Yeah... People are abusing Breakdown.

I wouldn't post this if this was the first time this happened to me. Match starts, I see two no mithers and instantly know what's about to go down. They stay in a corner of the map, I hook them, hooks are permanently broken once they get saved because the perk doesn't work properly, as soon as I see them the next time they run back to said corner and stay there knowing I can't hook or slug them.
Not like they're unkillable, I just have to continuously down them over and over until the bleedout meter ends but damn that takes a lot of time and it's very unlikely their teammates won't try to help because they either don't know better or are in on it as well.
I'm a new player who's only got a little bit over 100 hours in the game and this is the most game breaking ######### I've witnessed so far. This needs a fix, quick.
Also this says a lot about the kinda community this is. People will do this unfair and clearly broken stuff without thinking twice or considering the other side's fun. What will the people coming for RE think? I know if I had seen this during my first 20 hours playing I would've quit ages ago... Now I'm addicted. Love the game, hate most people playing it.
I play dbd a lot and had no idea about this bug until about 3 hours ago when i read another thread about it, people shouldn't be abusing it but you're not doing anyone favours by bringing it up in the forums it's just making users more aware and more likely to use, it's best to file a bug report and hope it's fixed in a timely manner.
12 -
Sorry. I'd really dislike it if this were another situation like the nurse fatigue cancel where people ignore it and the devs take months to adress the issue.
(EDIT) Fun fact: The most detrimental part about fatigue cancelling, swinging, is still in the game. Anyone with a macro can do it every single time without fail and it still gets people a lot of hits... Even though it shouldn't be in the game!
5 -
- People will do this unfair and clearly broken stuff without thinking twice or considering the other side's fun.
That's survivors for you.
22 -
Best part is, devs said it's not bannable. Which is just wonderful, because SWF are now abusing the ######### out of it.
4 -
I hate this stereotype of "killer good survivor bad."
21 -
I hope they fix Breakdown before the mid-chapter update releases.
10 -
Same, I haven't had one breakdown in my lobbies but I've seen multiple posts tonight in General Section of the forums. Someone in another post pointed out multiple posts in this section is just going to cause a Streisand effect.
In Bug Section there's a couple posts already, each with less than 10 up votes. Everyone commenting on how they're experiencing this bug should go into the Bug Section and up vote and comment on the related posts there.
1 -
I hate this stereotype too as a survivor main. Yes some survivors are really awful and toxic but not all of us are like this. There are genuinely kind hearted survivors that care about killers fun. ( thank you for being one of the rational people on the forum)
Why did they say it was not bannable?
7 -
1 -
Yea because killers didn't start running basement builds when basement would black screen survivors, and they certainly didn't start running sloppy on wraith when it was crashing people, and they never ever started running double mend addons for legion when it would multiply mending and cause it to go on for 10+ minutes, nope not at all, both sides abused things when they're made public.
15 -
Why do any of those things bother you when you will just use a key and leave the game before even seeing the killer?
1 -
That seems like an easily fixable issue.
Just make a statement in the news section of the game when your in the main menu that breakdown is bugged at the moment and that using it will get you banned. That way people know of the issue and can't use ignorance as an excuse. If they didn't read the announcement and used breakdown and get banned that's on them.
3 -
Mhm, I'm a killer main so I'm glad the two of us being different mains can agree. Also, thanks for saying that to me. Probably one of the nicest things people have told me on here. :D
1 -
You are complaining to the wrong person. I think they need to treat bugs the same. The last time there were bugs like this on nurse and legion that gave them huge benefits in the game, they banned killers for using it. But when a survivor bug like this comes around, they won't ban for it, even though it is also clear when it is being abused intentionally.
6 -
What kind of argument is that?
When I play killer i ready before all the survivors and I rarely if ever get keys, just accept both sides do trashy things instead of defending your side to the death, it's embarrassing.
Why do you care about the breakdown bug when you can just slug everyone, why do you care about the breakdown bug when you could just camp everyone, ridiculous, try to not be so biased.
9 -
- Why not slug
Unbreakable is meta
- Why not camp
Borrowed time is meta and camping will not just make the killer derank but also lose, it just buys the 3 other survivors time.
So stop crying, use the hatch like survivors love doing and ruin the killer's fun. After all, the killer has no way to counter the hatch.
Funny how when Killers break the game it's a mild inconvenience for survivors and they will still easily win without having to do anything but when Survivors break the game it's bye to killers fun.
Go keep wondering why queue times keep going up and killers keep leaving the game.
1 -
Nah it's just kind of cringe how killers try to excuse bug abuse because keys or hatch exist, that's, ridiculous lol.
and so what if unbreakable is meta? IT's a one time use per person, an so what is borrowed time is meta, the hook would be broken anyway and your best bet is them running towards another hook, do you even play killer?
You're the only one trying to excuse behaviours of players, I don't think survivor or killers should abuse things but you think killers should because survivors have mechanics given to them by the devs, which (at least keys) should be changed.
ahhh it's so nice not being biased, being able to say neither side should exploit and keys should be changed, mmmm boy feels good.
try again.
10 -
- and so what if unbreakable is meta?
So you don't know what slugging is because someone using unbreakable kinda ruins the point of slugging, and a one time use can win games, just use it to run to the hatch like people with unbreakable always do
- an so what is borrowed time is meta
The killler has to hit you two times to down you? Let alone how also DS is meta so he can't pick you up again if he kills you, and if he goes after you he's not camping he's tunneling, use that speed boost and second chance Borrowed Time gives you to run to the hatch.
Winning for survivors is so easy, cheap and effortless, while the killer actually has to work for it. Funny, but kinda sad because it must be hard for survivors to not be able to play victim without being laughed at.
0 -
When I play killer winning is effortless, maybe idk try playing the game and getting better at instead of perpetuating that killer is somehow hard, because it isn't, and hasn't been for years.
Slug one person, they use unbreakable (if they have it) then while they're on the ground, chase someone else, slug them, rinse and repeat it's quite simple actually, and yes you have to hit the survivor twice to down them, just like you would if you chased the one unhooking so what's the difference? the majority of survivors need to be hit twice before you down them... lol????
The only one playing victim here is you.
"ugh i can't win bc key" ok lol.
9 -
I'm a killer main and the hatch doesn't ruin my fun, I can accept the 3k without getting pissy about it. I agree that the Breakdown exploit doesn't really have many counters, but you're only being biased against survivors right now.
Also, you can counter hatch by closing it my dude. The exit gate locations are usually favored towards the killer so that doesn't seem too much to worry about.
You're the only one crying here, just wanna let you know.
3 -
Keys op trickster underpowered :'(
7 -
- I win effortlessly
This forum should have the rank of people right next to their name so I should not even bother to have to read you if I see you're rank 20. Go keep "winning effortlessly".
If you enjoy losing that's on you, you must be used to it. You can't close an already closed hatch an entire team can escape through with a key, and the exit gate locations are not favored towards killers unless you have whispers. They can spawn on the opposite corners of the map and while you go from one door to the other a survivor can open it and escape. It takes just 20 seconds and there are more killers than Nurse.
And I didn't cry at all, just pointed out how survivors can win the game without having to do anything, you don't even need a key just hide in a locker, let your teammates die and escape through the hatch, that's it, you won. A killer can't be afk the whole game and win.
0 -
Oh crap killer isnt playable thank for the heads up.
1 -
Yes my rank "20" should be next to my name.
6 -
If the perk is bugged breaking hooks permanently the Devs need to step in and disable the perk until it's fixed just like they do with maps.
That's a stupid bug and I swear if I see any survivors in my game using it I'll dc and report them.
2 -
As you can see from the other comment I've linked, moderators do not want you to report people for it, you're only getting yourself in trouble for DCing.
2 -
Unbreakabill is not enough to stop slugging on it's own. If you stop slugging cause you are afraid of there being an unbreakabill you are giving yourself a huge disadvantage.
The only time unbreakable really stops slugging is when all 4 are swf. If not and a person leaves a gen to go pick up a person that's picking themself up slugging is doing what it's suppose to do.
Slugging is extremly powerfull and if you're not doing it just because people might have a perk that allows them to get up once then that might be the reason why you're struggling with killer
2 -
Sorry my bad
0 -
I can understand the frustration I just don't want you and others to get themselves timed out from matches when the report is likely going to be ignored, sorry dude, just gunna have to deal until it's fixed unfortunately.
1 -
Killer isnt hard? Theres at least 4 out of 5 dbd players who disagree. It is not complex with a lot of basic killers on a micrp level but the macro decision making makes the role extremely difficult. If all you do is play against yellows and greens yes but even purple survivors onwards will punish every micro and macro mistake you make.
Its rather childish to assume your experiance at x k +hours of dbd is indicative of how difficult the game is. Your acting like a person who clearly plays more then the average player assumes other can invest thousands of hours and say ya killer is easy guys. (I would hope you play killer regularly before making these statements). It kinda reminds me of that time a friend recomended dota me on the grounds its not that hard only to realise theres a lot of mechanics to track and read before you can even play at an average level.
4 -
Same. Agreeing with stereotypes is typically a thing people do to purposely fan flames of a fire that is near to them. It's the bully's from highschool that created them, only maniacs or adolescents agree with them.
2 -
I don't find either side hard and that is my experience now, killer absolutely used to be hard I'm not disputing that but I'm not going to pretend this game is full of unbeatable things when it just isn't.
1 -
In that case the situation would be "keys have no counter." I agree keys are stupid broken and I can't wait for their rework, but hatch is fine.
0 -
It's just the immature mentality of people these days, y'know? Reminds me of that one person on the forums that had a burning hatred towards streamers to the point where they admitted they would facecamp Otzdarva or something, and Scott Jund called them out on the forums. I was there to see all of it.
3 -
Why are you arguing with me? Read the whole conversation I agree this shouldn't be abused I have no idea what point you're trying to make I'm not the one trying to excuse but abuse from one side only lmao
1 -
No no I wasn't taking it as you trying to attack me, so I apologize if I sounded passive-aggressive there.
0 -
Meanwhile, Killers try to swing a lot currently to not get stunned by Pallets. Also, when Bamboozle was bugged and did not give any visual indication, suddenly so many Killers were running Bamboozle.
Both sides abuse stuff if they have the chance to do so.
3 -
I take 3ks as wins. I enjoy losing most of the time because at least I had fun. Of course I got used to it, survivors are supposed to escape while killers are supposed to kill. I'm not defending keys, I'm defending hatch. It gives the last survivor a chance to escape. Hatch is fine, keys aren't. Keys are getting reworked soon so you can stop crying about it.
You were also crying about how literally ALL survivors are the pinnacle of evil, and I think that's just immature af.
Oh and also killers can afk the whole game and win with NOED if all of the survivors are dumb and ignore the totems, but eh. Don't respond to this part please.
2 -
^ this.
I am thinking this whenever I see a Thread about the Bug. People complaining about it in the wrong section of the Forum are just spreading that this Bugs exist. Like, if you look closely you see three other threads writing about that Bug, there is no need to open a 4th one in General Discussions.
The Devs know about this Bug, it is acknowledged. This is all that can be done so far. Posting about it every few minutes just results in more and more people knowing that this Bug exist. But I refrained to write that, because then I am the "evil Survivor Main" again who is fine with people abusing Bugs.
And I also only know about this Bug because of the Forums. I would have never known about it without those Threads.
The Bug is acknowledged, we have to wait until it is fixed. Opening Threads really just makes the Bug more public. So far, I have not seen this Bug at all in any of my games, I have seen 0 Breakdowns so far. So either I am the chosen one and someone who is really the exception, OR the Bug is not as prominent as others are making it to be (most likely the latter one).
IMO the Devs may also consider banning about this, I think it can be considered gamebreaking. Not as critical like the Mend-Add Ons, but quite seriously. But thats up to the Devs, opening Threads about it every two hours will not speed up the process at all.
2 -
Nah man, killers are 2 wholesome, they would never abuse anything! Killer good, survivor bad.
4 -
Honestly I don't know why I didn't expect this to turn into a killer vs survivor discussion as everything does in these forums. That's my bad. Thought I said something pretty basic anyone who wants this game to be healthy should just agree with. Really didn't mean this to look like one of these "survivor bad" posts but it seems you can't talk about something a specific side suffers with without it being interpreted as an attack to the other side. So immature lol.
3 -
Now stop reporting ppl for using it ur wasting dev and mods time
0 -
I think you mean "breakdown tech"
16 -
doesnt mean u should be abusing an exploit, its literally making the killer to slug, all time or bringing iron grasp + agitation to heavy camp bassement aswell, its disgusting, is 2016 over again, its terrible, and shouldnt abuse that.
6 -
Do old players still remain from Launch? back then theres no respawn for Hooks, its still possible to win the game, i have versed teams. not to mention still plenty of hooks left even if only 4 is gone. Back then ppl run toolboxes and u just slug them all to death
tbh even if breakdown was not fixed its still a Weak Perk. Its a wasted slot unless u are in a SWF
2 -
2016 Hooks do not ever respawn, even if the whole group uses it its still 4 hooks. back then they can literally destroy all hooks and they dont spawn, all u need is a toolbox
1 -
breakdown hooks either AT THE MOMENT, your comment makes no sense, i dont know if u even read it.
4 -
The only problem is that killers do not want to even hit throught the pallets but the survivors knowingly abuse it
4 -
well not my fault if u dont even read my post. im aware it doesnt spawn, but its still a weak perk imo and still winning as a killer
ppl complain like its game breaking when it really isnt. not to mention i never get stun once since the patch goes live and can hit through pellets. and u can still counter it using Iron grasp and agitation
1 -
and if they are wasting time hiding in a corner waiting to get down they are just wasting time, comparing to rushing Gens