. The brand is tarnished cause the director was a pedo. I still want Springtrap though.