Breakdown squads
Difference is that back then there was no anti-slug perks. Now there are several. If survivors now days don't want to get slugged it will be nearly impossible if they pick the right perks.
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i'd like to see you play clown or something equally worthless vs a comp team for 10 games and achieve an above 50% killrate
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But then they could have used the hotfix to disable it.
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I'd take them not being slugged than having 60 second gens with double pallet loops and an add-on that IMMIDIATELY REPAIRS A GENERATOR
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Here's a picture! There was quite literally not a single hook the map.
I didn't make this post to complain but rather to share my experience and let other killers know that this is something they could run into.
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This one I can't answer and I'd honestly like to know too
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[2016 flashbacks]
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Did you play back then? I did. Insta gens were annoing, but they weren't used very often. I started playing mid 2016
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So bring back the slugging meta. That's what we used to do during the dark days when our hooks were sabo'd permanently. If they want to exploit a glitch, give them hell in return.
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No, I was November 2017. Around for double pallets, old-old-but-not-instant-5-second-DS, vaccum pallets, and god loops. But I'd still take a singular aspect of 2016 as a bug- and the least annoying bit- than anything else survivors could do back then.
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So you didn't even play back then so you cannot tell your experiences. All of the infinites were already patched when you started playing. There was just some god loops left. Even survivors had more OP stuff back in 2016 it was completely different meta and style back then. Most survivors weren't rushing gens so you had more time for chases. A lot of survivors had decency not to use infinites and often infinite users got body blocked by other survivors.
My point was that playing killer back then hookless was manageable because if you slug 4 of them the game was over, now if they run no mithers or soul guards with perm broken hooks it's impossible to win.
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So you didn't even play back then so you cannot tell your experiences
No, I'm speaking almost word for word from my friend 3x0tic, someone who doesn't have a forums account but was playing around that time. She won't give me her account even though she quit (cause she's mean to me >:( ), and had full legacy on all of her killers- I can get screenshot proof of that if you need. I asked her about it before and asked her again, and from her descriptions I definitely wouldn't want to face any of it.
So, from having seen some of her gameplay back then- recorded on her phone- and having heard her describe the shitshow matches she'd put up with, I'd much rather take no hooks with anti-slug perks than the entire no bloodlust infinite vaccum pallets and windows double loop 2016 experience all over again, thanks.
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Pallet-no-stun-bug isn't something you actively have to choose to activate at the start of each game, nor is it something you're choosing to be a permanent issue each match. You can't even control when/if it will happen. Running Breakdown on the other hand, you're choosing to exploit a known bug and know it will work everytime, however choosing to exploit this bug isn't bannable. Personally I don't run it anyhow, but I do feel like it should be bannable. They have a News section when you log into the game each time, it wouldn't be hard to put a notice there saying "The Unbreakable perk is bugged at this time and actively choosing to use it is knowingly exploiting a bug and hence, a bannable offence.". Its a notice every player is forced to see at the loading screen. If the argument is made "Well, not everyone reads X things the company provides" then no exploits that they leave in could be bannable, as anyone could just claim "Oh, I didn't know about that wasn't allowed or was broken."
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Every match? No. I see it in about ever 5th or 6th match. I just slug them and make them all bleed out, no exceptions. The reason you see a lot of posts about it is there are a lot of people playing the game. The relatively moderate number of people running into it come and complain. And there are more people abusing the exploit/bug now simply because they heard about it.
My advice to any and all Killers running into it is just slug them and make them bleed out. The punishment fits the crime. Hell, there are Killers that do that every damn match anyway, you might as well do it once in awhile too. :)
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I had a game with 2 survivors who had this build: breakdown, soul guard, no mither, & boil over. I ended up slug camping them. I moved one & kill one of them. If people are using this & knowingly use it, two can play the scummy game.
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Actually, about the pallet bug, you can choose when it happens. It's really consistent once you learn to swing at a certain time.
This isn't me disagreeing with the rest of the post, btw. The perk should still be disabled no matter what I say about what they do and don't ban for, and should only be reenabled once it's fixed properly imho.
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Come to think of it... I have over two hundred Tombstone Pieces. Hrm. I could just bring them along and not use them unless I see the exploit happening. Then the kid's gloves come off. Yeah... sounds like a good use of the damn things. Takes less time than having to bleed them out.
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Also Iโm bringing moris for the anticipation of them running the exploit, or rancor with nemesis.
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I think you misread my comment. The every match was players trying to unhook themselves just before rescue not breakdown bug. I even said I had yet to see breakdown used in a match.
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You are correct; I did misread that. You have my apology for the misunderstanding on my part. Sadly, I see Breakdown a bit too often for my taste. While I'm confident that the DEV will fix it next patch, and I'm not calling for them to somehow fix it immediately, I do find it annoying that I have to waste time every so many matches bleeding people out. Such games are slow, tedious, and don't earn me much in the way of BP. More often than not, a Brutal Killer i the best one can hope for. :)
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When's the last time a killer perk was this problematic?
Spoiler: Never.
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Well, I don't know... Starstruck on Nurse primarily and Spirit as well... is pretty darn problematic. It isn't an exploit/bug though... just a consequence they didn't think through when the designed it.
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No worries. The multiple posts in General Discussion rather than up voting the bug reports is just helping more players see there is an exploit so makes sense you would start to see it more often. Like I said I've only seen posts about it, haven't had breakdown in my lobbies BUT last time I played was end of last week so that could be different next time I log on.
Last time I played I was getting slugged until bleed out much more even though there was no breakdown. Quite a few killers weren't even bothering with hooks. I get if they hooked someone and found out they had breakdown but from the very first down was obnoxious. Never wanted the ability to speed up bleed out so bad. ๐
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How is it problematic? It has PLENTY of counterplay. The only thing problematic about it is survivors refusing to adapt to it.
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I agree there. I don't start slugging with that in mind until I see the first hook taken out by the Perk (and not come back). Hell, even then I try to play the match. One person having it doesn't destroy hook viability. However, I've found that if one person has it, there is almost always more. The most extravagant case I saw had ALL FOUR Survivors running the Perk. They also all ran the Oak Offering to further reduce the number of hooks. Clearly, they were a SWF... eh... I shrugged... signed... adjusted my tactics. Life goes on... well... MINE did... not theirs.
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We will have to agree to disagree. The Basement exists for Killer too, with hooks that cannot be destroyed. That, technically, counts as counter play to the Exploit/Bug. Is that truly workable counter play? No. What counter play there is to the Nurse running Starstruck (particularly the Monto build) is about as effective as saying... ya got the basement; adapt!
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I had no idea that was a thing you could actively try and do, I thought it was just a random thing. I mean, in that case if you're doing it consistently it should be a ban as well yea.
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That's subjective, yet you make it seem like your answer is a fact. Fyi, it isn't. This topic is about Breakdown so if you want to discuss bugged killer perks, start a topic and I might engage it.