Why was The executioners chase music changed when he went live ?

I’ve been listening to both of the different versions of Pyramid heads chase music themes, I’ve always thought the ptb version was way better than the live version and so do a lot of other people. Is there any reason why it was changed ? Did Konami just decide to scrap the ptb one and make a new one ?
What was the difference?
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The Doctor also had this treatment. Moreover, Oni and Demogorgon had their themes changed entirely from the Killer's perspective, though that was changed not too long ago. Blight's "very close" Terror Radius also changed somewhat recently.
More recently, Trickster's menu theme has also changed.
I can't tell you why exactly, but PHead isn't the only one that had its associated music changed.
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If you listen to them you’d be able to tell but, the ptb version there’s a lot more bells and noise going on that made it sound mysterious and creepy
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the 8 meters variations is so much better in the PTB, but the live chase theme is better imo.
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