Pig: Buff or Rework?

So do you want pig to be buffed or reworked? Personally I don't have optimistic projections about what a pig rework would look like, I think it would be lazy and be more of a side grade then anything else so I would rather they buff her.

However, if they were not rework her, focusing on her end game is what they sould do.

Call it Game Over and have it be a mode pig switches to when the Exit gates are powered.

Changes to how she plays.

  • When Exit gates are powered, the pig tantrums for 2 seconds and enters her new mode. (Don't want this to happen while mid chase.)
  • While in this mode her lunge movement speed increases to 9.2 m/s but the cooldown on a misses increases to 3.5 seconds.
  • While in this mode she can not crouch, the edges of her screen is blurred and red, she constantly is panting and makes grunts of anger in chase and her field of view shrinks by 3 °.
  • While in this mode, pig can no longer see the aura of jigsaw boxes.

Changes to core mechanics in this mode.

  • Opening an exit gate causes the survivor to sceam and they become exposed until they are knocked into the dying state.
  • While in end game collapse, active bear traps slows end game collapse (the same way a survivor in the dying state or on hook does.)

Changes to traps in this mode.

  • Survivors who touch an exit gate switch has their bear trap activated.
  • When end game collapse starts, all bear traps are activated and any traps put on survivors activate automatically 20 seconds after the survivor recovers or is unhooked.
  • While in end game collapse, survivors with active bear traps have the jigsaw box with their key in it highlighted in yellow.

This gives more dimensions of play for the pig and allows her to save her traps for late game if she wants and makes it so survivors actually need to counter her late game rather than essential strip her of her power. Late game should be hard for survivors but for pig, once all gens are completed, they have gimped pig completely.

What kind of changes would you guys like to see with pig? What should be done with her?


  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited April 2021

    I'd be happy if she got more interesting addons that affected her dash. Or even an irridencent that was like:

    Rbts are automatically triggered once put on a survivors head. Egc timer is slowed by x%

    For some endgame pig instead of rule set 2.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well she has a higher kill rate than nurse, huntress or spirit. So I guess she'll get a nerf instead.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    The pig is perfectly fine, I agree wtih @Lord_Tony that the hatch should not be something you escape through with an active trap.

    (infact imagine how awesome the animation could be, a survivor jumping up to get in, the trap goes off, their head explodes and their lifeless body drops down on the other side from where they jumped)

    What we should do something about is the RNG element, its just weak the design to have RNG for a part deterimine how will the match will go.

    But I currently dont have an idea on how to make the traps still unpredictable etc but not be RNG

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45

    This is the exact thing people keep saying that I disagree with.

    The rng element is not the problem the problem, the problem is that without traps in play the pig has nothing. So when the trap gets taken off in 20 second it really ######### hurts. Survivors that get the trap off after 2 minutes aren't punished so hard, they can as big is when she loses 25% of her power. one issue with her ability is the fact that if a player has their trap activated while on a hook, isn't right next to a jigsaw and the pig is going for a head popping build then the survivor has a 1 in 4 chance of being unable to take the trap off in time.

    If trap worked in the end game then you could either slow the game down or save them to for the end to keep some survivors in the game and make team play hard.

    Could you imagine if they took the rng from skill checks or chests or spawn locations. Rng isn't always the issue.

  • Lambch0p
    Lambch0p Member Posts: 57

    I don’t understand why everyone thinks pig needs a buff. I personally like the rng aspect of the traps. I like survivors having a chance just like the victims had a chance in the Saw movies. Plus if you want to really be like Amanda and use the traps to get kills there’s addons for that. The dash is also good if used right and adds a skill ceiling to pig. Good players like Scorpionz can make pig terrifying so I think she’s currently strong enough if you take the time to master her.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158
    edited April 2021

    I totally agree with this I would love more focused things for her dash.

    I constantly run combat straps and video tape as i find her happiness helmet add ons to rng based for my liking. It's just how I am I'd rather have something that helps me all game than be at the mercy of rng.

    I have always said here that I'm scared of a rework or changes as the pig has issues currently but I'd rather have her in this state than have her gutted and nerfed into the ground.


  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    As a Pig main I feel she does have slight issues with her add ons and rng like for

    e.g her razor wires and interlocking razors do nothing for you as who misses skill checks?! I miss the days when unnevering effected pig boxes made these add ons kinda useful.

    Mercy of rng : you can run all add ons that effect number of boxes and time based add ons for happiness helmets and actually not do anything as the rng is just to bad for you.

    But I'm very OK with how she is and don't want changes.

    Just think people remember the year of the pig nerfs and want justice for her possibly.


  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    They need to make her crouching and uncrouching fast, like Ghostface's. She's already SUPER slow when crouching and all pro players i've seen never even use her crouching, so just make it fast so I can teabag.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I am unsure as I stated I'm very scared of them touching my girl 🤪

    But I have no idea how your idea would be but would love them to give it a try on a ptb tho would love for them to give people's ideas on changes for her time on the ptb in all honesty till they find something for her.

    But as the wonderful @Tsulan said they will be looking to nerf her.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I honestly think the devs should ask Pig mains about what QoL changes they want. People that can verify that they constantly play Pig should know whats best for her, what needs improvement, etc.

    So nothing like the Freddy rework happens again. Which turned most (if not all) old Freddy mains away.