The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
The old gen consoles are getting really weak compared to current hardware, they might have to lower the hell out of the resolution for the sake of performance. Put a dynamic resolution on it and make it keep 60fps, even if it goes 720p
That being said, my high end pc is having constant stuttering so it might not even be about hardware power
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Can't wait to read all 1,500 comments lol
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We almost need to compile all high end pcs videos to show them. Then theyll know its only worse on consoles, and its not low end pcs.
The topic is so big now videos are being hidden.
Also I dont like how they say theyre investigating issues with the recent patch giving fps issues. I have been getting stuttering on top end pc for months now. They need to know its not just a recent thing.
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Third crash since the chapter launched. Gotta love it.
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Behaviour shelling out the cash for some good publicity.
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The game ran fine before the latest consoles. Jfc idk why people think last gen games suddenly start performing worse on less gen consoles for absolutely no reason other than "nExT Gen iS hErE"
No, it's because the devs are ######### up.
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I commented on this too.
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I disagree, I had an xbox one s and I couldnt wait for the series X because it ran so bad on my S
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It really, really didn't but okay
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To quote my buddy @Shdw_Void "the game ran at 20 FPS before Legion released. Didn't go any higher, but it wasn't ever lower, it never dipped." "After Legion, it'd run at 30, freeze and stutter all the time and constantly dip into sub 15 FPS, possibly lower."
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over 50 pages.....
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Soon enough... there will be 50 more!
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Leveling up Nemesis seems to lower frame rate on PS5. I just prestiged him and leveling him up definitely felt like it was on a last gen console.
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I got my hands on PS5 finally and game runs tremendously (no pun intended) better. It is laggy now due to this messed up chapter but luckily no FPS drops for me anymore.
Just want to let you know that I will still support this thread and everyone playing on last gen consoles even tho I am not anymore playing on it myself.
Experience playing this game on PS4 was something I will never forget nor I forgive. Its just unacceptable for a game running without any optimization whatsoever for years like this.
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Thank you <3
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@Pulsar Im gonne help by sharing clips every few days to show the current state of the game as evidence. Its realy ruinning gameplay for me.
Deadhard and 360 have always been the bane of console killers. Now its just plain absurd. Do they realy not care at all?
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The solution is making the game turn-based. It already plays that way on console, so might as well fully commit to it.
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Too true
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Seems that as long as they get their money, BHVR doesn't care.
I'd seriously love to defend the Devs, but they've made it impossible and that makes me sad
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This game can't come soon enough... I bet it will run at a steady FPS on old gen consoles.
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Here's my contribution:
With over 52 pages and 1.5k comments and no dev communication, i have finally decided to contribute with clips.
The bad thing is, is that it wasnt hard to get these two clips, all i had to do was play a killer match :(
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I mean,the devs are fine honestly.
Devs like Janick or McLean are really passionate about the game and try their best to make DbD a good game.
I assume that it's the higher ups at BHVR that are responsible for this whole mess.
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Imagine having "we don´t care how well it runs" as a business philosophy lol
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Hard to feel that way when we have people like Elmo making the others look bad by acting a certain way.
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BHVR's Facebook adverts are misleading... New map that you can't even play...
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This is the definition of pain <3
How has there not even been a response to the FPS issues mentioned in the forum banner in days, let alone all the problems this thread was about before this patch really messed things up.
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Hopefully because they are working hard to fix it.
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Praying that's it
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Fourth crash just occurred. This is turning into an everyday thing now.
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The fact a dev still hasn’t replied is just heartbreaking.
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What I want to hear prolly would come from those above the devs in the food chain. Those deciding how long they get to work on & test new stuff for instance, or their chapter & patch schedule, or even the health patch vs. more new content debate.
Let them come up to the mic please.
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Well,we can't blame her tbh.
I'm sure she tried to look for answers but very likely isn't allowed to talk about it.
Very unfortunate,but nothing suprising from BHVR
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Facts 🙌 sorry no hate on Mandy I'm sure she's doing her best but we would kindly request a response the game is unplayable any response would muchly be appreciated 🐷💕
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the cyberbullying image still applies here too and i hate it
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I just want to add in another voice of support for the people dealing with this. Looking at some of these gameplay clips is painful. When your game doesn't even function as it should on a basic level for so many people who've invested time, effort, and money into it, it's a black eye for the entire company and unacceptable.
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ugh, don't remind me of that.
"We hope you will nominate us for the Labour of Love award!" - BHVR, shortly after releasing "A binding of kin"
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I have also noticed that the optimization is worse now, it is pretty sad honestly. The devs have definitely seen this post, they are deliberately ignoring it.
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At this point, for sure.
Not that I've seen much of them
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Oh boy, I just had my SEVENTEENTH crash since the patch.
Great game. Real stable. Labor of Love.
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Today I have had annoying blinks in chases and when I look to the side when repairing a generator. Heck, I sincerely hope that we get a response to this thread from the developers.
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I've come to share my experience on a standard Xbox One.
After this patch, I have crashed a total of 7 times, with none of the crashes coming from newer maps. I thought it was just Nemesis causing it, but nope, I even crashed as Pyramid Head.
Playing Blight is hellish since the moment I rush, the game freezes and i'm essentially rushing in place, which leads to my rush cancelling before I even get halfway to the collision I was aiming for.
The moment someone Dead Hards, the game freezes and teleports me, making me unable to do anything even if I see it coming.
Surely they'd want console players to be able to enjoy the game since it'd be profitable right?
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Yeesh I haven't played blight since this update I'm scared
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I know the worst performance issues are mostly being experienced on consoles, but for any PC player wanting to improve their performance, I advise you to run the game in true fullscreen mode. BHVR unfortunately enough have never added this option to the in-game menu, but you can enable it manually from the GameUserSettings.ini file, by setting FullscreenMode=0, LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0, PreferredFullscreenMode=0. Make sure AutoAdjust=False, ScreenResolution=100 and FullScreen=True are also set. Set your resolution using ResolutionSizeX and ResolutionSizeY (e. g. ResolutionSizeX=1920, ResolutionSizeY=1080). I also suggest you disable VSync, with bUseVSync=False.
Usually the game runs in windowed fullscreen mode, yet the performance in true fullscreen is a lot better, with higher and more stable framerates as well as lower input latencies.
Adding this option to the in-game menu would be an easy way for BHVR to help a lot of its customers achieve a better playing experience, since I suspect it's still a minority that is aware of how to do this manually from the files. And for console platforms, there's also a seemingly easy way for BHVR to improve performance significantly: offer graphics quality options. As far as I'm aware, it is for some reason not possible on consoles to switch between the Low, Medium, High or Ultra graphics settings.
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If we switch to ultra on ps4, I think the waiting times for a match will skyrocket because every ps4 will just die from overheat xD
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I am a PC player with a pretty solid graphics card and I will get some big frame drops for some reason. Never happens to me on warzone or cold war.
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Yes, that one.
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This reminds me of that one thread a few months back about poor console optimization that blew up then the devs took it down for some bullshit reason
I'm really glad to see this topic getting alot of attention again