Daily reminder that The Game map has 37 god pallets

It's just unacceptable.
Bhvr, please fix this. Disable it until it gets straightened around or something. I find it hard to believe the amount of pallets is intentional.
Even with the pallets I don't really hate the map as killer personally. It can be hard sometimes but there r often many dead ends when some of the bottom gens don't get done that the survivors usually block themselves in
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I like to find the weak looper of the group and get them to drop ALL the pallets. It's worth loosing 1 gen to be rid of those. After that it's a fairly easy map.
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If I'm playing an m1 killer, there's usually 1 or 2 survivors who just camp pallets every single chase. And since nearly all of them are god pallets you HAVE to break them or they just loop you forever. It's incredibly boring and frustrating.
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I can understand adjusting it but please don't disable it, I never even get the damn map and it's probably my favorite (not for the pallets and looping, I honestly don't like the looping ######### at all. I just love the aesthetic and the general layout).
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Yeah, I like it visually, but it is a HUGE pain to actually play. It's probably worse than Haddonfield right now imo
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As a survivor main but a new player I don't notice the number of pallets or know yet how to quickly identify the best ones, etc., so I will readily believe that those with experience, especially with this map, and in particular killers, are valid in their complaints about it. I just really love the map as a map (as opposed to a looping experience) and hate the fact that I hardly ever see it as it is. Coldwind Farm? Autohaven? Oh, you bet! Gideon's warehouse? Pfft. Maybe once every three days.
Haddonfield is considered another bad one? Is it also a looping thing?
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Yes, Haddonfield has quite a few loops that are easily abusive by survivors just like the new The Game map. Especially if they equip the balanced landing perk.
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Ah, okay. I wasn't aware of that. Again, I'm new so I'm still learning these things. I thought that loop points / pallets were a matter of random chance.
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I only like this map if I’m playing pallet Freddy lol
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What's weird is that the game map is one of trickster's best maps. Pretty much every loop hittable.
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It’s really not that bad.
I’m not trying to condescend you.
I genuinely feel it’s not that bad.
There are so few safe vaults on Gideon, that once many pallets are gone, the map quickly becomes very dangerous for survivors.
You may not be able to mind game many of them, so just force the pallet drop and get rid of them.
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Bug factory: We will make more survivor maps.
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As killer: As soon as i get into a chase the survivor has to find a pallet
As Survivor: I never find anything when i get chased
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On a lot of maps they are, however Haddonfield has a couple of incredibly safe windows practically guaranteed to spawn (same with Badham Preschool though that one is a lot more RNG based). The Game is similar- there's lots of pallets that spawn in practically guaranteed places
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I see. That would be frustrating, yes. Actually now that you mention it I do remember a pallet almost always spawning next to a car near one of the sidewalks. And one or two of the houses do have some second-floor windows that are really great for survivors observing their surroundings.
It's a bummer that some of these maps are crappy for killer mains, I actually really enjoy Haddonfield and all of the indoor maps but I sometimes suspect that they get the short end of the stick (and the low end of the randomization) because it seems that most killer players dislike them. I think I'm in the minority here but again, I honestly wish that the loop game wasn't even a part of DBD. The killers hate it, I hate it. So many other survivors love it though. I don't know, I just don't see the joy of running back and forth in a stalemate. I get how it can affect the outcome, I just don't find it fun.
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Honestly I'm part of the killer mains that enjoy looping for the most part, because I'm well aware of the alternate way survivors would, well, survive. Stealth and holding w. The two most boring to face forms of gameplay combined into one
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Basically this. I played on The Game a lot, sometimes I even requested the Map for the "Break X Pallets or Generator"-Challenges, and it worked out fine. As long as I am not playing a Killer which I cannot play good enough, I dont struggle on that Map. And if that is the case, this is more likely because I suck with that Killer and not because of the Map.
However, ideally they rework The Game completely. To give it less Pallets and more Vaults, the gameplay is pretty boring for both sides IMO. But at the very least, they could remove the Breakable Walls and some safe Pallets (I still think that those were increased because breakable Walls create Deadends, which make some Pallets unuseable until later in the match).
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See I love the stealth, the cat and mouse game is what I like the most (that plus working together, altruism, etc). When I first heard of this game years ago I envisioned the concept of sneaking through the grass, trying to evade the killer and find your way to the escape, etc. It was honestly significantly disappointing when I was told "oh no man, no, you have to learn looping. The game's all about getting the killer to run in circles with you" (in so many words). I was looking for a horror simulator, not a game of tag.
Just my opinion, anyway. I'm legitimately glad that you like it, I feel for the killers who hate looping because I know how tiresome it is too. I don't even know if the survivors straight-up enjoy it or if they just do it as a means to an end because they know that it's a good way to tie up the killer. I also wonder if looping has always been a thing or if it became more prevalent at a certain point after the game's release. I don't know, I just know that I find it incredibly tedious. It's like wanting to play a fighting game and finding out that the dominant strategy is jumping over each other.
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See, that's the thing when you're new, is that stealth seems like fun. It seems like the most enjoyable part of DBD, the hiding and the finding, but after like 1k hours it's pretty boring. 2k hours it's just frustrating when you can't find someone, and so even if it is fun to do still, it's awful and frustrating to face imho.
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Well, to an extent I can already see what you mean. I've played as killer a few dozen times and I don't like it nearly as much, partly because I'm less interested in the aggressive hunt and kill type of game and partly because I suck at it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my matches as a killer rarely go more than five or six minutes, I can never find anybody! I rush from gen to gen which is what I'm assuming is what killers normally do but somehow the survivors are always off hidden somewhere, popping off gens that I just checked. You're right, that isn't fun.
As a survivor though, much like in other games such as Monstrum, I love having to creep and sneak and try not to be caught and killed. I enjoy the tension of seeing the killer pass by not far away and getting a startle, wondering if he saw me or not. I like working on a genny and having to suddenly take off when I can tell the killer is coming. That kind of stuff. Not necessarily that I like to hide, but that I like the back and forth as opposed to just "run out there as a group and start looping while the others gen rush".
I don't know, I think I just like a longer, more strategic, more deliberately-paced game that feels like an actual horror movie, not so much a more open and intense race to beat the other side. To each their own I suppose. And you might be right, in another few hundred hours I might be tired of playing this way. I guess time will tell.
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IF you mean that they should reduce the pallets on the map while restoring the stealth option on this map and reducing the dead ends, then yes plz. Only reducing the pallets would turn it into a very killersided map.
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But its also boring to just run in circles to catch up to someone. There should be different strategies for different players, and even for facing different killers.
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"That once many pallets are gone"
Yeah I wonder how long that'll take
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I find it a lot more rewarding to outplay someone at looping than have them stealth and then hold w. If you're good at the killer you're playing they won't be able to hold circles around you, no matter how small it is every single killer can counter looping in a way
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The stealth approach is not just hidding on the edge as soon as you here the killers terror radius. Its also not holding w in a chase, but break line of sight and juke the killer so he loses you. Thats what thrilling for me. But i am a survivor main anyway.
I used to play killer, but i don´t like looping, because - for me - its the most boring part of the game. When i played killer i liked killers that mostly ignore loops on chases, mainly hag, with a little spirit sprinkled in. And sometimes no tr meyers/wraith.
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I still find stealth fun and thrilling as survivor, and I very enjoy the tracking/hunting part as killer. It’s very egotistical, but I LOVE the headtrip I get finding survivors that think they’re well hidden.
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Well I play Clown, so not long. Every survivor thinks it’s a smart strategy to throw every pallet early.
Sure, ok, fine by me. I don’t mind all the good pallets gone before 2 gens pop.
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Seeing as I'm getting hit through every single pallet atm it really isn't a problem.
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Well, i would like maps balanced for both sides, but i can live with maps that are leaning to either side as long as its not too much, and as long as there are not too many maps leaning to only one side. 33% slightly favoring killer, 34% balanced, 33% favoring survivor? I am fine with whatever map i get.
However, i am a stealth player, and the recent map reworks all nerfed stealth play. Autohaven have so much open space now with nowhere to hide if you try to juke the killer, and the stealth option on the game was also highly nerfed.
However, the people complaining about the pallets just ignore the nerf the map got in this other regard. (and also the deathtraps unbroken breakable walls create)
Something was taken, something was given, but if you only complain about what was taken and ignore the rest, then it is not about balance anymore.
Also, trying do dismiss valid arguments by some random comment without any argument yourself is neither mature nor constructive.
So i like to quote a german comidian: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten".
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That's exactly the problem. All the pallets are so safe there's literally no mind gaming them; you HAVE to break them. And there's soooo many of them.
And while you're forced to break them gens are being completed left and right because smart survivors will all be on different gens.
It feels like you're fighting the map more than the survivors.
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I mean I don't like to camp unless I know for sure someone is near by but after getting the game for the fifth time last night, I understand this mindset lol.