Why is playing Killer much more stressful than playing survivor.

All you killer only players how do you guys play mostly killer. I feel it's very stressful. Like I can only play 2 or 5 matches before I just get stressed out lol. I can play survivor like 5 to 10 or even more matches. But killer is just stressful, even if I'm winning matches. So all you killer mains I thank you for keeping this game rolling, because I'm pretty sure that is why there is lack of killer mains.


  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Honestly I have no idea and I was just wondering about this as well. I'm like an 85/15 killer main myself and I win a big majority of my matches yet still after about 4-5 matches I start to feel burnt out and feel like doing or playing something else. I'm not exactly sure if I'd call it boredom either. Sometimes I'll play survivor but idk what it is. I don't exactly get over upset over losing and I don't care about playing against swfs, but I just feel like I get tired of playing fairly quickly. It's honestly very inexplicable for me and I too considered creating a thread about it. Not saying I dislike the game. If I didn't like it I wouldn't play it, but there's just this weird stigma that comes with playing killer for me.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Yeah as you killer you have to play 75% Harder, since there is 3 more survivors. So I get you.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Yeah I felt that too, after playing a couple of matches even if I'm winning I just feel stressed out. Like you said it's not boredom, it's just I don't feel like playing killer. I feel it just drains the energy, since you have to play at a near 100% to get a win as a killer. While compared to when I play survivor, even if I'm on a loosing streak I don't feel stressed out.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    This is the point, if you chase a single survivors constantly (tunneling), the pressure on them really hard, they're likely to make more mistake for a quicker down.

    When I get tunneled, I feel stress too, because I can not rest. This may explain many killers tunnel alot, the times that a single survivor in a match is multiply decreased.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    That's subjective, some people find playing Killer more calm than playing Survivor but usually it's because as Killer you have to be active the entire match while as Survivor there will be small periods of time in a match where you will be on a gen which is pretty easy to do.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Both roles are stressful in some situations tbh But we can all agree that the game isn't survivor or killer sided It's dev-sided

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    1 you don't get to rest

    2 poorly designed maps and tiles that you can't do anything about without losing the game

    3 uneven time requirements for goals.

    4 external communication software deleting stealth killers and trap killers from the game.

    5 pack mentality (sheep) that will seek out your profile and leave hate messages if you don't play to their liking or message you for console.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Killer is constant action. Survivor has break moments.

    That's all there is too it. Regardless how you feel about balance killer will and should always be the most tensefull role.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Yep 4 vs 1. It's always going to be an uphill battle killers just due to that.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267


    2.Some maps overall, some maps are good for survivors some are good for killer.

    3.There is no time, killers control initially, survivors keep the ball rolling.

    4.Not just stealth killers, any killer. Communication will put any killer at massive disadvantage, because you can reveal position of killer and where to meet up to heal. And you can plan the next move.

    5.I just put my steam profile on public.

  • Rectal_Prolapse
    Rectal_Prolapse Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2021

    Well, you're on the 1 side of the 1v4 format, it is expected for you to get a much more dramatic feedback out of your good/bad plays. You don't have the option to "hold m1 to win" like a few survivors may have during a match, which helps getting your jimmies unrustled from time to time. Killers don't have that. You gotta be 24/7 "it's NAM all over again, baby" in order not to get teabagged into the next ice age by the end game collapse: keep track of hooks, cleared out loops, rng vaults/pallets, gen progression, 4 survivor's perks and each of them skill level in order to evaluate which you should chase or drop. Don't wanna overdo it more but it's a much more tense experience, but it's an expected one.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Survivors can make constant mistakes and still have other teammates and perks to rely on and cover for their mistakes. Messed up on a loop? Dead Hard away. Downed and not hooked? Unbreakable for you baby. Killers make one mistake or spend a second longer on a chase than necessary and that’s it. The match can be over. You have only yourself. While survivors have 3 other people to cover for them.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited April 2021

    Because as Survivor you can have chill games from time to time, one of those games where you have a god looper who manages to distract the Killer for 5 straight gens so you can sit there pressing M1 and relaxing, not all games are like this but maybe you can get 1 or 2 of these per day and if you encounter someone particulary toxic you can always suicide on hook and get out early.

    Killer on the other hand unless you get 4 potatos you dont get to have chill games, if you get 1 or 2 Survivors good at the game you still have to deal with them and if you get trolls you dont have a fast way out like suiciding on hook, you have to endure them for the entire match.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    I have an anxiety disorder so I don't like playing as killer because all of the attention is on me. Every mistake is magnified, every poor performance makes me stand out.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    To me it's not, survivor has allways been more stressfull, because you have to change ur playstyle for every killer, and to me killer is way to easy, atleast recently, I used to have a challenge with clown or wraith, but now there so easy to play

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176

    As killer you can lose the game with one bad chase. As survivor you can have a bad chase and still easily win.

    When I am up against a ttv I like to watch the game afterwards from their perspective. I remember one game where I really really tried and barely 4k ( all gens got done). Then I watched the match from that guys perspective and oh my god. I couldn't believe it. That guy did random dull totems, opened every chest he could see, was lost at times and couldn't find gens ( was on the old game ). But he wasn't very concerned about anything and very relaxed most of the time, he just played whatever. If that one guy had played just a bit better it would have been a 0k or 1k for me.

    I am not a great killer, but I was definitely better than that guy, yet I had to play so much harder to win. So yeah, the pressure is on the killer to perform.

    Also postgame chat is horrible for killers. The true 1v4 happens there, when survivors feel like you played in way they don't like and believe that justifies them being horrible human beings.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Because you're playing a 1v4 in a game that's balanced around the 1v1.

  • ilmiglioree
    ilmiglioree Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2021

    A set of things, defense generators (which ones to protect better based on the position) make mind game in chase and remember who is in the second phase of the hook.

    First of all more reward for killers, 20% base more points and 10 shards every 3 kill( MORE SATISFACTION IN KILLING)

    As a killer I feel there isn't enough time, it would be nice to give the gen a little more time but with slightly better and influential sckillcheck bonuses. For example you have 60% that the sckillcheck is 2 sckillcheck in a row, the second is bigger but the great is the same as usual , if you take the two great sckillchecks you get 1% + 2% of the gen

  • latigresa
    latigresa Member Posts: 88

    Killer is more stressful because most killers are try-hards that take everything personally.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Killer, more or less, relies heavily on their Player vs Player actions to actually progress their objectives.

    I try to approach it the same way I approach Street Fighter or Blaz, in terms of mentality.

    I'm in red ranks, both sides, blah blah, but I still play to learn instead of playing to win - It can be overwhelming, for sure, as you need to deal with wayyyy more information/decision making due to having 4 opponents instead of just 1.

    I know it is hard, but try not to take it as seriously/just enjoy it - you'll get better faster and be able to win hard / lose bad without having a negative attitude.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited April 2021

    I don't take it seriously. I view it as a video game nothing more nothing less.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Not a main but I do play 50/50.

    Playing killer is exhausting because you have a lot of time management on your plate. You are making a lot of split second decisions. On top of that if you want to be a 'good' killer you need pretend not to see survivors swarming the hooks if you don't want to be called a camper... and always go for the unhooker and don't tunnel, etc. There is just a lot on you plate to make sure the match is fun for all. I always see killer as the host of the game. You have a job to do but don't be a dick about it. Of course it gets even more exhausting when you are up against a death squad that just wants to bully you...

    Survivor on the other hand you are either safe or you are being chased. There isn't really much to do besides sitting on a gen or being chased. If you are on a gen you have 2 other people you can rely on to go for a save... swf is especially easy because of all the info you feed each other. Tho when I swf I tend to play more goofy lol.

    Thats why I flip flop between the two roles. Killer can be stressful and survivor can be boring.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I'm guessing as other people have said. It's just you got to put in 100% more effort, it gets mentally tiring I suppose. Even times when I'm winning it still feels stressful.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Hey, @Peanits.

    You might want need to take a look at this.

    There are some valid points here.

  • vero_
    vero_ Member Posts: 2

    El asesino esta persiguiendo a alguien pensando en lo que están haciendo los demás, si te da mas de dos vueltas ya te hacen un gen entre dos y si tienen la perk demuestra lo que vales ni te cuento. Es estresante si, aunque mas divertido es de killer. Pero siendo surv sólo haces gens y abrís cofres, podes loopear mal e irte igual por la puerta. Hay muchos survs que solo reparan y se esconden. Y te da bronca que ganen así y que el asesino tenga miedo de los survs y no al revés

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Survivor stress is divvied up between 4 people, and some are more than willing to carry that burden than others.

    You have people that love to be chased and distract the kill.

    You have people that do nothing and sit in the corner and wait for everyone to die until the hatch spawns

    If a team is competent, it's easy to have fun in the match without feeling too stressed.

    If a team is full of selfish asshats, the game is no less stressful than playing killer

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Comments like these make me wish there was a "vote down" option on the forums.

    I play 50/50. I enjoy both roles, but the "stress" (if you can use that term -- I try not to do anything if it causes me stress, and while killer is frustrating and more of a demanding role in the game to take, it doesn't cause me actual stress) comes from the dynamic of the 4 vs. 1. (If you're playing solo survivor, that's a different story).

    My matches are all part of a 2,3, or 4-person SWF group, so I never feel like the game's result is on my shoulders alone. I have downtime to relax (just sitting on a gen while someone else is being chased), or someone to bail me out whenever I screw up. If we win as a group, there's a definite feeling of accomplishment, and when we lose, there's still a feeling of "We all went down together". If anyone from the group survives, it still feels like a "team win". It's more fun talking with people you know in-game and enjoying a group experience (and none of us play in a toxic manner, so there's that as well).

    When I play killer, as others have said, it's just me. I'm fighting a battle against the clock knowing that every second I waste -- if it's taking the wrong chase, losing a survivor I've injured, etc. -- is potentially costing me map pressure and eventually the match itself. There's absolutely no time to relax (unless you've gotten the game snowballed in your favor to where getting a 3K or 4K is almost assured) -- you're constantly having to juggle defending gens, pressuring survivors, remembering who you've hooked and how many times, possibly defending totems, looking out for a possible key/hatch escape, watching for flashlights, etc. There's no mental break, which can make a 10-12 minute match much more telling on a person than playing survivor is. And of course, if you lose, there's only yourself to carry the weight. Losing as a team is a lot less demoralizing than losing as an individual. (And since I play on console and have messages turned off, I don't even want to get into the too-common poor sportsmanship that goes around in end-game chats).

    Overall, I don't "stress" in either role, but playing killer is definitely more taxing to play.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    as a killer you feel under much more constant pressure than survivor. as a survivor you pretty much know when youve lost but as killer you always have to hope for the best

  • n0suchluck
    n0suchluck Member Posts: 35

    I agree with almost everything. The difference is the end. When you escape as a survivor whether it's against a good or bad killer I only get moderate satisfaction from it. When you get a 4k on a tough group of survivors, it's like winning Olympic gold.... for me at least haha

  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 104

    Well, just moments ago I was in the lobby where 2 players were SWF for sure, 3rd has 3.3k hours in game, and 4th has 6.5k hours. I have 90 hours. WHY IS PLAYING KILLER MUCH MORE STRESSFUL I DON'T KNOW

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    You're constantly under pressure as killer to make a decision knowing that if you make the wrong one it can cost you alot time or the match. Such a small mistake can have a huge impact as killer. And if all the survivors are adept in looping theres little you can do. As survivor though you just have to worry about doing gens or rescuing your team mates. If you're good at looping even better. Imo I enjoy being chased by the killer some rather play immersed so they don't have to worry about looping. If you make a mistake your team mates can help correct it.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    There's imbalances on Survivor side is the reason, the devs really cater to the cosmetic buying survivor mains who are entitled and have to win every match or they dc. For me, most people i think don't understand that a single survivor perk can be x4 if there's swf and they do combos. a mess and killer needs to be stronger or allow for some thinking time even would be a nice start to enjoy the role.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    There will always be an imbalanced due to the fact that it's 4 brains (even though sometimes it does not feel like that) vs 1. That can never be changed because it's how this game is meant to be. Other than making most killers 120 to keep up pace, there is not much that can be done.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    As killer your mistakes are more magnified and more punishing.

    Make one bad read in the first chase and extend it by 30 seconds? You just lost 3 gens.