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Can we talk about unfun killers to play?

Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

Like of course this is very subjective, as there is at least 1 person that mains that 1 killer nobody plays. The issue is that the only person actually playing that killer IS one person.

Unfun killers to play are heavily reflected in playrates (wow an actual statistic that means something), viability does play a big part in who gets played the most, but overall Fun trumps viability a killer can bring in pubs. It's why people main killers like clown, Legion, Michael etc despite them being low tier.

Main point: Can we adjust killers who just feel awful to play? (Please note that this is in terms of fun, not viability. It's why I haven't put trickster here as he is incredibly fun but incredibly trash)


  • Hag
  • Plague

And some killers who could use some QOL:

  • Ghostface (cooldown needs a look at)
  • Billy (why does the overheat exist)
  • Twins (I personally really enjoy twins, but I know a lot of people hate playing them)
  • Pig (QOL needed on ambush, not so much traps)
  • Trapper (Built in bag when BHVR?)

There's some weird killers when it comes to fun, such as blight. He can sometimes feel the most fun killer in the game and sometimes when collision ######### you sideways he can feel like the most unfun killer.

It's very opinionated but I think most of us can agree something needs to be done to at least plague and hag.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Hag is more down to her territorial playstyle and lack of chasing that leads to no one playing her

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    My problem with Plague is that I can either get her daily done or I can kill Survivors.

    I have to choose ONE.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I think that's down to personal choice. I personally find Plague a blast to play. My only issue with hag is how low to the ground she is.

    Now Nurse.... man I can't stand playing her. The constant looking down and the bobbing of the head during the stun is nauseating.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Billy shifted from the most fun killer to play to king of unfun. Overheat, roar, buggy animations, inconsistent chainsaw hitbox, garbage add-ons; this guy has everything.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Plague yeah, I wrote some ranting and ill-organized overhaul idea a while ago but it boils down to 1) make her corrupt purge timer stop going down when you're carrying a survivor 2) let you carry around tokens of corrupt purge after drinking from a fountain instead of activating instantly.

    But she's nowhere near Hag. Nothing compares to the pain of playing Hag. Plague can feel a bit complicated at times but playing Hag is the 10th ring of hell experience.

    Reducing Ghostface's cooldown would be more of a straight buff than QoL. Adjusting his reveal mechanic to prevent the survivors from hearing the audio queue (in case they accidentally see you) is more along the lines of QoL. I get revealed on accident more times than I get revealed intentionally.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I'm a Hag main and other than looking at some add-ons that are never run I feel she's ina good spot, the problem with her is most people play her the same way Make a small web, get a down, trap the ######### out of the hook, teleport back, repeat. Unfortunately with her other than removing her ability to trap hooks there's no way to force her into other play styles.

    Plague definitely needs some help. Personally I disagree with you about Trickster, playing him at high tanks feels more like a chore than fun for me.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    I agree with you on twins so much i love the twins and hate that new nerf

    i miss when billy didn't have that stupid overheat mecanic as well

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 240

    I find Pig, Bubba and Twins the most unfun to play against.

    Pig mostly because of the campy jigsaw boxes/tunneling playstyle.

    Bubba because he is simple, not hard to manoeuvre and unless you are heavily unpositioned which is like 90% of the time can instadown you.

    Twins cause of their sluggish gamestyle.

    And I like the Doctor, but my ears after a game with him need a vacation.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Please don't ruin my Hag they already attacked my Hillbilly.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Plague is easily the most boring killer to play as, but pig is just as dull as plague, so it's hard to really say which one is worse than the other. Plague is clunky and dependent on survivors and dedicated servers actually being good to you. Pig is just a boring m1 killer with a dash attack that doesn't even work half the time, because the survivor can just literally hold shift w away and that's enough to get away from it usually. The only thing that makes her moderately fun is tampered timer and crate of gears. Hag in my opinion is fun to play, because survivors freak out and throw the game usually every single time they play against a competent hag. I've never gotten more laughs then when I play hag, because survivors brains turn into butter.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I like playing Hag occasionally, But I absolutely cannot stand playing as the Plague. She has a very boring playstyle and her power seems very inconsistent at times.