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killer concept: the mutation

Gazgemauch Member Posts: 39

with a resident evil chapter on the horizon, here is my concept for a killer i'd love to see in the chapter, The Mutation, otherwise known as William Birkin.

Birkin was a scientist that injected himself with the G-virus, and now struggles to fight its influence as it rapidly mutates his body

the Mutation's power is G-Virus

every second the Mutation is out of a chase the power gauge fills with 1.5%, upon reaching 100%, you mutate to the next stage

stage 1: Birkin at this stage is slow, walking at around nurse/huntress speed or in between, press the ability button (m2) to temporarily let G virus take control, Birkin will move normal killer speed, but cannot break pallets or vault, upon ending the power, he gets stunned

stage 2: Birkin now has the big claw and the 2nd head, he will move at normal killer speed, press M2 to launch a fixated lunge, automatically locking on the survivor nearest to the center of your screen, if you miss you get twice the cooldown, if you hit a pallet you automatically break it.

stage 3: the final stage that Birkin will mutate to, having the 4 big claws he now gains access to his final 2 abilities: hold the standard attack button to perform a grab attack, if you grab a survivor they face 1 difficult skillcheck, if they fail it, they get downed, if they hit it, they lose 1 health state and get a deep wound. hold M2/CTRL to grab a nearby locker and throw it at a survivor, temporarily breaking the locker, and damaging survivors in a large area around the thrown area

the killer might seem like alot of work and op/underpowered, but this is only my 1st concept and im building off of what would be cool, not what would be balanced. what would you change/would you like as the killer?