Prestige System Changes

Prestige System - This new system would give a good reason to prestige players to Prestige 3. All bloodpoints for purchases would be refunded and purchases started all over from level 1.
Base - Only Uncommon Perks can be obtained. No Teachable perks
Prestige 1 - Only Uncommon and Rare Perks can be obtained. Teachable perks can only teach Uncommon perks
Prestige 2 - Only Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare Perks can be obtained. Teachable perks can teach up to Rare perks
Prestige 3 - Only Uncommon, Rare, and Very Rare Perks can be obtained. Teachable perks can teach up to Very Rare perks
Too much grind for a new player
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Too much grind...not if they fix the match-maker...
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You want to make the grind... worse?
2 -
That sounds awful for new players.
I'll restate my idea for prestiging: Making a character prestige makes their perks permanently unlocked for all characters, either by picking one perk per prestige, or by making the prestige determine the rank of the unlocked permanent perk.
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No, I want Prestige to mean something. Right now it seems like it is more a toy achievement rather than something you want to obtain to make yourself better. The increased chance of rarity for perks isn't really worth it. I've had friends say they're never going to prestige up their mains because they've spent too many BP at level 50 trying to get their other perks in the bloodweb. I mean you say it is a grind, yet everything is a grind in a game with levels and advancement. Part and Parcel....all part of the genie gig...infinite cosmic power and all that. Fixing the way the perks come in based on your prestige level would be a good input to the match-making function, as much so as the player rank and killer rank. Someone who is player rank 1 is still going to be good-ish at the game, but at prestige level 0/50 he's going to be less better (in theory) than at prestige level 3/50 with very rare perks.
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There's enough of a grind without prestiging.
I'll never prestige because it's just cosmetic, but if there was something I already have that was later retrofitted into the prestige system, effectively taking it away unless I prestige... sure, prestiging would be more "worth it", but I'd be furious.
Prestiging should reduce the grind, not increase it. Also, pretiging a character should benefit that character. No one wants to have to prestige every character they're NOT going to play, just to get tier III teachables on their one main character.
If you wanted to make prestiging worth it, Id do something like this:
P1: You don't lose all your perks, instead they all revert back to tier I.
P2: You don't lose all your perks, instead they revert back to tier II or stay at tier I/II.
P3: You don't lose any perks. Instead, you get a small chance of drawing tier IV perks for that characters own teachables.
e.g. Nancy:
Better Together: see the Auras of all other Survivors for 8/9/10/11 seconds.
Fixated: You walk 10/15/20/22 % faster...
Inner Strength: ...healed 1 Health State when hiding inside a Locker for 10/9/8/7 seconds...
Sole Survivor: Each Token grants a stack-able radius of 20/22/24/26 metres within which the Killer is unable to read your Aura up to a maximum of 60/66/72/76 metres.
Object of Obsession: Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, and Cleansing are increased by 2/4/6/7 %.
Decisive Strike: ...Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60/65 seconds: