Pallet science question

So I'm not sure if anyone thought about this, but to kinda understand what I'm talking about I'll give you a scenario. Say I'm looping the killer near a pallet, killer gets to close to me and I throw the pallet on their head and that stuns them. I want to know how much pounds of force is being used when I throw down the pallet and how much pounds of force am I applying to the killer? If you confused for what I'm asking, basically I'm asking how hard does the pallet hit the killers' head
Imagine it sort of like this
You throw a very heavy item down onto someones head, the response will usually result in them feeling alot of pain, so if you hit someone in the head with a board the response will usually be the same, upon looking it up pallets (in real life) weigh from 30-48 lbs, meaning dropping that on someone's head by simply pulling it in the way the survivors do will result in it well...stunning them
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Yeah I saw that, but I also realized on the pallets there is a large metal square and two bars which adds to the additional weight plus how fast/acceleration does the survivor throw down the said pallet
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Thats a good question as I don't walk around in real life chuckin pallets at people, so I can't help as I am not good at assuming acceleration, but all I see is the pallet falling really fast
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I looked up a video I got one second Now I just need to know the distance I would guess maybe an inch or two three feet
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I'm not the best at math so if I give you any numbers be careful with them as they can be wrong
I converted it to meters as meters is what DBD uses (Meters per second) and due to the pallets dropping in one second, i'll use both 1 inch and 2 feet
Judging by me using crude math that probably is wrong, if it moves and inch it is gonna be 0.0254m/s and if it moves about 2-3 feet its either 0.6096-0.9144 m/s (Take this with a grain of salt, this is not my forte but I am giving it a shot)
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I'll have to look this over tonight thx tho
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Ya welcome
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A typical wooden pallet is around 35 pounds, but these seem to be much heavier so I'll throw in an extra 5 points for 40 pounds. I'm too lazy to calculate with angular momentum so I'll just take the highest part of the pallet and assume it goes straight down. Survivors are probably around the 5'10" mark, and since pallets are taller than them, we'll say a safe 6'2". The pallet drop animation takes about .2 or .4 seconds (starting from when the pallet starts to move, not the actual animation), just by eying it. So it travels around 1.9 meters in .2 seconds. 9.5 meters per second. That's about 861.8 newtons, which is probably horribly wrong because we don't have any exact values, but still enough to cause a concussion.
The lesson is that the entity better have some damn good employer health insurance and I should take physics
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Holy ######### this actually helped me a lot, but you could be wrong. But I took that answer and put into a calculator according to the calculator it is 193.74035 pounds of force which honestly doesn't seem to be a lot. But that would be roughly around A sledge hammer is my guess
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Yeah I hate math so I probably am wrong. But in a world where that skinny queen plague has an infinite supply of vomit in her system, everything is wrong.
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I always wonder about the splinters survivors must end up with in their butts/hands
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Eh true but if that is the case, this could probably do more then stun the killer it should give them a concussion. In fact this could take Hags' head clean off
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entity's gotta be drowning in health insurance copays at this point
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Oof I can't imagine how much debt it owes to the health department. Although your answer could be wrong, maybe one of the devs can give us an actual answer
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Well considering that normal pellets are hallow and weigh I'm guessing 15lb these aren't hallow so at least 40
(The weights are guess not accurate) edit ingore my numbers I was thinking of cary size pallets these are clearly not cary size
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Also aren't pallets hallow and these aren't
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it takes around 90g (90 times earths gravity) to cause a concussion. we can use F=m*a to determine that a 1.5kg brain decelerating at 90g experiences 1323 newtons of force.
So baselining off of that and @Hoodied observation of the pallet traveling at .9144m/s, in order to deliver an equivalent force the pallet must weigh around 1446.85kg.
that is assuming the killer is concussed resulting in a physical stun, rather than mildly insulted by your disrespectful behavior.
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Thats at least 1 ton and a half, yeah survivors can't throw that down
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That explains how oni can be stuned
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Or how PH can be, Poor Hag she is ######### dead. ALthough this might not entirely be accurate
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Still let's say the survivors and killers have insane strength by the entitey anything would be stuned by that even someone like nemissis
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Funny enough that's the whole reason why I asked this very question. I wondered how would Nemesis be stunned by a pallet, I then wondered well how much does the pallet actually hurt. I do think the pallet doesn't way over 1.5 tons Yui wouldn't be able to pick it up, I'm guessing its around at least a hundred pounds in weight
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Force is Mass times acceleration , but it seems others have beat me to it.
So, I will concede to their computations.
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The problem is we don't know exactly how much mass the pallet actually is
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That seems more reasonable considering that the killers take a while to pick up a surivor and the average person around 5,10 is about let's say about 165 (btw I'm bad at guessing weight)
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Very true
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Depends on the pallet and who throws it, Force = mass X acceleration (not speed), lets say the pallet weights 10 kilos and you throw it with an acceleration of 10 m/s it would be 10X10=100 newtons of force.
Thats using random numbers, I work on an oil refiner and we use pallets, they weight more of what people give them credit for, they are made with 3 solid wooden beams and then planks nailed on said beams, an European pallet of 1200 X 800 weights around 25 kg or so.
That is for real life pallets, DBD pallets are much more solid and dense, they have bigger wooden beans, wider planks and they seem to be solid in their entirety, they look bigger too, they look like a stack of wooden beams nailed and tied, I believe they could be close to 125 kg or even more, I believe DBD pallets could potentially kill or badly injure most Killers when hit by them.
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The entity is probably winging these kind of things.
How much do these wooden things weigh? Idk man I'll just make them signal the killers brain with an overload of frustration whenever they get hit by them. That should work
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Thx for helping clear it up a bit. so that could mean they weigh around 275 pounds, and say they move at a speed of .9144m/s. How much would that be? God this should be a video for game theory
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Answer enough to give anyone a concussion if they get hit by it
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But now with that in mind I wanna think about Nemesis, which was the main reason I asked this said question, would you say that would be enough to stun him? or at least stop him in his tracks for quite a bit?
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Well the pallet for 1 has to way a lot to be able to stun even super human killers powered by the entitiy.
But it also has to be light enough if survivors can throw them down and pick them up effortlessly.
Most of the killers are still human so and I'm going to assume they get a concussion for each hit from the pallet. Most concussions neuroscientist say is about 95 Gs. So that will be the force.
You would probably have to take gravity into account since it's being pulled down. Gravity acceleration is 9.8m/s^s.
I'm going to use 1 of newton's 3 laws for this. Th3 second laws states that Force of an object is equal to its mass times acceleration so we can use the equation F=MA and do some algebra to find the mass of the pallet.
You would probably also have to take the acceleration of the survivors throw into account as well and I'm unsure how to find that at the moment.
So in the end you would probably have an equation like this
Mass of the pallet = Forces of the blow (95)/ Acceleration of gravity (9.8) + acceleration of throw (which is unknown at the moment)
Thus is what I think we about the pallet in dbd. There is probably a lot of flaws with my thinking (I'm a novice in physics and will be studying more) so take this with a grain of salt. This was fun to think about.
(I hoped this helps a little bit. I'm sorry of it turns out to be wrong)
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Well to gauge the raw "strength" of how much force the pallet would apply we have to gauge the surface of impact and a lot of stuff, is not easy but 125 kg throw on someone by gravity alone is a lot of force, it may not be lethal since the distance is short but it still can crush or compress the chest enough to suffocate someone. That using gravity alone, ingame Survivors look like they apply some downwards force to the pallet to increase its acceleration.
Long story short, I believe only Trapper, Myers, Leatherdace and Oni would be able to withstand the pallets being throw on them and still be able to keep walking albeit injured, tall but scrawny Killers (Wraith, Plague, Deathslinger etc) would have a lot of trouble getting out of them and the small weak ones would be immbolized entirely (or suffocated by chest compression).
This using DBD pallets of course and not real life ones.
P.D. on a sidenote, real life pallets are very very durable, forget about breaking them with kicks, you need hammers to break the wooden beams, maybe a regular person you can break the planks if they are rotten.
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Don't mind me, I am just a metric system user trying to understand the numbers while they are in pounds and "feet". Seriously now:
Metric: creates a special unit for something Imperial: feet, tables, horses, giraffes, river/sun
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Ah, I see, that helps me paint a picture. Originally when I was making this I had someone rant how a monster like Nemesis couldn't work because Pallets wouldn't hurt him yadi yadi yada, I wanted to agree but then I wondered, how much do the Pallets weigh and how much force is applied when thrown. So now with all this info, I'm inclined to believe that this probably could stun him just a little though
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Well the case of Nemesis, Mr X and the lot of RE monster pallets wouldnt work mainly because they are durable as tanks.
Nemesis was able to withstand a grenade at mele range and an helicopter crashing on him, Mr X survived being tossed into molten iron and being shot a dozen times in the face etc. RE monster are orders of magnitude more durable than DBD Killers, a pallet would be nothing for them.
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Okay thats what I wanted to know, thank you. I just wanted to get over this constant back and forth argument of whether Nemesis wouldn't work or not
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If a car that is going mb 30mph can move him off his feet then yes a almost 300lb pallet can momentarily stun him
I'm referencing the part where he gets rammed into a wall in the parking garage
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I mean what about the other times, as well like uh... ######### I gotta play RE 3 remake,