Swf is fine



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,545

    When people imply that others are saying SWF is unbeatable that's quite a strawman. Whether they win or lose people like playing a fair game, simple as that. The game is not balanced around SWF, IE not a fair match.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    But that doesn't deny the fact there are SWFs who utilize full potential of voice comms.

    The point is, using voice comms gives you advantages more or less in some degree.

    Some SWFs exploit the full power of voice comms like an army, some SWFs like you and your friends just use voice comms casually without caring winning too much.

    But even with the casual way of using it, it's still more beneficial than not using them at all.

    Like, when your friend gets excited and shouts while being chased, that's already an information which solo ques don't have.

    The amount of advantage you get from voice comms varies, but as long as there are advantages in them, there will be people complaining how voice comms are unfair, because they are actually in a certain degree.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I was just giving an example but I know, you're not wrong. Not only were my friend and I likely the exception, not the rule, it's also true that even just reacting to each other's unintentional reactions are giveaways as to where the killer is.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Why would the Devs worry about putting it in when they already have an official Discord that they encourage people to use? Putting in a comm system will cost time/money - Discord is free. BHVR is a business - no sense in making tools that already exist for your customers to use for free.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,239
  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    I was playing solo and I had a party request. I thought well that's odd none of the invites are from the survivors. So I left it.. turns out the one who sent me inviting me to a party was actually the killer 😂😂

    He asked me at the end of the match why I never accepted his party chat... I'm not in the SWF mate you've got the wrong girl 😂 I don't often play swf and prefer to go at it alone, because because can't stand having the tension taken away from the game. Unless I'm genuinely playing with my mates, and we therefore talk about literally anything and everything. Often lose concentration from laughing at their ridiculous jokes and walk straight into bubba 😂

    It all depends how experienced you are some get done over massively by the swf, and some killers absolutely ruin the swf... any losing games isn't necessarily down to an swf but YOUR actions you take. Cannot and will not lie to either of you, theres days I've played stupid actions and left myself feeling angry and humiliated because I took stupid actions. Exactly the same as a survivor.... I've not focused well on skill checks and instead of running from that gen and doing another I've stayed at the same one 😂

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    So if you're playing on switch for example, you expect people to just have discord on a tablet/mobile device or a pc??? What a lot of effort for something that is so say supported and encouraged!

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,576
  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    I'm referring to all SWF groups who use comm's. The majority of them don't use it to abuse the information that they potentially get from it though. Top tier is on a whole other level.