The current rift should be EXTENDED !

Considering the amount of unfixed bugs that ruined our games directly or indirectly (since the last patch), i think the current rift needs to be extended for at least 1 week, plus some fragment compensation.
I'm not sure, but i think they did the same thing for the last rift.
A little reminder:
- Keys on almost every chest.
- Bugged palet 80% of time.
- Breakdown removing hook forever.
- Broken pip system, especially for the trickster.
It's very unfair for people who plays for a limited time...
they really fixed emblems problem that trickster had in the last hotflix
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I don't see what those few bugs listed have to do with your inability to grind the rift. I have done it to level 70 no problem (with like 10 days remaining) with all challanges being done.
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To be fair the bugged pallet stuns did affect the “Stun killer 12 times” challenge. Most people had to rely on Head On to get these stuns.
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Yeah exactly, i got this sometimes stunning with pallet with occasional Head On or DS here and there.
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Plus any means necessary challenge...
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They should extend the rift. Hop on wiki and you can see rift fragments from challenges are basically as bad as they were during first rift when everyone complained about the rift being too grindy. The year of rift stats they gave out only 16% completed rifts and they've only made them more grindy since - so I guess 16% was too high a completion rate for them.
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I am pretty sure they do not want you to finish it - since if you finish it you can get next rift without spending more money on additional auric cells (since it cost 1000 AC and it gives you back 1000 AC via Premium track)
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Agreed; this Rift should be extended at least a week due to several things, not the least of which being the Bugs. There are also those who lost time participating in the PTB. It would be a nice gesture on DbD's part.
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I think they extended the last one, so they'll probably extend this one as well considering we won't be seeing the next tome for a good while.
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I think most of us has finished the rift already. And you can still get the last challanges after it closes and collect the bloodpoints. There is enough time to get it done I mean I was pretty sick with Covid 19 for almost two weeks not playing at all and still got it done.
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Head-On also had the chance of not stunning, so even that was not guaranteed.
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2 days left to stun the killer 12 times !
Like BHVR's departments are disconnected from each others !
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Pretty sure that a lot of the departments at bhvr (this is what I've heard so don't take it for granted) but a lot of the departments really do not communicate with each other.
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Nah this rift wasn't very good anyway, get it gone.
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I'm honestly so tired of seeing all these posts claiming just how easy it is to complete the rift when it's really really not.
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It's easy if this is the only game you play, and you have plenty of time to invest in to it.
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I can get behind that. I know it's definitely doable, I've reached tier 70 once myself. But as you said, I had to spend a lot of time on it and DbD was the only game I played for well over a month. At that point I'd like to argue that it's not easy, it's doable. Easy would be if I could easily combine it with other things I like to do and still have plenty of time to complete it.
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Same here I completed one too, after that one it just got me burned out from completing any of the others.
Yeah I get what you mean about it not being easily done, but that's what I meant about having time to invest if you have the time to invest you can easily get it done.
And still be able to do whatever afterwards.
I don't have a lot of time to play myself couple hours a night a little longer on the weekend give or take, and the one I did complete I didn't play anything else besides DBD.
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Thanks devs, you proves again how clueless you are about the state of your game.