Coupe De Grace charges
Please, dont count 1 charge if lunge is missed.
In DbD a lot of moments when you, as killer, do some lunges because you HOPE that they contact, but because of latency or personal misscalculation you miss. And charge gone. Charge that cost so much - gone. Only disappointment of this perk is remain.
Its is so bad feeling when you missed with this perk, i litteraly hate myself for using it. I cant risk, and because of it - i cant learn how much big become my lunge. Its horrible.
What? That would totally be a buff. It removes all semblance of skill needed by removing any and all punishment for missing. I support buffing Cooper Grace, but not like this.
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I feel like you would be able to abuse it with Unrelenting, however they could just make it work only during chases, so this is a great idea.
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If you could get 2 tokens over 1. Would it be more viable? That's the only change I would like to see.
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"I feel like you would be able to abuse it with Unrelenting"
If something in this game can do Unrelenting viable perk, then it will be great) 100% you NEVER seen this perk on 10 rank or higher.
"sort of like making Dead Hard"
Nope) Because when u use dead hard - u get better position without any penaltys. But when you lunge (even with Coup de Grace) you get little stun for miss, and u just lose position if miss.
But now u dont only lose position, you also lost token. Two problems in one miss. What a great perk, that suppose to help dont miss...
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The main problem with Coup de Grâce is it consumes a charge if you lunge, even if it wasn't a longer lunge .....
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I agree. It is trash perk now. It need to be changed. Also, it's lunge is not fast.
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Y'see the issue here is that it'll give powerful chase killers like Deathslinger or Clown mobility.