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Totem Changes

Name123 Member Posts: 36
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Everyone hates their totems breaking 20 seconds into the match. So, I want to propose a change to how totems will spawn:

All totems will start off dull. Once a totem's affect comes into play, like ruin regressing a gen or devour getting 1 stack, then an available totem will become its respective hex. Hexes like NOED will work the same way they work currently and Undying will be activated at the same time as any other totem. Totems that are made to be cleansed, like Haunted Grounds or Retribution, could automatically start off being hexes. However this may lead to survivors not cleansing them, especially if they are on comms and know the effects of totems.

These are the methods for activation of the hex perks:

Blood Favor: Hit a survivor and block a pallet

Crowd Control: Once a survivor vaults a window

Devour Hope: Gain 1 token

Haunted Grounds: May spawn immediately

Huntress Lullaby: Gain 1 token and have a survivor get a skill check

No One Escapes Death: Same spawning methods

Retribution: May spawn immediately

Ruin: Regress a Gen for 4 Seconds (This is so people can't just tap a gen and have it spawn to cleanse it. Not too long to make it too oppressing)

Third Seal: Once a survivor is hit

Thrill of the Hunt: Once a survivor touches a totem, regardless of it being dull or hex

Undying: Spawns at the same time as another hex. If no other hexes are used, it spawns once a survivor walks by a dull totem.

Would love to hear feedback!
