4 suggestions - psst...! function
1:: show the items/addons tooltips in the esc menu
2:: glass bead is currently more rare in the bloodweb than the pink gear, please swap purple bead and yellow beads effects or add more of them into the web. I think the gold beam of light that requires no map charge is a lot stronger than the map glow aura which requires reading the map.
3:: devotion should allow for unhooking at 2nd hook. Currently, it is too weak for these reasons:
-if you are first hooked or don't get a chance to rescue someone before first hook, it is useless for the rest of the game.
-the moment you are hooked, your teammate can run around the corner and unhook you making it useless for the rest of the game. (double bad if the killer turns around and hits you again instantly after being unhooked.
4:: add a psst...! function or replace wave(come here) with "psst..!", a small area of effect audio cue which all survivors have, possibly on a 30 second cooldown. --Currently: to get anyone's attention who is running and not looking at you, the ONLY effective way I know to do it is to flicker a flashlight. It's nice and effective, but not everyone is carrying charged flashlight all the time.
thanks for reading, appreciate yall