Deathslinger viable right now?

Hey, i just wanted to ask of Deathslinger is worth a Try and maybe maining him at some point?
I like the Idea of the Kit and i played too mich Rdr2 in the past 😂
Also which Perks are strong in his Kit in your opinion. Thanks for help ✌️
Very viable but requires some practice to get good with
Best perks are Save the best for last, Sloppy butcher, Moniter and abuse and barbecue
Reload and cooldown add ons are the best
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He's alright boah
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He's not my main, but he has a few things unique to him that make certain perks work in ways people don't expect.
Basically, when you melee somebody off a chain, it counts as a "basic attack", so perks that work off basic attacks will behave normally after you reel them in.
So things like Starstruck, Dragon's Grip, Make Make Your Choice, ect - all proc after reeling players in and connecting with a melee attack.
However, you better be on point with your snap aim and ability to lead, because he's not as forgiving about hits as the huntress is.
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I also tried Huntress but i feel like its easier for me to Hit someone as Deathslinger because Huntress needs to "charge" her throws and the Survivor simply will loop behind an object forever if i hold the Aim Button down
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I main him and I win significant majority of my red rank games. If you learn how he works and get really good at him, you'll have pretty good chance to beat even the best survivor teams.
Good perks would be Surge, M&A, Corrupt intervention, STBFL, BBQ, etc. He has a lot of synergy with basically all perks, some more then others but whatever build you make can work as long as you play him well.
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Corrupt Intervention does work very well with him, I can vouch for that.
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He's a bit on the weaker side and you'll get crushed on bigger maps but Survivors will DC if you shoot them so 👍️
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Deathslinger is my second main to Demo
Deathslinger is good only if you can predict your shots, you'll have some rough first games but don't let that discourage you, you'll get better over time.
Also, his sound design is absolutely amazing and it is so satisfying.
My recommendation is bring Monitor and Abuse, it doesn't do much except cloak most of your terror radius when out of chase, but if you manage to sneak up on someone, it'll scare em'
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Superb in a chase, but coordinated teams on larger maps you are pretty helpless, unless you defend a 3 gen.
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Yes, he is viable. However, I feel you have to be good at FPS to make good use of him. Like, I never really played any FPS, so I struggled a lot (and still am struggling) with him. But I have seen some amazing Deathslinger-players, he is scary to go against.
For Perks, I use:
BBQ-->for stonks only
Corrupt Intervention-->Best Slowdown-Perk
Monitor&Abuse-->IMO a No-Brainer on him, he has 24m Terror Radius by default, reducing this to 16m is simply too good.
STBFL-->Just because I can be on 6 Stacks, since you get the Injured State on the Obsession without wasting any Stacks.
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he is very map reliant, if you get a small map or an indoor map your in for a good time but if you get red forest you're fekd