The Trickster is painfully weak
The latest buffs made him better but not even remotely good.
Why does he have recoil on his abilities? He has arguably the worst ranged ability. The recoil should be removed co pletely.
Why does he still have to chain 8 hits to injure a survivor? The Huntress needs 1 hatchet to injure. The Deathslinger needs to hit once to injure as well. A green add-on reduces it to 5 which should be his default number. His green add-ons are his best ones for no reason.
Why is there a time limit to activate the Main Event? The ability itself is already really situational and weak.
Why do the knives have no effect on survivors? Survivors can just bodyblock like 6 knives and not have any drawbacks since the laceration meter just resets itself. He can not pressure multiple survivors and has no map pressure.
Playing him in anything higher than green rank is just a free depip. He still is my favorite killer to use but needs major buffs to make him viable.
ya I agree to an extent i found out this killer is very good at keeping survivors in a bad area of a map which isn't too bad but he still needs some more buffs
his main event isn't actually that bad it's just so inconvenient and a bit on the weaker side
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Not to mention he’s boring as hell to fight against. Just a low skill low tier huntress
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Trickster cannot be easily fixed, hi is very bad at the design level. He needs a complete rework, like Freddie. But I don't think it will be soon.
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Yeah, he's in a pretty sad state. I don't know how they could buff him to make him a threat.
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The only thing he seems to be good for is helping me aim better with Huntress. Since I have to try and hit survivors with 8 knives twice, hitting one hatchet with Huntress afterwards is a piece of cake.
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I was super frustrated when I was playing him sort of like I would with Huntress or Deathslinger, no slowdown and all tracking and just going for quick downs. You can still do fine every now and again, but a killer with slow ms and a highly variable downing speed that's also dependent on tile generation, the game state shifts wildly. You'll think you're doing great then ping!-ping!-ping!. You've fallen behind and the only way to snow ball is if survivors pile up, you have main event or they have a stroke.
Unsurprisingly, he's better with slowdown perks, even though it's pretty lame imo.. well, at least for a 110% killer. After playing him with slowdown perks, he's good.
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I do agree but I guess I'm just used to not running them on 110% killers. That's why I like them, they're powers felt strong enough that I could stall the game as long as I had tracking perks to keep them busy saving each other. Most games it felt like overkill, but with Trickster it just seems different.
Oh well, at the very least, I've come around to the guy.
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That's supposed to be the balance behind 110% Killers: Their powers are strong, hence why they have that speed.
Slinger has his gun, Huntress has her hatchets, Spirit is Spirit...
Trickster is just... Huntress... but he takes more hits to take a health state... but he has more ammo. This almost copy and paste idea sounds good on paper... but it falls apart when applied, as we see in game with how Trickster barely manages 2 kills.
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HMM are you talking about people like Dowsey, his name is something like that. That guy that got 200+ 4k streak with the twins. You talking about the top notch players? Because for the average user it is very difficult to play as him. I seen since released date, the good ones counted in my head at least 5. The ones that got clean wins, you know not the fault of my teammates just running into him. But overall from the wins I have gotten vs the Trickster has been at least a 85% ratio. Most of my matches are wins, or either the Trickster gets 1 kill. at this point when ever I got up against him I see it as a free win.
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It's universally agreed that the Trickster is weak, probably the weakest killer at this point in the game. Even a lot of the good ones say he is underpowered. I mean you could make the point statistically yes the nurse has the worse kill rate. But again it's universally agreed the nurse is the best killer.
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The trickster may be weak but he isn't terrible. In the right hands he is a good killer (granted that same killer would be better with huntress).
I dont know why people complain about his recoil to me it honestly isnt that noticeable and is pretty easy to deal with.
I think the 8 hits is fine. It honestly isn't that bad and you can really tell the difference in chase time if they have Melodious Murder which only reduces the hits by 1. Making it 5 hits would be very oppressive. You should also know by now that add on rarity does not mean the add on is better or worse.
I do believe the Main event timer should be longer.
I mean if body blocking knives is still pretty risky. So it is kinda like just body blocking a hit if you get the required knives in them which if you get over half you might as well finish it off.
I wish he was a free depip as I would like to get down to green ranks so I can get the adept achievments easier.
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Almost every loop against trickster is practically infinite because he's too slow and his knives are too weak
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which is why he needs a speed increase.
113% speed should be enough
everyone wants 115% but I think that's OP
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he needs 115% speed then he will be good. i have no idea why he is 110%, and the reset thing on meter is so dumb and needs 8 hit.
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if u are at my rank on Red if u play him at best u can is 2k, u will get bully and feel very frustrated, its not fun at all
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I main Trickster and got to Rank 1 with him and i agree and disagree with some things,
His Main Event is not good at all, and having a time limit to activate it just make it even worse, it's just so situational that's not even worth it to use it in the vast majority of times
Laceration meter going down is not good but probably not having it would be painful for survivors, good Tricksters would be able to throw 7 knives at everybody and when he would actually get into a chase that person would be downed instantly, but i really think that they could make some sort of "mending" to get rid of knives, the more knives he threw at you, then longer the "mending" action is gonna take, something like that, this could make his snowball power not so bad but not so good.
His knives recoil just makes no sense, so i totally agree with you BHVR should take it away
And i think that not only the green pendrive add-on should be base kit but the bouncy knives too.
I think that the Trickster is not just straight up terrible, but a hard to play character since his whole point is to know where to just spam knives and where to just give up and M1 the survivors, and sometimes is really confusing, but when you master him he's not that hard to play as.
But yes he is weak.
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Trickster is amazing and flat out OP. What are you all talking about? I saw this Elodie, and I proceeded to throw like... A MILLION KNIVES AT HER! It waz cray cray. She then nearly escape but thankfully I managed to chase her down after 5 minutes of looping and proceeded to unleash my ultimate and most devastating weapon: My basic M1 attack. 😉
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He's the only killer in the game I refuse to play. I tried for two weeks after his buff. He's unplayably weak. It's kind of disturbing that this dev team can be off to this degree on a killer power after 5 years. Still overly reliant on their rank 25 gameplay. Just do a side by side at every single tile/structure in the game with Huntress vs Slinger vs Trickster. Trickster performs worse in every single scenario by a massive margin and it takes like 5 minutes for an experienced player to figure that out.
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to make him better I would Reduce the knifes it takes to down from 8 to 6, I would make it so when he aims blade he has no slowdown he stays at 110 when aiming a blade but as soon as he starts throwing then he slows down
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Trickster being 115% wouldnt be op. Just make it so you are slower with your knives in hand by x percent, and done.
Also remember, if he didnt still land on you 8 knives, he literally did nothing to you. If a survivor takes 7 knives and escapes the chase, you still did nothing to him.
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The thing is, is that he's going against people who don't know tiles properly. His aim is rather poor with him as I should say. Trickster isn't weak, but I don't think we should go based off of his video. I have 200+ hours into trickster alone, and even I can say Trickster needs a few more tweaks. Even though I think he is already pretty decent. He still needs some pretty big tweaks to make him how he should've been from the start. If you wish to see the most recent game from me today from literally a top Trickster player here's a vod skip to 51:30 to see how I perform, and you will see that holding w does hurt Trickster some. This is from survivor POV though. I do lose against deathsquads and people who know how to use tiles properly though. These guys from what you can't see though. Feng just kept holding w and she outplayed me for a while even when I was flinging a lot of knives at her. He does need bonus tweaks. 115% base minimum in my opinion.
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Yes because I have no life at least for now lol.
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I've seen that video.
The survivors lost after 7 minutes on 5 gens. They didn't try to dodge his knives even with the accuracy being meh. This shows little to nothing about Trickster. Also using the a green and an iridescent add-on combo to make a killer work is speaking for itself.
Even with a good build he has basically no map pressure and his chase potential is lacklusting against survivors who actually use their environment.
Trickster needs major adjustments to even compete with other killers
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I find these comments to be very interesting. I guess I need to get out of the 12-13 rank to find a good killer that doesn't constantly toss knives at you until you're down...
I hate the Trickster solely because of his knives (this coming solely from a survivor because I don't play killer as often) and think it's a load of crap that he seems to have unlimited knives and not every single survivor can so easily dodge the knives as some comments have mentioned. To me when I play all I see is a bunch of little ######### boys tunneling, camping or constantly tossing knives and most of the time winning because of this. I would have preferred to see him with a ninja star that he can throw like the Huntress has with her hatchets.