Losing a Pip

I don't think it's fair if the killer quits a match we lose a pip. A killer just quit my match and I lost a pip for it. You should keep your pip the way it is not lose one. If anything we should gain a pip because they quit a match. If it's internet connection then they don't but if they quit then they should lose and pip and the survivers should gain 1


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I don't think it's fair if the killer quits a match we lose a pip. A killer just quit my match and I lost a pip for it. You should keep your pip the way it is not lose one. If anything we should gain a pip because they quit a match. If it's internet connection then they don't but if they quit then they should lose and pip and the survivers should gain 1
    You don't lose a pip, if it says that you did lose a pip when the killer disconnects then it's a visual bug.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Nickenzie said:
    bringparagonback said:

    I don't think it's fair if the killer quits a match we lose a pip. A killer just quit my match and I lost a pip for it. You should keep your pip the way it is not lose one. If anything we should gain a pip because they quit a match. If it's internet connection then they don't but if they quit then they should lose and pip and the survivers should gain 1

    You don't lose a pip, if it says that you did lose a pip when the killer disconnects then it's a visual bug.

    Depends on how they d/c.

    You can still lose pips. Had it happen to me just two days ago, and everyone playing with me confirmed it. Hard not to notice three people dropping down from Rank 1.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:
    bringparagonback said:

    I don't think it's fair if the killer quits a match we lose a pip. A killer just quit my match and I lost a pip for it. You should keep your pip the way it is not lose one. If anything we should gain a pip because they quit a match. If it's internet connection then they don't but if they quit then they should lose and pip and the survivers should gain 1

    You don't lose a pip, if it says that you did lose a pip when the killer disconnects then it's a visual bug.

    Depends on how they d/c.

    You can still lose pips. Had it happen to me just two days ago, and everyone playing with me confirmed it. Hard not to notice three people dropping down from Rank 1.

    I never had this happen to me but, I'll take your word. Don't you get Iridescent Unbroken, bronze Benevolent, and if you touch a generator for at least 10 seconds that's a bronze Lightbringer! That's enough to secure a safety right?
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2018

    @Nickenzie said:
    Visionmaker said:

    @Nickenzie said:

    bringparagonback said:

    I don't think it's fair if the killer quits a match we lose a pip. A killer just quit my match and I lost a pip for it. You should keep your pip the way it is not lose one. If anything we should gain a pip because they quit a match. If it's internet connection then they don't but if they quit then they should lose and pip and the survivers should gain 1

    You don't lose a pip, if it says that you did lose a pip when the killer disconnects then it's a visual bug.

    Depends on how they d/c.

    You can still lose pips. Had it happen to me just two days ago, and everyone playing with me confirmed it. Hard not to notice three people dropping down from Rank 1.

    I never had this happen to me but, I'll take your word. Don't you get Iridescent Unbroken, bronze Benevolent, and if you touch a generator for at least 10 seconds that's a bronze Lightbringer! That's enough to secure a safety right?

    This usually doesn't happen, but TBH it's hard to track. I usually don't track my pips so it's hard to prove anything, but it's way easier to notice instant drops from Rank 1 to Rank 2.

    It was near the beginning of the match (say 2-3 minutes in), and it happened just as the Huntress downed a teammate. I don't remember my emblems, but I definitely got zero in Benevolence and near zero in Light Bringer. That makes Zero/Bronze Lightbringer, Iri Unbroken, Zero Benevolence, and Bronze Evader. But three of us definitely did not safety pip. My group of friends tease each other for depipping, so it was impossible to miss.

    Since the Huntress d/c'd right after downing someone and my friend didn't exactly put up a fight, I figured it was a real D/C for sure, not a Leave Match situation.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Make sure you are checking your pips back at the Campfire. It'll say you depipped in the post-game screen, but not when you hit Leave or Upgrade. Have not had an actual depip occur personally, but frequently I don't get any BP and I think you're supposed to get at least 5k. Usually end up with the safety + no BP when the Killer DCs.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    It's a visual bug. You don't actually lose anything.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Like rank even matters. There’s no way to prove that you finished as a rank 1 at the end of the season. No leaderboards or statitistics of any kind. Shame really. Don’t even worry about it. 
    RESTtheASSASSIN Member Posts: 40

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Like rank even matters. There’s no way to prove that you finished as a rank 1 at the end of the season. No leaderboards or statitistics of any kind. Shame really. Don’t even worry about it. 

    like your profile or commenting matters. I does if you earned it