The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
I myself play on console... but how would they optimize it for PS4 exactly? There are issues with frame rate but I don't know how they would fix it.
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Optimization is not existed for this game I believe. I can play the games that I only meet min req. But not DBD, on well above rec req. and on low quality.
I said goodbye to ultra settings, when they upgraded their engine. Ever since I literally upgraded my PC every year, and still can't keep up with the game. Still on low and still getting frame drops.
And the funny thing is they claim they are trying to be budget friendly. So is this them trying, forcing me to upgrade system to play their game on a regular base? Each update, each map gets worse and worse. Don't they care about losing players who can't simply keep up with system requirements. That is insane.
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Appreciate the input from a PCr, and sorry you also have had to deal with similar problems.
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I tend to disagree with that statement that only extremely expensive high-end PC's can run DbD well.
I was playing DbD on a PC from 2012 upgraded with an NVIDIA GTX 960 4GB (from 2015 I think). No problems. A friend of mine got that said PC from me when I renewed my parts (besides Graphic Card) and also encountered no problems.
So from my perspective the statement is just wrong and can't be generalised like that. There have to be some other reasons why the game won't run smoothly.
I hope the reason will be found somehwhen near in the future and is going to be fixed. Seeing how many people seem to be affected even on PC I feel like I am being blessed to far with having no issues at all.
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I'm glad your experience has been better, but there are people in this thread who've had very expensive PC's and still had issues.
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True, I would say I have a pretty good PC (not god tier or anything), but I still have performance issues all the time. Literally every time I play actually, and it is going to happen more and more with each map rework.
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That's why I said that there has to be more to it.
If you meet the minimum requirement, you should be able to play it without issues. No matter if you meet them just on point or meet them many times over. I wonder if it has to do with specfic technologies used in some parts. Would be interesting to gather some data in that regard. Which setup is used in each occasion and if there might be some which are more likely to produce that issue than others.
They really should communicate their current progress and maybe some planned timeline. That would help a lot. But I guess they won't give out too much information, if any at all :c
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Got these two from yesterday. I really enjoy the 2nd one...
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From today.
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I love the names of these videos.
And both of those clips were utter bullshit. You would have definitely hit those survivors if it wasn't for the lag.
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I don't think I would've hit the Steve, but yeah I could've hit the others.
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Glad that this thread is still going strong (because console performance sure isn't).
Now I'm just waiting for some kind of ARG meta-narrative to begin forming across Pulsar's video titles. That'd be some next-level DbD lore.
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Since my friend Pulsar is very adamant about the pain we console players suffer on a daily basis, I thought I'd do my part and show this wonderful moment that happens all too often
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The fact that Dead Hard always lags my game is just another reason for me to hate it.
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I'm glad this thread is still going. It's a wierd solidarity to see everyone come together over something, even driven by pure, undiluted hate.
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I hate missing skillchecks. Overcharge and Oppression are two of my most hated perks for very different reasons to why most dislike them.
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Thankfully the game doesn't really lag for me when it comes to skillchecks.
Sloppy Butcher on the other hand sends my Xbox to the ######### shadow realm whenever I get hit.
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Like this i imagine? ๐คฃ
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Oh my gods, thankfully I only get a small bit of lag from the blood burst, but that might be because PC setting lower it's polycount.
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I can neither confirm nor deny this theory of meta-lore.
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The rage keeps me going.
It gives me focus.
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I will say deadhard needs to be addressed. It needs reworked/coded. Almo said it needs this, it wasn't made for dedicated servers and seeing clips like this really exemplifies the issue. people lag on console when using it/sometimes causes me lag on pc. I'm not saying nerf it, just make it more balanced/fair to go against.
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Let the rage flow through you, fuel you, inspire you...
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Yup. Literally just like that. Same lag also happens when I use Lithe.
You got a well earned laugh out of me. Good job, sir!
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Maybe the Devs will respond since the thread is ginormous now.
Post edited by Pulsar on4 -
I'm back with two new clips, both from the same game. It never ceases to amaze me how poor this game runs. In the second clip you notice it stops while there are still 7 seconds left. That is because it crashed. Huntress op I guess
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Imagine daring to play Huntress.
Gotta love that crashing gives you a DC penalty too.
You are literally being punished because the game isn't optimized.
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God I wish I could post some of the bullshit I've recorded over my dbd gaming experience, but I'm not smart enough to know how
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I've had the game freeze when I'm on a gen and the killer kicks another gen using oppression so I end up missing the skill check that pops up. It's so frustrating. If I miss a skill check because I didn't time it right that's fine, but missing because the game has a trigger caused an fps drop is annoying.
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Unlikely, but I hope so.
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We can only hope.
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It's one thing to know you messed up or got outplayed.
It's another thing when the game decides to make you mess up.
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It was there but after around Yui got added it went to #########. I use to play there and FPS was great for the first time ever and it tanked after the optimization when new stuff came out. Even the menus are doggy doodoo
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When a game lags and farts in its own menu screens, you know you're in for a rough ride...
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I've got some more clips that I'll post tomorrow, I'm much too tired now.
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I think I'll join in on this.
Here are some of my games to let you know that optimization is not good on PC either. Low framerates are the only thing that happens though, there is no pausing or freezing of the game, just really unsmooth gameplay.
My computer isn't that bad either. Specs:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
- 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)
- GTX1660 ti max Q
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during the last months/ updates it has become a little bit better, but it's still much worse than graphically comparable games.
Lately i had big problems on Badham with frames. It's like it's crashing in some areas and i only get 20 fps. Maybe some light source or so.
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iirc, the 1660 is upper mid-range for NVIDIA, isn't it?
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@Shdw_Void had his game crash because downed someone with Huntress on Coldwind.
It's definitely getting worse.
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I don't know if this is an optimization issue but honestly what the ######### jane
also @Yords and @OniWantsYourMacaroni
how can I counter this new tech lmao
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Why do I never get those helpful glitches as survivor? I only get ones that bring me into the killers weapon that's across the map. ๐
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The Jane was super toxic post-game too.
I sent her the clip and she said "That's what you get for being a ######### tunneling Killer."
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Maybe less glitch and more hack then.
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Nah, I only play on Xbox.
It's more likely to be a latency thing tbh.
Apparently, I have quite a reputation on Xbox, so that's fun.
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Let's just face it. They do NOT care about the experience of any old gen player.
Their 2018 60fps on consoles promise was a big fat lie. Simple as.
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Yikes. I'm too mediocre to have a reputation. Or atleast I don't think I have one, I have my ps profile locked down because I don't feel like getting messages from butthurt players. I get enough distractions from my FPS drops during a match, don't need message pop ups from players angry from previous match or that died in current match. ๐
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I believe it was 2019.
And I'd like to prove you wrong, but BHVR isn't giving me much to work with.
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Apparently, most people think I'm uber toxic.
Just because I go hard for the 4K or 4E doesn't mean I'm toxic :/
I send gg's after every single match too