So are they really going live with these Twin nerfs?

Just curious about the mountain of feedback that never gets addressed. You can easily replace "Twin nerfs" with "Lucky Break Buff" if you don't care about Killers.
Yet when someone posts an article like "Favorite Cosmetic?!", Mods and Dev's are suddenly awake.
I think I only see the Community Manager here after a PTB/Patch telling us...they are here.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Doubt it'll make it live, after the feedback they received about Demo they fixed them up, Twins received feedback but hasn't gotten a response, so we'll see.
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Just because the devs don't directly respond to feedback, doesn't mean they aren't considering anything.
People were complaining about Victor being hard countered by lockers when the Twins chapter ptb was running and the devs did end up allowing victor to check lockers even though they never said anything on the feedback board.
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I’d say it’s fairly likely. So little people play twins that any change they make to them isn’t going to upset the community too much
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Yet... Twin's were released live with the said Locker bug you talk about. So they in fact did not change anything from PTB to Launch in that regard.
It's really not hard for a Dev or Mod to say "We hear you. We are looking into Twins Balancing". Done.
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What madness are you speaking? Burn this one. What heretic you are, how could a dev possibly give such a clearly vague but overly calming response. We only accept silence, bewilderment and late responses here.
Thank you.
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Of course.
The two Twin mains out there aren't enough to stop the change.
The community as a whole doesn't care because justice for Demo was successful.
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The locker bug was not something I mention. The victor being able to check lockers was put out in the first hotfix due to the extra time needed to add an animation for it and the devs did put out a dev blog telling us that the week before the chapter released.
While it would be nice for the devs to respond more to the community. A lack of response does not mean the feedback isn't being considered. We can also look at Trickster's recent hotfix. Devs never commented on feedback in regards to Trickster and they still gave him some QoL changes.
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To be honest, sometimes not even the entire community is enough to stop a bad change. Justice for Demo succeeded because of luck.