Not sure where you are it with this Behavior, but please take this into consideration
I expressed concerns about your plans to change DS and I've stayed quiet until now....I've adjusted my game play and given it time. I've reviewed what other say and observed people's play behavior in response to the change. Tunneling is not so cut and dry like many are saying here in the forum. I'm including two clips because I'm asking you to review actual, live footage of game play experience instead of listening to a rant, complaint or opinion. These two experiences are not fair and they resulted mostly in part to the change you made to DS. Sure, it doesn't happen in every match - but when it does happen, I should be able to use the perk I chose to run. More often than not, I do not use DS - I run it just in case I run into someone special. Please review, consider - maybe show us some stats - and let us know where you are at with DS. No, the nurse did not have Whispers or Stridor, so don't. To ask me to do nothing in the game for 60 seconds is preposterous. And don't tell me this isn't tunneling...don't tell me to search chests. PS4, mostly solo when playing survivor.