Yeah... People are abusing Breakdown.

syain Member Posts: 440

I wouldn't post this if this was the first time this happened to me. Match starts, I see two no mithers and instantly know what's about to go down. They stay in a corner of the map, I hook them, hooks are permanently broken once they get saved because the perk doesn't work properly, as soon as I see them the next time they run back to said corner and stay there knowing I can't hook or slug them.

Not like they're unkillable, I just have to continuously down them over and over until the bleedout meter ends but damn that takes a lot of time and it's very unlikely their teammates won't try to help because they either don't know better or are in on it as well.

I'm a new player who's only got a little bit over 100 hours in the game and this is the most game breaking ######### I've witnessed so far. This needs a fix, quick.

Also this says a lot about the kinda community this is. People will do this unfair and clearly broken stuff without thinking twice or considering the other side's fun. What will the people coming for RE think? I know if I had seen this during my first 20 hours playing I would've quit ages ago... Now I'm addicted. Love the game, hate most people playing it.



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