If RE Killer is Nemesis, What Would His Power Be?

I'm putting my bets on Nemesis being the killer for the upcoming RE chapter just because he is so iconic to the series. I had some fun thinking up some potential powers that may suit him. Let me know what you think!
Power #1: Advanced Weaponry
Nemesis will wield either a minigun, flamethrower, rocket launcher, or some combination thereof as his power.
The minigun:
- Has a wind-up before firing and cooldown after firing
The flamethrower:
- Has a short range with some limited sweeping capabilities
- Can damage multiple survivors at once if close together
Both weapons would need to damage survivors for a certain amount of damage to equal a health state like with the Trickster's laceration meter but there is no decay (or maybe only decays to half at most if too OP).
The rocket launcher:
- Has a red dot sight so both the killer and survivor have a clear visual but there is a short delay before Nemesis can fire.
- The rocket launcher would have a travel velocity but instadowns and has a radius of splash damage so it could hit around some corners.
- Has a cooldown before Nemesis can fire another rocket.
All weapons would also significantly decrease Nemesis's movement speed while in use.
This power could also function somewhat similar to Trickster where either the minigun or flamethrower is his normal power and the rocket launcher is his "Main Event".
Power #2: relentless pursuer
This power would function as a combination of Spirit and Oni. When holding the power button, Nemesis breaks into a fast sprint. He has mostly full control when sprinting with some dead angles, similar to Demon Dash. He can also collide with walls without stopping, and can instantly break through dropped pallets and breakable walls while continuing to sprint like with Hillbilly's LoPro Chains add-on.
Nemesis does not need to collect any blood orbs, but can only use the ability for a limited duration (5-10 seconds) and must wait for the power bar to fully fill before using it again. If he hits a survivor while sprinting, he does a single health state of damage, but he has a grace period of 2-3 seconds after sprinting where he has an extended lunge and can instadown.
Power #3: T-Virus Mutation
This would combo the powers of Deathslinger and Pyramid Head's Punishment of the Damned (PotD), with some noticeable differences. Nemesis would have two abilities with this power:
Ability #1 - Tentacle Grab: Nemesis can use his tentacles to snag survivors at an 18-20 meters range and pull them towards him for a basic attack, however:
- There is a clear wind-up animation that Nemesis cannot stop once he starts, giving the survivor an opportunity to dodge or use LOS.
- Nemesis can flick his camera last second if he correctly predicts a juke, just like with Huntress hatchets.
- Successful grabs only cause a single health state of damage, no deep wound.
- If there is an interaction where a survivor vaults a pallet or window while being grabbed, the tentacle is immediately broken and the survivor receives deep wound.
- Rather than having to reload, using this ability would use up Nemesis's entire power gauge and it would need to refill completely before he could use it again.
- Nemesis still moves at 115% M/S.
Ability #2 - Tentacle Spears: Nemesis will stop to snake his tentacles through the ground which will erupt in front of him and cause a single health state of damage, however:
- The tentacles initially move a bit slower than PotD
- The tentacles move in a straight line at first and consume a portion of the power gauge. However, Nemesis has the option to hold the ability which allows him to control the direction the tentacles move.
- The longer the ability is held, the more the power gauge is consumed and the longer the cooldown is before Nemesis can move again.
- The tentacles will go further and faster up to a maximum distance and speed the longer the ability is held.
- Nemesis can use this ability with only a portion of his power gauge available but will only have the equivalent amount of time to use it.
I know these concepts are not exactly the most original, but I'm still curious to know what you think! Is there anything you would change? Do you have an entirely different idea that could work?