Best legion ever/ Toxic Survivor
I just had this game with a new Legion in a decently good legion map. There was me playing as Jane, Kate, Nancy, and a Yui. Well I had him chasing me kept sunning him bring him out of his power a few times It was easy stuns since he was new or seemed new baby perks and all that. I know it's stupid to heal with a legion but since barely any gens got done and he was still chasing me I thought it easy so heal up with my medkit unless I came across someone to help me. Well mid chase with him I got sandbagged by this Yui, She knew I was behind her but she didn't want to take a hit so she sandbagged and ran off. Well I managed to lose the legion went to go heal since only one gen had been done at the time because no one was working on gens. Middle of my heal this Yui stares at me before dropping a pallet where I was healing and vaulting over it pointing at me and bouncing I'm guessing to teabag. This legion comes in starts to chase her so she ran directly at me, I got downed. This legion picks me lets me wiggle free then chases this Yui, downs her then camps her till she died then plays the game normally... GG to that legion.
Good guy Legion! Reminds me when I had the exact same problem with a survivor constantly pranking and chasing me around, but the Doctor player too seemed to take exception to this - tunnelling hard and cqmping him, even when he tried to use me as a distraction.
In return, when he was on the hook I nodded at the Doc and went on my merry way. 1 hook kill.