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32 Pallet Ormond is back - take out your map offerings everyone!

Member Posts: 114

I don't know what Behavior did to the spawning algorithm but holy hell Ormond is back to its most broken state of all time. Four adjacent rocks all spawning filler pallets. Three god pallets on the gallery of the main building. Five pallets attached to the Shack alone (every single one of four rocks had one + godpallet itself + leading into a Type 2 Jungle Gym with the longwall window facing the shack)

I am either the unluckiest ######### or something is DEEPLY broken. Luckily the teabaggers at the exit gave me enough time to take rounds of the map just to count the pallets - there were 32 in total (plus another six breakable walls i'd consider MUST BREAK and three i ignored).

If i had been running Zenshin Tactics my map would've been more yellow than the rerelease version of The Game... come on Behavior, please fix this. I shouldn't be able to max out half of my Brutality Score just on the "Destruction" Score event. That is just broken and unplayable.

Also if it's not totally obvious yet, of course i swapped to three-genning and proxycamping to secure at least one kill. Not fun.

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  • Member Posts: 114

    There's another one upstairs where they have a shack-like window to the outside that is basically a shack without a door if you don't break it, so that's an absolute must. I also had the one on the lower floor next to the gen so i had to break that one otherwise the stairs window would've been a quasi-infinite (because that stairs window was ALSO open, AND had another door next to it, bringing me up to 4 must breaks

    Granted, the last 2 were arguable, i just hate having the other weaker upstairs wall in play so i broke it. And then they had the combination of the tiny tower where the window is diagonally across from the stairs with a breakable door next to it, so i had to break that one as well (or it would've turned into a REALLY long loop)

    Also these guys were proper red ranks, perfect dead hards on 3 of them outside of one Kate with sprint burst (the one i ended up killing, big surprise there) and just absolutely optimal W key holders with voicecomms (using a looted toolbox for a hook sabo with made me drop someone as the corner behind tiny tower had exactly ONE hook on the entire 6th of the map due to the big snow wall towards main building that used to be walkable.

    Played it as optimal as i could, got 6 hooks in with one kill (that i probably should've proxied and tunneled harder for to begin with considering she wasn't great with her Sprint Burst and ended up dying anyway).

    But overall, how do you mindgame a rock that you cannot see over with a pallet on it, if it has a longwall window to the left and shack to the right? And as i said, there were four of those pallets just on shack alone, the rest of the map was also just absolutely LITTERED with filler pallets.

    Yeah i can "mindgame" those with Bloodlust 2 on Legion (because these W key warriors weren't going down to anything else, they just always held W to the next pallet or around the same loop and never falsely vaulted into a single one of my double-backs or red light fakes)

    But being stuck on Legion for a daily, a map with such a ludicrous pallet count is just not winable and frankly should not exist. I've played iterations of other maps like a Torment Creek with NINE pallets, the average map in my experience has been 15 and 18, so a 32 is just beyond broken and frankly the filler pallets were so close to jungle gyms and shack they shouldn't have ALL been enabled.

    For reference, there was ONE "deadzone" tile with just trees on the whole map. No small-rocks deadzone tile, those 100% had at least one filler pallet in them, with the one touching shack having two.

    Forget bad luck, that should be prevented as too much of an obvious abuse case by the spawning algorithm.

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    So, I should avoid Haddonfield, Bedham, Gideon Meat Plant, Coldwind Farm, Backwater Swamp, Midwitch Elementary, the Lery Memorial Institute, and Ormond.

    That leaves just so many options to choose from if I want a fair game. Thank you, BHVR. Thank you so much.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    Ormond is largely fine but I think the breakable walls are kinda dumb. The pallets are some of the unsafest and killer friendly

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    oh no, lots of unsafe pallets you dont have to break and can play around where the only killers who suffer on that map are pyramid head and blight... how tragic...

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I just played on Ormond twice last night, pallets aren't all that safe. Maybe 3 that are, but even then I see people throw them so early for no reason that they aren't even there when they'd actually be needed.

  • Member Posts: 114

    Got another game on Ormond, survivor side this time. Again, WAY WAY WAY too many pallets available (i counted 28, with Alert giving me good intel on the broken ones)

    Obviously absolutely stomped the bubba who couldn't keep up with the sheer slew of resources at our disposal (me soloqueueing at rank 4 into a rank 12 bubba doesn't help with mindgames either)

    And to put the cherry on top, one of the three russians on my team was hacking (1 second exhaustion on dead hard, she dead harded a good dozen times in a row in her final chase around half the main building to the exit after dwight slammed a pallet on her meghead)

    Because dedicated servers stop cheaters ;^)

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    It's not fine.

    It doesn't matter if the pallet is safe versus unsafe. That only applies to mindgames and stand-offs. If i had 32 of these things lying around a map with 4+ to a local tile I wouldn't need to. Good lord, how long would it take to run a killer through 32 predropped pallets? You don't even need to do a mindgame. Even if you dropped four a minute, that's EIGHT FREAKING MINUTES of throwing lumber in this dude's face.

  • Member Posts: 16,669
    edited April 2021

    Sorry to say this, if you cannot play unsafe Pallets, you are bad at the game. Unsafe Pallets are fair for both sides - until Bloodlust kicks in.

    Ormond Pallets are fine, really. Especially because predropping unsafe Pallets is even bad, because those can be played. You need Stuns at unsafe Pallets against decent Killers. And the Killer does not even have to break unsafe Pallets, so Shift + W into predropping unsafe Pallets does not do anything.

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • Member Posts: 2,923

    I would say just play McMillan but then there is groaning which is an infinite, I would say autohaven but azerovs and gas heaven, dont even get me started on coldwind, red forest is thiccer than huntress' hatchet hitbox, Asylum would be decent but sometimes chapel gets like 3 god windows soooo, Yamaoka arent too bad just a bit big, hawkins is just unfun, Saloon is good and my favourite map and that is just about all the maps. So your options are yamaoka or saloon :)

  • Member Posts: 114

    Problem being that if you have an "unsafe" pallet at a rock (which are actually rather safe unless the survivor willingly runs the shorter side of the loop) and you can run at the shack in one direction and the longwall of a jungle gym (with a damn window) on the other side, that effectively makes the pallet safe. Because the "unsafe" side you would normally push people to simply leads into a super safe jungle gym window.

    There's no mindgaming that against survivors who literally know how to hold W towards the next bit of safety.

  • Member Posts: 11,534
  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Ormond is not even that big:

    It is slightly above average (156 Tiles, Average is 154 Tiles) and there are Maps in the game which are bigger, but nobody ever complained about those Maps being too big. Like Ironworks or Wretched Shop are bigger, but nobody complained about that.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, the only time the filler pallets get crazy is when they chain together, because you try and play them only to have the survivor peel off and drop another pallet from out of nowhere. Then you break that one to break the crazy loop it just created and they're already at the next one, and behind that is... I dunno, let's say the big truck thing. Or a maze tile.

    It can definitely happen. Its rare, but it can happen.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    That wouldn't be an issue, if its loops were weak. The additional amount of time it takes for the killer to find you must be compensated by the short amount of time it will take for the killer to down you.

    That is why maps such as Ormond, Mother's Dwelling and old Pale Rose never required a size reduction. They only need to have weaker loops. 

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    That just leads to more boring gameplay imo since holding W becomes the best strategy in a lot of situations especially with ormond being so open and easy to spot the killer early

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2021

    Let's use Ormond then

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    I don't have problem with ormond at all 90% of pallets are unsafe and short loops so no I have no problem with it

  • Member Posts: 114

    The problem is that like on most maps, these filler type pallets can be upgraded to safe pallets by adjacent jungle gym windows or shack window. That's what happened in my match on a ludicrous scale with four such pallets attached to a combo of shack and a long window jungle gym facing the shack. That loop alone, if i had played it in one chase, is sufficient to loop even a bloodlusting killer for 2+ minutes, absolutely fatal for a match if committed to. One or two of those existing on a map is okay. Having 4, on a map with 32 pallets, of which at least 8 were completely safe (jungle gyms, shack, 3 upstairs pallets in main building, digger) is just not okay.

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