The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
We shouldn't wish for things like this, just for a playable game.
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stop harassing BHVR we don’t want any comments getting deleted or having the thread closed cmon where so close
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What you don't realize, is that stuff like that will ultimately result in this game finally getting fixed. When BHVR loses enough money, they'll be forced to either change or sink. As long as they're getting their $$$, they don't care if their game is a broken mess because they have no incentive to fix it; they just need it to be minimally serviceable.
I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but after seeing this happen over-and-over again(along with their reluctance to fix long-standing issues with the game), I can't find any reason to think otherwise.
And in relation to this thread, Im on PS4 Pro and having loads of frame drops and performance issues, more-so than probably ever before. There's no reason this game shouldn't be running at a somewhat, if not completely stable 60 fps by now, across all platforms. What happened to those console optimization promises from 2019?
Based on where we're at now and the constant botching of updates, I'd say this game needs a serious health overhaul; not just for everything that's going on now, but to make sure things go smoother in the future, as well. The more you add on top of an outdated and faulty foundation, the worse things are going to get with each new addition, and the harder it's going to be to fix.
Fix the foundation.
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I agree.
I think after this disaster, most people would be willing to wait 6 months for a new chapter if it meant the game was playable
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Oh, I'd definitely be cool with that. Maybe do a few minor events, drop some skins or something and keep up the Rift, just to keep everyone interested; they could even potentially get MMR fleshed out if it didn't take away from fixing the game's health.
Maybe even split things up into 2 patches/phases, so we get some improvement after 3 months and the rest after 6, to help people feel like things are moving forward.
Whatever it'd look like, I'd be down; this game needs it.
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Close to what? You think BHvr just gonna magically address all of our issues if this dosent get closed (not that I want that, of course)?
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Hell, content updates already feel small as is. If we give them time to work on a bigger chapter while the health team does it's thing. Maybe we'd have a great chapter, but that's only my pipe dream.
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It completely over heated your Xbox pulsar!! That's not good at all my ps4 sounded worse than it ever has yesterday .After this information knowing it completely overheated your system I am not risking my ps4 till something is done so thank you for the heads up .
Also saw the photo good boy put up of a fan beside a pc didn't look good I hope everything is ok for them 🐷💖 @GoodBoyKaru
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It seems to be alright now, just letting it cool down for the moment.
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I know it's probably not gonna have a great impact as I'm just a very small Youtuber person but I did talk about your thread in my stream and said if anyone is experiencing problems to head to the forums and add to the thread . Had a few Xbox people pop in to tell me they are experiencing issues and comment from an Xbox player also.
Are you going to stop playing to save your Xbox ?
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I don't know yet.
If it happens again, I don't have much of a choice.
I also spoke about it on my stream.
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Man that's crazy ! we need to definitely get the message out there about this having the potential to damage consoles like this
It's is not acceptable! Ok man I will check out your vod as still am subbed to you! unfortunately our time zones conflict as from the UK but I did really enjoy getting to watch you that time I was up very late 🐷💖
Much love and respect to you 🤗
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Thank you <3
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Where close to 50 pages I don’t want this thread to close we want to get our answer we will stop at nothing to get what we want
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Even the pro variations of past gen consoles and the current gen consoles suffer from these issues. PS5 especially, is already notorious for crashing more than any of the other consoles.
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I went digging in my BIOS, turned my CPU fan up to max and my case fans up a bit too, and moved the PC to help get a bit more ventilation. If this doesn't work I'll be playing open-case for the foreseeable future.
Edit: I didn't overclock to make it cooler, corrected that
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on5 -
Can I make my Xbox open case?
It actually died twice today, and I was able to save it twice, but I was pretty scared
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Then better wait for a hotfix to deal with this problem.
You are playing with fire right now.Last thing you want is a dead console because of DbD
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Yeah, I probably will.
DBD is really that tough to run huh
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When I used to played DBD on my PS4 it made it sound like a jet engine on the lobby screen. It was the only game in my collection that did that.
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I guess DbD is the new Crysis lol
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If you want to void the warranty then yes you can
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My daily is clown. I tried hitting survivors with the bottle, but the stutter is so bad I just dced, and played something else.
Kinda killing the game for me tbh
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Literally unplayable…
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This explains a lot about the Survivors in my matches tbh
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Those freezes are so frustrating. They are game changing, especially when they get you turned around. I swear the indoor maps are so much worse than they normally are because of these performance issues.
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I hate to see this and that was I was experiencing yesterday as I tried nemmy and couldn't deal with the frame drops and switch to survivor to experience that type of thing also.
I really don't want to say this as I don't wish this on people but it's actually good it's effecting survivor also as now they have to pay attention to it more so thank you for adding your experience
Praying for a fix soon 🐷💖
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I feel this clip so much.
Played 2 games with a friend yesterday and just stopped playing after that because FPS drops like these got me killed.
Thanks BHVR.
What a great 5th anniversary
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Playing as Nemesis on PS4 is a painful, ridiculous experience. Honestly, the game is more broke than ever. This is it, the very worst in terms of playability.
I've had so much lagging, juddering and survivor teleportation it's just sad. What a bloody disaster.
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This is approaching lauch-day Battlefield 4 levels of bad.
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I'm not familiar with that game, but this is certainly a sad state of affairs.
I have been robbed of the Nemesis Adept due to the new bugs. It's simply tragic.
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Oh, I implore you to look into that abysmal launch.
It was very bad and is regarded as one of, if not the worst launch ever.
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Tells you a lot that this thread has 1.4k comments and yet none of them are from devs.
Ik it would probably do ######### all, and few people would do it, but is there a chance people could boycott the game to try and get attention? Because clearly the devs dont give two shits if people are still playing their game.
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I was 'lucky' enough to experience WWE 2K20 on launch.
That was something from the darkest depths of hell.
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I'll look into that
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The saddest part is that they only acknowledged the performance drop "following their latest release" which implies they are satisfied with the abysmal overall performance of dbd.
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Still no direct dev confirmation on the issues faced before 5.0.0 :)
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Not that it's surprising or anything 🤡
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Goddamn. I'm pretty sure someone already said this, but Pulsar, my man, you basically created a mini-forum within the forums.
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There's an optimisation subsection on the forums it's just nobody uses it. And when people did use it optimisation still didn't improve so they just kinda stopped.
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Your friend should get into the game if they ever fix most of the optimisation issues. It's fun to begin with so long as you can keep a basic 30fps lol
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I have had a day off today and been playing Nemesis for a few hours (ps4).
BBBBBBLOODY HELL. This is atrocious.
Several hits not counting, survivors zooming around the map like Nurse, screen stops, ridiculous amounts of's putrid.
I am not attempting Nemesis Adept again until this crap is cleared up.
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It wouldn't just be the warranty gone. If it is opened Microsoft won't ever touch that console again, even if you were paying them to do it. Instant disown.
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I gave up, even with killers that arent Nemesis anytime anything happens my game hard freezes, this means every dead hard, every sprint burst, every status effect. Trying to loop right now is a nightmare. So, I played insidious bubba instead all night. Had a blast as Ive never really done it before.
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Can't blame you for doing that. It's fun for a while to do.
Personally, I just zoom around the map for now with Billy. If I hit someone,fine, if not, also fine. At least I grind xp for the rift and xp for the shards.
Sometimes you get some really great hits from survivors who look at the wrong direction from where you're coming xD
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I havent tried it but I think my xbox might blow up if I try zooming around with billy right now 😂
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I did a hag and a pyramid daily today and I lost count on the amount of times my game froze when I teleported with hag and used pyramid heads ranged attack. It's completely unacceptable as my PC is high-end.
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Saw this comment on Twitter. If true it's the event files being main cause of current issues hopefully they are able to fix them quick. If it stays like this until after the event that means we'll have these issues for a month.
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They put the most amount of effort into these events btw
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I wouldn't call recycling an event effort.