Console is worse than PC is just an excuse

sleepywynd Member Posts: 118
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I've spent a lot of my life moving between consoles and pc, trust me when I say, it barely matters. I've watched as console players beat pc players in games purely because they're better and dbd is no exception. The only big reason I can think of that pc is ever genuinely considered better than console (and don't say framerate, I've lagged just the same on pc as I have with a console I take care of with an ethernet) is because of sniper rifles.

Think about it, something with virtually 0 travel time and the ability to flick. It's pretty obvious to me where having a mouse with customizable DPI comes in handy there.

However, dbd doesn't have sniper rifles and every single projectile takes time to hit. Hatchets have travel time, knives, deathslinger's hope-ender, etc. So it's not hard to dodge at far distances.

Flicking as a killer on console is plenty plausible (I do it all the time), you might need to play at a higher sensitivity, but if you're playing a melee character in any game you really should up your sensitivity and get used to it.

Genuinely... quit complaining... the advantage is so minimal and just practice more instead of making excuses, it's lame and honestly quite silly that people choose THIS game to complain about it as I can't think of any other game that has such a balance.

Sidenote: Oni on console works just fine, maybe not Blight... because he's just hard to control in general... but yeah.

Sidenote 2: Separating these would make queue times like 8 years longer on console and screw that.


  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I mainly play on the PC but I also have the game on the Switch Lite and to be honest I notice very little difference. I managed to get a 4K with The Shape last week while standing inside a Walmart. If I can manage that then either I went against really awful players or the console experience isn't that significantly different.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    Same for me on PS4. Crossplay off and my queues for either side are fine. When I had crossplay on my queues were worse than before they introduced crossplay. Crossplay improves the queue for pc not console. 😂

    With crossplay on the game felt like it was playing even worse on console, those freezes felt way more harsh and I didn't think that was possible. They really need to work on the performance issues on consoles.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    They are objectively worse because the console killers they were playing against have two broken legs and a lazy eye.

    Proof could be seen by watching PC tournaments compaired to Console tournaments. Now that console survivors can face killers with actual control they will improve to the level of PC survivors.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Yeah no you're just plain wrong. There are just killers that are nowhere near as viable on console as they are on pc. Let's just ignore how the game performs worse on console than it does pc to just talk about this. Among the killers, in my person opinion those unaffected by the platform are Trapper, Wratih, Michael, Hag, Doctor, Leatherface, Freddy, Pig, Clown, and Ghostface. A whopping total of 10 of the 23 killers are unaffected by the platform you play based on their powers alone. These killers can perform just as well as pc players given time.

    Plague, Hillbilly, Oni, Legion, Nurse, Demogorgon, and PH are all killers I'd say are worse on console due to it being easier to dodge their attacks with the limitations of the controllers, however are still playable as with skill they are not as limited as those I'm about to mention.

    And lastly, Twins, Trickster, Blight, Deathslinger, and Especially huntress are all killlers who's power are severely limited by the controller making them way weaker than their pc counterparts.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I get that everytime a survivor uses an exhaustion perk or getting hit with sloppy or freddy

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    This is sounding like more of an issue of control (controller vs mouse and keyboard) than anything. Aside from lower FPS and, in some cases, some lower-textured models, the console versions are basically the same exact same thing. As someone suggested, turning off cross-play would even that playing field.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited April 2021

    It doesn't matter much for your own performance, in fact it typically boosts people as on console they sue wifi. When I play survivor, I can tell if the killer is likely console (or at least high ping) because everything they do is laggy which boosts them massively.

    Can't really complain about lowered FPS if you have a current gen console, either. Since all the graphical updates I've been having consistent frame drops to a point where I genuinely feel sick while playing killer sometimes. On PC. I still do pretty well.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    @JPLongstreet Trust me, anyone that doesn't have a beast that shouldn't be necessary to run such a low quality game has been complaining for this for all platforms in general.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    Yo fr fr pc is so much better. Hatchets are easier to hit at 60fps, blight is easier to use, nurse is possible to use, and looking around is overall easier. Being able to turn 180 instantly but still being able to controll ranged attacks is MASSIVE. Also, i havent seen these frame drops people are talking about?

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Yeah, no. Try again. I just got out of a game in which PC players self care against sloppy Legion in a corner, insta open the gates and leave on first hook, while their (console) teammates die on first hook after running the potato PC killer (rank 4 BTW, epic) for half the game and getting hit with a fat NOED.

    There are potato players on all platforms. Stop making a fool of yourself.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Your point?

    I didn't say every PC play is 10x that of the best console player you can find. There are potatos on all platforms.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Survivor? Sure.

    Killer? No way. Tons of killers are restricted by sensitivity limitations or the controls.

    Following survivor movements with trickster is very hard, same with nurse blinks. Not only that but nurse is heavily limited by lack of information mid blink due to low FPS and a restricted sensitivity.

    Blight is trash as you stated.

    Victor pounces are noticeably harder against good players once again due to having to follow movements.

    Oni doesn't have 90+ degree turns.

    Plague is harder to aim and spread accurately.

    Hell even someone like bubba is slightly harder due to the camera adjustments needed to play him.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
    edited April 2021

    I mean personally I don't have any issue with crossplay on as a console killer. I still win a big majority of my matches as killer because honestly a lot of the survivors I play against are pretty potato. It's always been that way for me even before crossplay. So I agree there's not much of a difference. Here's even an example match (slightly old by now) where I played against a couple of legacy survivors as Ghostface.

    They played really predictably and I was able beat them as a basic killer.

    Although it may not be much of a difference as much as people make it out to be though, I still wish the devs would optimize console anyways because they've already promised to in the past and have not delivered.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Pretty much this. To all who think the difference is minimal, pretty please with pustules on top:

    Borrow a friend's Xbox1 or whatever. Pick killer. Load up Lery's. Try to do anything in its middle room. Let us all know what you think...

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I can't really speak for last gen consoles, but I have this game on PC and PS5.

    PC does have some advantages, but I think they're pretty overblown in casual play. I'm not denying the advantage of stretched res, Reshade, or Nvidia filters, but my anecdotal evidence suggests it's a small fraction of the PC population using these things. I really can't blame players at all for using any of those tools either. The game is too dark, period. I uninstalled it on PS5 because of how dark it is. You can't see anything. It's stupid.

    As far as controls go, analog sensitivity on PS5 is more than enough. It's an issue of precision. You get all the camera rotation you need on a character like Nurse, but none of the accuracy you get from a quality mouse with a high polling rate. I kind of covered how dark the game is. Part of that is because consoles are locked on ultra. There's also a ridiculous input lag in this game with HDR enabled, so I had to disable that on my console and my TV itself just to hit skillchecks.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    The point is that there is no discernible difference between highly skilled PC survivors and highly skilled console survivors due to having worse killers, as they are capable of the same thing.

    Your experiences with console survivors may be anecdotal, but it’s definitely not objective.

    Consoles are aimed towards a more casual audience anyways, so there would be more casual players, of course.

    But trying to argue that console survivors are objectively worse doesn’t make sense.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    No doubt. My point was more to address complaints about analog sensitivity when that isn't necessarily the issue in the first place when it comes to next gen. I play at 3400 DPI on PC and I never felt like I lacked DPI so to speak on PS5. It just felt like the camera movement was very all or nothing.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    Ive gotten into tantrum so many times with bubba on console but on pc i havent had to deal with tantrums often at all

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    To change anything about how a controller works would be catastrophic to the controller users. Not to mention pc dosent have to worry about dropping a pallet instead of healing someone because on controller its the same button. There are obvious massive advantages to using a mouse and keyboard. I will say, saying you are completely limited by controller is lazy thinking. You can adjust sensitivity to cover a lot of those things. That being said it is rather difficult to move your camera only a tiny bit on high sensitivity where on pc its super simple.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    It's all about skills not platform I play every killer on console with crossplay on and do more then good same playing survivor yes pc has advantage but nothing practice can't fix

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    My Xbox just stoped working one day while playing dbd. It froze and wouldn’t turn off so I unplugged it and now it won’t open a single thing so I had to get a whole new Xbox. F

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    I don't think you understand. I'm saying those who refuse to get better using controller as an excuse is lazy. Yelling at someone is not nice. giving the excuse that its because you had a bad day does not excuse you from acting that way. people who think 'I'm only bad because I'm on controller' are lazy because there are ways to learn around the controller. That being said, the people who say that controller is difficult to use but don't use it as an excuse for playing badly are A-Okay because they realize they can get better they just have to try harder. i think controller is harder to use than keyboard but its the ones who let controller stop them from trying to get better are lazy.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    What? My ######### drops/freezes every dead hard or sloppy butcher (if survivor). Last night had a game on Midwich and I took 3 steps back every 15 seconds never seen that one before not sure how the survivors all died that game I almost said fuk it and just stood in a corner. I had to adapt to DH in a whole new way not just baiting it but then figuring out where they went after the drop/lag from it. Those are just the known issues there are times I am just simply walking around and it freezes/skips and I run direct. No problem any other game but DBD but I still manage to do just fine but to say it's a excuse it wrong. It's a hassle and a disadvantage when this happens whether or not you still win.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    The difference is HUGE, believe me. It's not an excuse, it's the truth.

    Look at how hard Blight can turn on PC at the end of his rush. You don't get that last-second kind of turning on console even with the turning add-on.

    Look at Nurse on PC: basically unbeatable. If you blink on a survivor you just snap to their position with your fast camera spin and hit them. On console, the screen turns too slow even at the highest sensitivity, and if you have to lunge at the end of your blink it's nowhere near as far reaching as PC Nurse's.

    Look at Huntress. You can't flick at the last second like you can on PC. The survivors have ages to react to your shot, and will easily dodge. When survivors run around in circles in front of you and rub inside you, you still miss because they're moving so fast and abusing the killer's bad fov.

    Even basic killer is weaker. You can't adjust to hit the 360ers as easy as breathing like you can on PC. You can't get pallet stunned, end up on the survivor side of the pallet, quickly spin and hit them like you can on PC (although this assumes you have Enduring). You can't change directions as smoothly. You can't move your camera and your character simultaneously without feeling stick drag and fps drops, at least to a small degree.

    Undoubtedly there is a difference between console and PC.