Killer Concept: The Seamstress
The Seamstress:
Killer Concept
Quick backstory:
(Just an ambiguous backstory, not very good at storytelling so I left it kind of empty at the end)
Diana McArthur, the towns seamstress, was a lovely young woman. She was groomed to take after her mothers craftsmanship, adored by the small Scottish town for the great cloths and hats they created.
Diana's mother was everything to her. Her father was never around, he had a less favorable occupation working as a gravedigger at night and during the day he drank away at a pub.
It was all the more heart breaking when Diana's mother passed away of an unexpected illness. Diana was heartbroken.
She carried on though, working on her customers orders by her lonesome this time, she carried on the burden of keeping the household up as her father came home angry... unlike Diana who poured her sadness into her work, her father poured his loss into drinking and anger. Blowing away his frustrations at Diana, hitting her one night.
The night before the funeral, Diana was full of emotions. In her workspace, she crafted up a crude looking ragdoll. She didn't have quite the right fabrics to create it but it served it purpose... it looked like her mother, the same golden blonde hair, two green buttons for eyes, and of course a long blue dress... her favorite color.
On the day of the funeral, she embrassingly brought the doll. She was going to put it in the casket when she said her goodbyes.
Diana looked down at her mother, peaceful and pale. She shed a tear on the ragdoll and laid it near her mothers corpse.
Diana was about to leave but she saw something that made her curious.
The seamstress looked at her mothers corpse, stuffing began to lift out of her pale blue mouth... and with a closer inspection her ears as well.
Diana began to look at her mothers neck and see stitching.
She was taken back, what did they do to her!
Diana rushed out of the funeral.
She went to the funeral home the next day to complain, needing answers to why they stuffed her with cotton and had stitches around her neck. Although she received no answers, the man who worked there who was also a close friend with her mother assured that no such thing was done to her mother. He would never do such a thing.
Diana left the funeral home, beginning to think she was crazy. When she returned home and went to her workspace she noticed something. A trail of blood leading into her sewing needle drawer.
Diana opened it up slowly... she saw the ragdoll in there. The one that she laid with her mother, is laid in the drawer on top of the needles.
Diana screamed and flipped her chair back, she gently poked the doll. Then she lifted it up, warm blood ran down the doll and onto her hand as a needle was stuck into its side.
Diana took the needle out and blood dripped from inside the doll.
The seamstress then began to hear the doll cry... it was heavier than she remembered too... Diana cried as well and threw the doll onto her table as it cried.
It sounded like her mothers crying... she knew that cry from anywhere, the same cry she would get when her father came home in the morning in a fussy mood.
Diana couldn't take it, it was all in her head. She grabbed the doll and pulled it apart from the head... blood splattered onto her hand and dress.
The crying stopped... she looked down and dropped the doll to see bones in it... and then the crying started again... louder this time.
The Seamstess looks like a crudly created human sized ragdoll, she has blonde yarn like hair, blue button eyes, some of her had stuffing sticking out but other parts of her is bleeding.
The Seamstess holds a large needle as her weapon.
Power: Needlework
Pressing the active ability button with have the Seamstess take out one of her blank ragdolls, she will stitch up a creation of a chosen survivor.
the Seamstress will stitch herself up and take the survivors appearance.
Her terror radius disappears and becomes indistinguishable from a regular survivor.
She can do all other survivor task besides unhooking, she will not advance generators or destroy totems but can mimic working on them.
Pressing the active ability button while in Needlework will return to her Ragdoll form after a 2 second delay, she can return to this form while doing task. The ragdoll will slowly shed off her survivor form, the stitches falling apart as she sheds off the survivors skin like a snake.
Secondary Ability: Closet Tour
The Seamstess can enter any locker on the map as a survivor or Ragdoll, she can then teleport to any other locker on the map.
This will have a 30 second cooldown.
Passive for secondary Ability:
Closet Tour also passively stitches up ragdolls around the map randomly, some may take the shape of ragdoll or other survivors but they will aimlessly walk forward until unstitching and falling apart.
(Much like doctors tier 3 visions but more animated and random all over the map)
Like A Thread Through A Needle:
Despite all odds, you eventually catch your prey.
When the Killer kicks a generator, any Survivor in a 14/18/24 meter radius of the kicked generator will scream and their location marked.
Hex: Sewn Shut!
Don't let your good craftsmanship go to waste!
Downed survivors will cause the entity to close off the closest generator to where the survivor was downed for 30/35/45 seconds.
Multiple generators can be closed by the entity.
Destroying the totem will deactivate this perk.
High Grade Stitching Here!
You were created by the best, with the best materials, to do the best work.
Being blinded will blind all survivors in a 12/14/16 meter radius of the killer, as well as the killer.
Being stunned by a pallet will give the killer 3% haste for 8/10/12 seconds.
This perk has a 40/35/30 second cooldown.
My Idea:
This was my first idea for the Seamstress, using her as a psychological killer that does the thing everyone wanted in dbd, dressing up as a survivor.
I wanted her power to make the survivors always on guard, even for swf. Which is why I allowed her to take shape as any survivor and have her Secondary ability do two things that will add to the uncertainty that her kit gives. Not only can she teleport and exit lockers as survivors which will add confusion if survivors last seen her on the other side of the map and wouldn't expect her on their side, but the passive will constantly have the survivors wondering what is real and which survivor she is dressed as in the moment..
Closer Tour also gives her map pressure which I think is needed on this killer, she had great engage if you successful fool a survivor but weak at looping.
Best way to counter the seamstess is to group up if you aren't sure who is who. Or stay together in pairs of two.
The power: Interesting power and very creative secondary and passive ability, even if i think it's not enough against a SWF with comms...
Perk 1: Very good concept, urban evasion gamer gonna love it 😁
Perk 2: Could be a no hex perk with less effect (20 maybe) and 40s cooldown.
Perk 3: Fun one ! I really like it !
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Thanks! Yeah I really like the perks. I was trying to brainstorm ways I could make her power confusing for swf with comms as well. I wanted her to mess with survivors minds much like the doctor but more jumpscarey. I'll have to sit on it and think of a way I can maybe use her passive or active ability in other ways.
I think she would work amazing in solo queue survivor games though.
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Omg i love this and the survivor would be someone who looked up to Diana and her mother since she/he has had a rough background and love making stuff for people- ugh I can already imagine what the seamstress would look like
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Hex: Sewn Shut sounds a lot like Surge, just better.
We shouldn't have two perks that do the same thing.
But then again, Hex: Crowd Control seems a lot like Bamboozle, so this isn't exactly a hard and fast rule.
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Mmm yeah I see. It is a hex perk so unlike surge it can be deactivated but also unlike surge when the entity closes it the generator cannot be regressed unless already damaged by the killer beforehand. Surge regresses the nearest while Sewn Up completely closes it. If anything the two combined would be a really nice combo.
I feel like Sewn Up is more like a repressed alliance mixed with a corrupt intervention. If corrupt intervention was a mid game perk.
I see what you're saying though, maybe if I switched it to the furthest gen from the downed survivor it would be less similar.
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