“GG Nice Tunnel”

Was playing the Ormond map as Wraith. At least two of them were in a party. I sat there and watched all of them work on a gen together then immediately went to the next to knock it out quick. Ok. If that’s how we are going to play this. Went for a Jeff and downed him, hooked him and went after someone else. Two seconds later unhooked Jeff. Went back and put his butt on the hook again. Had to get someone out of the match fast. He died and I was able to turn the tide of battle after that. Of course got hate messages afterwards. I don’t know what he expected when they were knocking gens out faster than opening a candy bar wrapper.
Why'd you sit there and let them do a gen
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Sorry dude, I'll be sure to go stand in a corner for 2 mins after finishing a gen before advancing to the next one
My bad
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You lost me once you said that you sat there and watched them do a generator.
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So you are playing way beyond your skill level, so you have to exploit the game to win.
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Wait, you watched them do a gen? Like, just stood there cloaked and watched? A bit weird. While his teammate should have taken the heat off of him (which I'm assuming in good faith on your part they didn't do), I can't help wonder why you watched them just do a gen. That's so bizarre. And then to say "if that's how they're going to play it"? After you let them do a gen?? I am confusion. I want an explanation on that.
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I was searching for them and immediately after the first one was almost. I came to it and all of them were there. It was practically finished and I watched in disbelief that all four were there.
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Lol exploit the game. Sure.
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Okay, I know "Should've pressured gens" is a bit of a meme, but that's literally the opposite of pressuring gens. That's letting them just have a free gen.
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It was like a second or two or being done. The minute I would chase someone they would double back and complete it anyway
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I swear every time you post you just make yourself look worse and worse at the game 🤔
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Yeah, if you're to going tunnel, you're probably going get some salt.
But, it's a game and an effective tactic to swing momentum. If he was so mad, perhaps you taught him the value of DS.
I like to say, play how you would like to verse. And ######### whatever anyone says about it.
Post edited by Clevite on4 -
It’s not nice to swear
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Just had one of those as well while I did Adept Executioner. They told me I am a hardcore slugger and tunneler, so I told them I had to play a bit more scummy if I wanted the Adept, though Adepts actually force you to play more nice since slugging and 1-hooking everyone won't give you the Merciless Victory. They were like "Adept my *whatever you wanna put there tbh*".
I told them that I loved them too and then left, they were like "nah, thanks", and I was like "he probably thinks "naw, thanks".
It's nothing to get upset about really, it's rather quite comedic after a while of getting those people.
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Ignore them. Tunnelling out a survivor quick is a valid strategy. It can seem cheap, and it's not fair to the survivor who got tunnelled, but it's not the killers job to play fair, it's your job to kill survivors.
If they made an unsafe hook rescue right next to you that's their own fault, they can't expect the killer to ignore low hanging fruit.
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You were in "disbelief" that the survivors were doing the objective?
You and Tony should get together some time.
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Hooking survivors is an exploit, reported!
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That is such a huge boon to you, why would you throw it away to tunnel someone?
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”He died and I was able to turn the tide of battle after that”
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One soldier can turn the lost fight into a victory!
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I was in disbelief they were all on the same gen. Usually they spread out
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Maybe you shouldn't have tunneled smh
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You don't have to justify tunneling, camping or slugging. Just as survivors don't have to justify doing gens, body blocking, or anything else. Do what you think you have to do in order to win as long as you're not breaking any rules or hacking.
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Brother, like others have said you didnt really "play" the game,,,waiting is just dumb and then to tunnel afterwards because you are pissed that survivors are going to do what survivors do is crazy, sorry. Myself and other survivors would have just rather you played straight up and if we get hooked oh well. I play several matches where killer mains for some reason sit there until a gen or two is done then spring into action. Then after the match is over they rage,,,it is weird??
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- You just sat there and let them do a gen... Just... Why?
- You described the very definition of tunneling. You very obviously, tunneled the Jeff.
- Tunneling prevents people from being able to play the game the second you start the tunnel. A survivor being upset that they can't play the game they paid for is justified.
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I'm shocked he's not here defending him right now.
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You're just playing the game. Say what you will about killers, but I've never got hate mail from them.
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Lol what is this post? What do you want them to do?
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How dare he play in a manner that breaks your sensibilities! How dare he actually try to have the unmitigated gall to ... WIN?
THE HORROR! It's worse than anything in this world! His parents and grandparents should be ashamed!
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While the other stuff is justified their is no reason to get upset at tunneling as it's part of the game. There are perks to get around it. There is no excuse or reason to send someone hate mail for what happened in a game.
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I never justified hate mail. I justified anger. However words are just words.
There are unfortunately no perks to get around it. If a killer wants to tunnel, they will. Perks aren't going to stop them. Delay them a couple seconds? Maybe. But they won't be stopped. If anything, I've seen enough killer mains on here complaining about these "anti-tunnel" perks saying that those very perks are the exact reason for why they tunnel even harder.
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Ds is usually a pretty good counter and at the very least wastes a lot of the killers time if the person using it is one what decent. Bt and unbreakable help too. Though ds is the best. Don't really get why so many people dropped it after a slight nerf. Anyways It's not really something worth getting mad at. It's just a game.
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People will still tunnel through DS unfortunately.
And the game still is something people would like to enjoy and not have their time wasted.
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Yah but unfortunately unless the devs choose to address camping in a way that doesn't alow for easy wins itsngonna keep happening.
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I don't see why you're complaining about them being salty, I would be a bit annoyed too if I had to wait in queue just to get tunneled. They aren't thinking from your perspective. People in this game aren't very empathetic towards the other side, especially when they're angry. You don't need to justify tunneling though. Even if it is a "dirty" tactic, it works, and it's not like you tunneled because you were out to ruin their day.
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If there were 4 people there I do not understand why you could not just chase someone else. Clearly there were options besides tunneling Jeff out of the game. So if they had something to say about that behavior in the end you most likely 100% deserved the spice you got.
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I mean your always gonna get salt for crap like that. They don't understand that It wouldn't feel so much like tunneling if they'd just wait the extra 15 seconds it would take for you to sufficiently walk far enough away that downing immediately again wouldn't be a problem. But what you have to understand about swf is that they need to completely overwhelm you and make you taste salt, and from that overwhelming desire rarely comes patience. Honestly probably just a sucky SWF team if they were so easily overpowered by wraith. :/