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A Legion Build That Looks Whacky But Is Good

Member Posts: 2,818

This build, Distressing, Stridor, I'm All Ears, and Hex: Ruin was a build I put together because I noticed not many of my Legion's perks could synergize or were strong on Legion. I was literally on the phone with my friend laughing saying "This is such a bad build and won't work but oh my god I want to use it." Then I used it and realized it's actually a pretty solid Legion build. Distressing is good for bp and increases the range of your Killer's Instinct so you have better tracking. Stridor helps because not many heal against Legion and it can sometimes be harder to heal against a Legion that knows what they're doing. I'm All Ears helps with vaulting survivors and mindgaming (kind of). Ruin is there as a gen slowdown. I've been playing Legion with this build a lot today and every game has basically been a hatch game with 4 or 5 gens left (except the first that somehow got down to 3 gens). I love this build a lot and it works really well.

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  • Member Posts: 1,302

    Idk, you can win perkless and addon less at rank 1 just fine. So having a bunch of mediocre perks that have no synergy doesn’t really mean its a good build even if you are winning.

    I think distressing is like the one killer perk that actively harms you unless you are doctor. There’s plenty of perks to help you track survivors that don’t give them a massive heads up you are in the area.

    Also idk how anyone can play M1 killers without chase perks though. If you get good survivors who can loop you are in for a really rough time depending on the map.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I like to use Thanatophobia, M&A, Enduring, Dying Light, especially with the new mangled add-on.

    Thana and Dying Light go well together in a way most people don't think - it makes people heal. M&A gives you bursts of info and then shrinks your TR so you know where people are but also who you can chain your Frenzy with. And Enduring is just a nice chase perk that sometimes gets you out of your power nice and quick.

    I have been called "evil" for swapping out M&A and Enduring for Ruin and either Undying or Discordance. Can't fathom why...

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Thana and Dying Light go well together in a way most people don't think - it makes people heal.

    As a previous Legion main, I think MOST Legion mains ran Thana for that reason entirely. Sure, it helps when Survivors decide not to heal, but it's primary goal was to try and force a heal. Dying Light is doubling down on that intent, and while not a bad thing, is normally swapped out for something like Disco or BBQ in order to give passive Intel. It's the same reason Plague players run Thana: To try and force cleanse.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion goes well with so many builds.

    You can slap on anything of remote value and it will work well if you got the m1 gameplay down.

    There are very few perks that are actually bad on Legion outside of most of the exposed perks

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    This seems just like some random Perks mixed together which somewhat work with Legion.

    Distressing is really bad in my opinion. I won't regard BP bonus on this one only Perk efficiency, but even if I did, you normally get max Deviousness as Legion even without Distressing. Now, what makes Distressing bad is that you give Survivors more head start which is bad. If Survivors run away early then you won't catch them with Frenzy.

    Stridor is... not worth running. It feels nice to have like Shadowborn but it doesn't really do much else except being a QoL Perk, unless you run it on Spirit, then it's stupid. I used it for quite a while on almost all Killers because I got so mad with bad sounds, but now I don't use it anymore.

    I'm all Ears is quite decent for mindgaming, but until they don't reduce the cooldown I won't be using this Perk. Not really my personal preference.

    And Ruin is just Ruin. Not much else to say other than that I wouldn't use it on it's own. I'd probably run Pop alongside it or Undying. Neither of them are my style. I only use Corrupt or no slowdown at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I never trust my ruin to stay up for more then 30 seconds without an extra hex that can act as protection (thrill, undying, haunted) I would switch Stridor for one of these perks

  • Member Posts: 2,818

    Judging my ability to play this killer and my playstyle of this killer based off of rank is rude. Although you're right about Distressing, you forget that Legion's Killer Instinct also goes off of Terror Radius so it's still a good perk even if you think Doc's the only one that gets viable use out of it.

    Before you come back at me about my first statement based off of my Legion's level, I literally used Doc and Pig to get Legion to Prestige 3 Level 50 because I wanted it to be faster and I'm really good with those two killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    You got people on this forum saying Zanshin tactics clown is god tier and they are red ranks, which shows that you can run literally anything against solo Q teams and do fine.

    Why would you ever use distressing when you can use monitor? It gives the same information. It’s not like you are catching up to anyone 35-40m away anyways so all you are going to do is cancel the power and walk over there.

    And no I don’t care what killers you play. Legion is super low skilled so it’s not like there is much to figure out. Collect free hits, run around as M1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,721

    Distressing - Rather use Monitor. Legion already gets loads of bp, and Monitor will give you the range increase without making your TR huge outside of chase.

    Stridor - Not terrible. Would rather use Thanatophobia or Blood Echo to encourage healing.

    I'm all ears - Underrated perk

    Ruin - Always great but relying on Ruin solely for slowdown is very risky. Would replace 1 of the perks with Surge as a Plan B

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    This is an interesting build tbh. Only issue is that Legion will still struggle a bit in actual chases, but other than that it seems pretty fun.

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