Gen rushing

wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

I keep seeing the term used but never gotten a decent definition. Most of the time it seems like gen rushing is used whenever the survivors are doing gens faster the the killer is hooking them. Any decent definition out there though?



  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    To me it 2 gen or more in less 3 min

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    But it only takes a min 20 to do a gen by yourself with no perks or items helping you. So if your your good and catch one survivor in 30 seconds, amd second goes to save them the other two would finish the other two gens in half that time?

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Most people use the definition wrong and use it whenever they mess up and get punished for it or start losing gens early on, but the correct definition of gen rush would be Marth's depip squad, basically a team that focuses on pumping out gens as fast as possible, even if it means sacrificing a teammate or their self.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Does that definition mean that if three people don't go to save the forth there genrushing or do you allow two to keep working while the third goes for the save?

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    If they're sending someone to save while the others do gens, they're just playing optimally.

    I'm talking "sending someone to save is time we're not doing gens and that's not acceptable".

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Well I kinda like the definition to be no one going to save teammates on the hook.

    The whole thing about doing x gens in x minutes seems stupid to me. So if you do 1 gen in 6 min becuase you suck but you never save anyone on the hook then your genrushing. On the other hand if you do 5 gens in 5 min but save everyone then your not rushing

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It's a term used to describe survivors that push gens harder than a mediocre or worse killer can handle. Think of it as the survivor version of "tunneling" - IE Hyperfocus on their objective

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    No that doesn't make sense. If all gen rushing mean is doing better than the killer can handle then that would mean everytime the survivors win they are genrushing.

    Also tunneling doesn't mean doing better than survivors it means going after one survivor to the exclusion of 5he other 3 no matter the circumstances

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Basically, if you finish all of the gens no matter how or in what time frame, you're probably "gen rushing" in the eyes of someone that doesn't understand the game.

    Gen rushing and Kill rushing are two of the dumbest concepts the community has ever come up with.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Killing a survivor is literally the killer's objective. Removing somebody from play by focusing on them (tunneling) is literally hyperfocusing the objective

    Doing gens is the survivor objective. pushing those hard is called Gen rushing

    Same thing, just terms usually used by mediocre players on both sides to complain that the other side is better than them.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited April 2021

    By that argument face camping is hyper hyper focusing? Doesn't seem right to me becuase it assumes targeting one survivor to the exclusion of all others is the best way to win

    Also if pushing hard is your definition of gen rushing what does that mean?doing x gens in y min? I've said earlier that I dislike this def but if it's yours I'd like to know the x and y values you use

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    I don't use the term personally as I feel it's on me as the killer to push the survivors off gens. This is just my own personal observation on seeing my fellow killers use the term. They're usually used to outline some percieved "problem" with the game. When in my eyes, it's just people playing their objective.

    My own personal goal regarding gens getting done is actually pretty lax compared to others. I consider "normal" to be seeing 2 gens pop when the first person is hooked or shortly after: something that makes most people seem to lose their mind and think there's a problem with the game for some reason.

    I don't use the term personally as it's my observation is used in a disparaging manner to put down people who play their objective hard. IE - casuals yelling at try-hards or sweatlords or whatever dumb nickname they have for this generation.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Well then if you don't use your own definition may I suggest the earlier definition grandpa and frosty used. That if you the survivors don't save, or try and save I supposd, their hooked teammates they are gen rushing.

    It would be nice if people used consistent definitions becusee if everyone uses their own definition for words its pretty tough to have a conversation

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2021

    It's typically used when the survivors prioritize the gens over everything regardless of the situation. IE greeding a gen in your face even if it means them going down, another survivor working on a gen right next to you as you pick someone up, refusing to heal and instead just doing gens, or simply even letting teammates lose hook states or die on the hook in order to do gens instead.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Gen rushing is when survivors are doing nothing but gens. That's all they have on the brain, holding m1 as efficiently as possible. No saves, no heals, no nothing, just doing gens. They split up at the beginning to slam the first 3 and a half while the killer is chasing someone and converge on the last 2 with Prove Thyself while their teammate is hanging. Maybe they'll go for a save before their teammate dies if the killer isn't camping.

    Bonus points if they play chases ultra safe b cause they know they aren't going to be in the trial for long enough to care about deadzones.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    Just like people over use tunnel.

    everyone have different definitions of Gen rush.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Really? I've only seen tunnel to mean going after one survivor to the exclusion of all others. What other definition have you heard?

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2021

    The term "gen rushing" describes what the player feels like if they can't gain control of the match. IE. They aren't able to have a match that will last more than 10-15 minutes.

    Me, I would like a match to last about 25-30 minutes to feel the pace is "reasonable". But today, that isn't the case. The players are skilled at the game. The maps are easily memorized and the information given on how to play this game efficiently is readily available to be found on youtube.

    With a lower player ELO. This seams like a very challenging game to the survivors. But to a higher ELO rated "Antagonist" This game seams extremely difficult. Since any time someone is in a chase, generators are falling fast. I play against those Red and Purple rank survivors. They do well, and my time is VERY limited. So I have to rely on "cheese" strategies in order to make wins. VS playing the game at "face value".

    Cheese, as in "warden, NOED, SLUGGING" and using "herding Techniques" with Corrupt intervention. To shut DOWN a group of generators for the FIRST 2 minutes of the match. Corrupt intervention is just that. Players can hide out the 2 minutes or they can find OTHER generators. Most of the "good" teams I go up against. Will waste my perk's 2 minutes, HIDE, and avoid being found. Then make the plays on those generators.

    In Lower-mid tiers. People can rely MORE on the Hex Totems to be effective at slowing down the match. Even stacking all 4 slots with HEXES and giving an extra objective for survivors to do! However, that doesn't work in the mid to upper ranks. Since players are efficient at finding hexes fast.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    There is no real definition, it's more a mindser

  • furymeteor
    furymeteor Member Posts: 22

    To me it makes sense that survivors do gens at the start of the game since other objectives are less efficient. What i consider as gen rushing is to bring your best items and change your perks to focus on finishing gens within the shortest time possible. In which case, a SWF would get 3 gens done 50-80 seconds from the start of the game, depending on how far the active gens are away from survivors' spawn location.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Because doing gens fast = bad but killing survivors fast = good

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Shouldn't that also be possible for a group of solos depending on how good you as the killer are at chasing? 80 seconds per gen with 3 people doing gens and a forth doing a gen for a bit before you find them

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Gen rushing does not exist it was coined by bad killers that over committed to a chase for too long and pay the price.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    It's a concept bad killers have come up with to explain away unfavorable results. There's really no definition because it's not a thing.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    For me it's 3 gens in two minutes

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    It doesn't really have a proper definition.

    But for me I see gen-rushing as:

    "When survivors hyper focus on gens and it feels like I have no control in the match."

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    there is gen rushing and then there is gen rushing.

    what would you call it if a 4-man squad comes in with toolboxes, all have BMP, all have prove thyself and Stake Out and Fast Track and all focus above all else at doing the gens as fast as possible.

    would you call it: "being super efficient at completing the generators"?

    orr "doing the gens very fast"

    orr in being in a hurry to get something done and as it partakes to the generators we shall call it rushing the generators or gens for short or just gen rushing.

    I mean there is the concept, but then there is just plain English....

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153
    edited April 2021

    Most forms of hitting the last unhooked survivor.

    But the situation can often be that the unhooker is better at hiding/fullhealth (not making noises of pain) or does not protect the unhooked.

    Also when the killer chases a survivor to a hooked survivor and decides to hit the freshly unhooked instead of risking to hit the unhooker twice (only to get bodyblocked by the unhooked who might be protected by borrowed time or decisive strike).

    Edit: It has a similar loose definition. But yours in terms of ignoring any potential hits on other survivor (even presenting themselves to the killer) and focussing one survivor until death would be the most fitting.

    Btw my Definition of gen rushing is also either the coordination of load outs to toolboxes with brand new parts and using action speed ups like proof thyself or the ignoring of saves and healing for the sake of gen completion.

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    I call it playing the game because here's something that you clearly missing not everybody has all the time in the world to play this game some people have jobs kids responsibilities so when I see people just Rockin tool boxes it's they just want to get it over with and if you don't like it then oh well but you can't get mad at people because they won't allow you to waste their time some people don't have an hour or two to play heck some people don't even have 40 minutes to spare sometimes things you just got to get over. So that's why when I hear people using the term gen rushing I laugh at him because it's funny they're funny let me ask you a question would you like to stay in the game for like an hour 45 minutes?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    A gen a minute is gen rushing to me.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Gen Rushing is when survivors work on generators instead of pointing at hooks for the killer.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    There's no definition, cuz some killer players will say genrush even with 10 mins games

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    There's no set definition, but in general you can think of it as ignoring everything but gens. You can also include stacking up on items and perks to push gens faster. You rarely see it to those levels, although it does happen.

    The word is thrown around very liberally during games, even when gens go by very slowly, and it's often an ego-protective excuse.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I don't think it matters what perks your bringing in though, if you brought all the perks you listed and then ran around doing nothing would you call it gen rushing? I don't think any killer would.

    That's why I still going to go with the doing gens and ignoring your teammates to get gens done. Ie no saving hooked or downed survivors.

    It's a consistent definition I think applies in all situations that could reasonably be called Gen rushing.

    Any disagreements?

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    So if they brought all the perks and items you mentioned but didn't do a single gen for 5 min because they all spent the game trying to save their teammate you think itsngen rushing?

    That doesn't match up very good to me as a definition then

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I thinkbwe should work towards a sustainable definition then try spread it around on the liking:

    A survivor who works on the gen instead of healing their downed teammates or rescuing their hooked teammates, unless another teammates is going to save or heal them.

    Thoughts? Situations where this would be inconsistent? I'm looking for feedback

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Oh my days. 🤦‍♀️ il say it and say it again...

    The term "gen rushing" doesn't exist. It takes nearly a minute and a half to fix one alone.

    The only way this would be fair is if one per gen and not have 3 around it at once. I tend to avoid being a third person on a gen. Because firstly yes, it's far to quick, secondly it's pointless, and thirdly.... if that killers coming over he's having a field day knocking 3 people are once and I'm not being that stupid.

    It seems massively quick for a killer having 3 gens pop and playing Michael I'm literally like "How's this happening? I've just played survivor and sat at one for a minute and half, how does it seem so quick?"

    Also, several matches have I played where we've all died and had 4 gens left. So it's nothing the survivors are doing wrong they have objectives. You as a killer need to figure a game plan, like maybe il just patrol the gens closest to the EG and work my way in the middle. I always tend to catch 2 at the same gen and just hook those idiots first.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Gens are just to fast when communication is in play. Genrush is just how players describe the fact gens are to quick to do even at base speed.

    Solo players all leave gens to get a save because they don't know who is going for it or just want the points. Teams coordinate what gens to do and when to save. even going as far as just leaving a team mate on the hook for as long as they can before needing to unhook for maximum gen progression.

    Toolboxes and perks are just the icing on the cake.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    The term certainly exists. You used it yourself. This entire thread is about it. You can no more deny it exists than your name it is being used therefore it exists.

    What it doesn't seem to have is a consistent definition. Which is what we're working on here, a definition that can be applied to the term and spread through the community. Like face camping or tunneling

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Thats a bit technical... I'd probably re read my post again.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Whats to technical and what exactly am I supposed to read it again for?

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Just to wording context. I'm a bit thick when it comes to big words.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Which one are you having trouble with I'll explain it to you, no worries if English isn't your first language I'm happy to help you out

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Gen rushing is like 'tunneling' and 'camping'; salty buzzwords bad players invented to blame the other side for 'playing unfairly'.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited May 2021

    Right and were working on a decent definition of it. Most have a fair consistent def of camping/tunneling ie chasing one survivor to the exclusion of all others. Don't really have thay with gen rushing

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Except I've been called a 'tunneler' because I hit the unhooked Survivor...while he was cleansing a totem.

    And I've been called a 'camper' because Survivors #2 was 3 feet behind me while I hooked her friend, and actually expected me to walk away. She actually thought Killers would have to give free unhooks, or they were 'camping'.

    So your definitions are bupkis. The terms just exist to shift the blame for losing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Gen rushing = survivors doing their only objective and nothing else.

    Its the safest bet to "win" as survivor. Has no counters and will get a 3 or 4 man escape, unless the survivors are plain bad.