The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
I heard you fixed your "Nemesis performance issues" tomorrow but what about the overall performance of the game? they overlook it, this applies for the entire game, not for Nemesis.
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Crash number 8, on Azarovs again.
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We'll have to see if they even fixed it
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I'm already excited for the new bugs that this hotfix will bring lol
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Watch Pig or somebody just not be able to use their power.
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Known Issues: when placing a Reverse Bear Trap on a survivor before 4 generators are completed, it will remain idle until the 5th generator is completed.
The Spirit now recovers her power 100% faster.
Solo survivors now have a totem counter basekit. This will be removed in the next hotfix because we hate solo survivors.
The Hillbilly has lost access to his chainsaw and moves at 110% speed.
The Nurse now has 30 blinks when using "Torn Bookmark" instead of 3.
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I'm betting Trapper when they fix the bug that made his traps darker without add on. Traps back to see from mile away bright but can only set in like 5 places that are completely useless.
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Know Issue: You cannot select to play as killer or survivor.
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I'm really hoping that that's not a bug (although it probably is, and it probably will get fixed even though Trapper really needs it).
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We have fixed an issue allowing players to break linked cosmetics.
Known issues: Auric cells now cost 10x the usual price and all cosmetics have been removed. We expect a fix for this around patch 9.1.4
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I was so happy to see they were darker and so disappointed when someone pointed out it was probably bug because they stayed same when darkening add-on used. Every time someone asks what changes Trapper needs darker traps is always one I list, especially with indoor maps and the reworked maps.
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Know Issues:
- A bug for Mori's now allow killers to kill survivors regardless of whether or not they were hooked.
- Brand New Parts now allow survivors to instantly complete a generator.
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I play Trapper a fair bit, and this is such a nice buff for him. He definitely needs more, but this is a good starting point for him.
Sadly, Behavior seems intent on ignoring Trapper. (As well as almost every other bad killer in this game.)
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This isn't a bug, it is a time machine.
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Trapper is the equivalent of optimization in the game. Both ignored. 😬
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Known issue: Legion has been reverted to his original state.
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Dude, playing killer is making me depressed. Why do survivors always start on the gens and yet I have to "find" them first? Every start of the game I play gen patrol roulette and if I don't find them within first 2 gens rest assured the third is already done by the time I reach it. Oh ok, get corrupt intervention they say. We see all fancy events where the game is presented as a hall of fame for killers. Behaviour, you should be ashamed of how you treat your killers.
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hopefully we see a some improvement tomorrow but I'm not gonna hold my breath. thanks for sharing this info.
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What does this have to do with the thread?
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Wait, what..... ummmmm....noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Amanda Panda has enough problems already leave her beeeee
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Aaagh! I saw survivors burn BPS for one match tonight, just one, and that is the only time the game crashed, and as always it crashed at the end of the match. I'd opened an exit gate, I was wandering the map looking for the hatch, and it crashed. No double Bloodpoints, no progress towards the Tome challenge, it was all gone.
I heard this crashing-at-the-end-of-a-match problem showed up with the All-Kill chapter. I don't know if that's accurate, but goddamn this better get fixed.
One BPS all night. ffs.
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Yep. Are the devs gonna bother fixing any of those problems, though? Nope.
The only time poor Amanda's gonna get changed is if she gets bugged.
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Watch tomorrow's patch will sideways break her like they managed to do to Clown. By fixing some little portion of Nemmy, her traps now just fall off when you hook them.......
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Better yet: they don't activate at all. Oh, and she can't crouch.
Bug fix patch coming 2039.
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What do you guys wanna bet that Clown just never gets fixed?
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I'll play perkless Trickster for five games if Clown get's fixed in tomorrow's patch.
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Just made me think - they try fixing the bug that removes perk loadout if you play tutorials, everyone now has to play perkless until next patch.
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You're on.
I'll keep trying for GM Adept Legion if he isn't.
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Oh Jesus.
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That is cool and all, but this thread is about poor optimization, please don't derail the topic thanks
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Why do I get the sinking feeling that this is not to help our performance issues?? I truly hope I am wrong and give much praise .
It truly just seems weird because it's not just the issue with so nemmy frame drops just happens all the time when I'm playing survivor or any killer ? I hoping today fixes things 🤞🐷
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We all do! :)
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Fingers crossed that the hotfix doesn't make things worse.
Also, that they acknowledge performance has been bad for a LONG time prior to this update.
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The fight continues
Though there is a small bit of hope
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This is probably the best answer we'll get. Glad they're looking into it now just need to wait and let them do their job and hope for the best.
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We get another 300k BP every week when it's not fixed? (joke)
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300k? Don't be stupid, 30k at most.
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Thanks for the update, the fight never ends.
RPD is still off.
I'll make a post here detailing my experience post-patch.
At this point, this really is a sub-forum for Optimization, should I just re-label it as such, or keep it as it is?
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I'm surprised they haven't moved the whole thread honestly.
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Tbh, me too.
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Im surprised RPD is still disabled for public matches
Imagine advertising something that people don't get to play in public matches
Also, heres to the best of hope for todays patch, hopefully nemesis is actually a little bit better to play now.
But obviously like weve all said, the fight carries on, im sure we will still get frequent freezes at random events
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I'll do a match real quick and post about it here, just to give everyone a heads up.
Consider me your early warning system.
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They didn't even fix the performance issues... typical.
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What have they been doing for a whole week?! Oh I know, commenting 'Oink' on random topics.
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Apparently you might still get it but it could crash your game if you do.
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I can not say thank you enough for everything you are fighting for and please do take care of your system I appreciate hearing your experiences 🤞🐷
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Apparnetly overall optimisation did not get better.
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@Pulsar Here's my experience of the patch so far from my first match
Maybe its not as frequent as before but it DEFINITELY still exists.
So everyone, how has the patch felt for you so far?
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The game is just a car crash in slow motion at this point.
Typical BHVR moment