To the people that want SWF removed/nerfed



  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Solo survivor should be brought closer to SWF and then give a general buff to all killers as compensation.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    The longer queue times would come from people just lobby dodging whenever they see a 4/3 man not a lack of people and yeah sure people can look at steam profiles but a lot of people have their profiles private or their friends are appearing offline, so its not a very consistent way of gauging it.

  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    Just ad an additional option for killer queue to choose whether or not queue for SWF lobbies. I get ppl like to play with friends, but that doesnt mean everyone has to.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    I don’t want it nerfed but I would think some chsnges would be good to curb behavior.

    like making it to where you aren’t able to pip if you and your teammates have huge gaps on rank. This prevents boosting for both the new player and the veteran. Priority to higher ranked killers vs lower rank killers would also be good. And since pipping wouldn’t be an issue anymore and ppl just want to play with their friends anyway... seems like an easy fix

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    I started playing about 6 weeks ago and play Killer 95% of the time, I'm currently rank 10 & the only thing that really annoys me about SWF teams is dropping ranks if you get unlucky and have multiple SWF games in a row.

    If they added a guaranteed safety pip when facing SWF teams of 3+ i would happily play against them, even if I knew it was a SWF.

    The game was obviously originally designed around solo play. A killer is effectively having their progression taken away by a system that was never intended to the basis of the gameplay.

    Keep SWF, but make it irrelevant to player progression. Balance both killer & survivor based on solo play as the game was originally intended.