Should Ruin have another rework

Reasoning behind my opinion -Experience-
As of late I’ve been facing many people with ruin, I played 27 games before I got a rank 17 without it and as a result I believe the devs should follow by examples in the past by nerfing ruin. Personally I don’t mind ruin but its being over used to the point it should be nerfed according to devs logic.
-What I think should happen-
Should ruin be reworked - personally it needs a buff and nerf. Neither fun and good or bad and unfun, just annoying.
why is ruin over used - Because the devs don’t understand top 10% play as gens can be completed within 3 and a half minutes as show with MMR (Note:hope it gets realised so the devs fix there game faster).
Reason why I say “top 10%” is that the survivors are now hitting a cap and that cap is now just a filling water ballon ready to explode when MMR comes around. This was meant to be about ruin but there are too many factors to consider
Personally I’m neutral idc about losing or winning as this game will be always unbalanced but all I care about is fun and I think people forget that.
This is the most confusing post I’ve ever read.
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Yeah its probably the one killer perk that actually ruins the game for me and it’s absolutely horrendous for solos. Spending 60 seconds on a gen just to be chased when a survivor gets hooked near your gen and by the time you’ve got away from the killer you have to start the gen over again. There’s absolutely no point working on a gen in most games until the totem is gone which just means whether you win or lose depends on how fast Ruin is found. At least you could work through old Ruin, but new Ruin not so much unless the killer is really struggling to catch survivorz
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And yet conversely, as killer, I often find running Ruin is completely pointless. Either:
A. Survivors cleanse Ruin immediately.
B. Survivors commit to gens and they pop despite Ruin.
Corrupt Intervention is far more reliable and often more effective. It shows you the furthest gens, which indicates where survivors will be spawning. It wastes the survivors time looking for an accessible gen, preventing those early pops. It often preserves a 3-gen for you to defend later.
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I can’t count how many games we got gens done until the totem was found late. The only perk I hate with a passion is Noed, and yes I play 50/50 Survivor and Killer and I never use that perk, it’s just so Bullshit.
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Regular regression should be stronger (a third, instead of a fourth), kicking gens should do some direct damage in order to prevent the silly 1 millisecond tapping and skill checks should become much harder as the average lobby rank tends to red, for they are pointless at this moment and offer 0 challenge.
Ruin is a poor shadow of its former self and not even worth running anymore. I am 100% team pop/surge/oppression, unless I'm rolling undying on blight/bubba (which are surge cucked because of the basic attack requirement, totally silly).
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Noed is the killer's purple/red key. They have no place in the game anymore. I've lost track of how many 3 gen perfect lockdowns I've lost due to a random key loot or games that I've completely stolen because of silly Noed clown gamer skillz. Extremely disgraceful, both.
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I think Ruin is in a pretty good position right's definitely not as oppressive feeling as before and it's still pretty strong, it definitely helps to slow the game down if that's what you need. It's also counterable by taking out the hex totem as a survivor, I really don't think it needs any more done to it at this stage.
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Honesty id take NOED over Ruin anyday. At least noed doesnt make me start gens all over again.
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I agree Noed and keys are both bullshit.
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Tbh It hasn’t been so detrimental where it happens every game that a killer chases me off a gen and it regresses all the way to zero, yes it has happened to me but on the other side of the map a gen got done anyway.
It’s also given me something to do, sometimes I’ll go totem hunting which is a change from just finding the nearest gen and working on it.
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With that mentality, a lot of survivor perks will be getting a hard nerf as well in that case.
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For me, personally, it's not Ruin that needs a re-examining. It's Hex perks as a whole. I don't think they can be reliably balanced because they are fundamentally really high variance as they currently stand.
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This is my problem with Hex perks, and why I prefer not to run any except maybe Devour and Haunted.
I would love a non-hex Ruin-like perk that is a little less powerful, with some anti-camp incentive. Something like:
After hooking a survivor, all generators not currently being worked on start regressing at 200% for 30/40/50 seconds. All regression is paused when you are within 32/28/24 meters of a hooked survivor.
Could pair well with Thrilling Tremors, so you can identify the gens you need to pressure to get your regression.