
TF_Ryuu Member Posts: 76
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I love how Devs decide to nerf the key, finally its balance, too much like mori. I love found 1 key at game every ######### time and if their don't have it in lobby, they will found it at 100% from chest without perk, BECAUSE U LVL UP DROPP OF KEY FROM CHEST. I love too much too the script that let the hatch spawn at right side of survivor if is the last and is in chase. Updates after updates u make this game more unplayable from the killer... I remember the times where u said: We will nerf Key and Mori at same times, for don't let anyone get advantage... I see this nerf. We can't swap killer in lobby, Mori its usless and survivor still gen rush and use key in game. WE DID A PRETTY ######### JOB SO FAR


  • TF_Ryuu
    TF_Ryuu Member Posts: 76

    For don't talk about the map and killer rotation like Surv. When i play Freddy, found only the ######### swamp, one day, i play in this map for 7 game in row... Too much funny, like play always vs Spirit. Nerf Freddy but not Spirit, most op killer of the game don't need of a nerf, better nerf Freddy

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The hatch spawns at the beginning of the trial. It being revealed right next to a survivor is pure coincidence. Also, keys are getting changed at some point. Also, them constantly appearing in chests is just a bug. Also, killer is as strong as it's ever been. Also, can't think of anything else to add, just wanted to include another "also".

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The change won't be enough. It doesn't take this long for such a simple fix to balance them.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    pallet run survivor catch locker loop face hook juke rank camping 360 mori buff freddy hatch offering iri head auric twins coldwind key basement tunnel bubba m1 methamphetamine clicky click sweat squad tbag SWF shards trial chests BP killer swamp game spirit op nerf red drop NOED green updates point buff.