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How to deal against stridor spirit?

i know spirit is a broken killer but are there any tips to loop her while you're injured, especially in safe loops where she may or may not be phasing


  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    i usually do that but i'm also bad in looping a bad spirit, as long as she has stridor and im injured, i hv no strats

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Yeah stridor spirit is basically doom unless there new, I've had games where it just seems unfair

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    so there really isnt a strat huh

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    There's not much you can really do, as others have said. Just hope for the best, I guess.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    There's a few things that can help but like playing against spirit in general there's no guarantee any of it works.

    Crouching reduces your noise which can fool spirits into thinking you are farther away.

    Spirit's phase duration is limited so strong windows and pallets with enough distance from when she starts the phase will force her to stop phasing. Of course some addons make this much harder.

    You can use ambient noise (like the barrels on fire on some maps or repaired gens) to help hide your own sounds.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474

    Just don't take chases, heal as if your life depends on it (it does), and use stealth more than brute forcing gens in the killers face

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    pray your team is good.

    if no gens get done and they cant carry their own weight just let her kill you and go next. ignore the "you leave your behind in a 3v1 its not fair for them" bs. But if they are actually good, just try to push thru the game as much as possible.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    jeez i barely try juking killers by crouching around fireplaces but ill give it shot. Might wanna try to not give her the first hit

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    u dont, is one oif the things that have no counter in this game. try avoid getting injured, a good option is using Spinechill.

  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    To add on to this.

    stridor can be a double edged sword, while yes they can hear you through iron will if you didn’t bring it with you your groans will be louder then it would normally which could cause her to misread your position

    (example let’s imagine my groan can be heard 5m away if stridor comes into play my groans goes up to 10m spirit phases but undershot and only came up short hence double edged sword)

    stealth is always and at times crucial with every killer.

    gen pressure is important as it will establish both safe zones to heal and the pace of the gens to where she will need to phase to cover ground is always preferable rather then pushing gens without thought.

    lastly have a fall back plan even if you play to the best of your ability the match can be decided despite your efforts by the actions of your teammates if things look bad (as in three injured at 3gens) then it’s time to find the hatch and go from there.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369
    1. pray the killer is noob
    2. pray the killer doesn't have good headphones
    3. pray the killer have pity on you

    At this point no counter can be effective on her, if she's good then she can pinpoint exact location on you, the worst miss would only be like 1 meter which would easily able to counter by just approaching you again.

    Bonus point if she has bbq + ruin maybe just suicide yourself

  • Mineguy
    Mineguy Member Posts: 318

    Iron will plus no mither. Your injured the whole round but even with stridor you make no sounds.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    So that is half your build just on the off chance you come across a spirit?

  • Cosmin262
    Cosmin262 Member Posts: 117

    have a friend fast vault a window on the other side of the map

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Just ######### on hook. This is only way.

  • Mineguy
    Mineguy Member Posts: 318

    Nah it's also so a lot of fun with resilience and spine chill

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Easy, let her down you and then ######### on first hook.

    Enter next game!

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Be as unpredictable as you can : continue looping then on an other chase just hold W and crouch, then run to her, etc.

    Similar to playing against a Nurse but most important : stays out of grass as much as you can, as she can see it move when phasing.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    For this first part you talk about, you cam actually tell when she begins phasing. It's a little difficult to tell at first, but once you get it down it's reliable. Basically Spirit has several animations which go in a loop, and they flow together fairly smoothly. However, when she begins phasing, this cycle will reset, and her body will shift back to the position at the start of the cycle. It can seem hard to differentiate at first, but it is fairly clear as this movement is unnatural, and will happen pretty suddenly. With practice, however, this allows you to reliably tell when the Spirit is phasing.

    Obviously knowing when she is phasing will only do so much, but at the very least you'll be able to tell when not when to vault into her.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited April 2021

    Most tactics don’t work against good Spirits.

    Sometimes doing dumb moves work (for some reason) like for instance, one time I went against a Spirit where I saw a tile with a pallet and I faked the pallet drop by placing my character not inside the pallet but on the other side of the wall that connected to it. So in her mind she thought I was one of those survivors who waits at pallets and she swung, because she could “hear” me in there, but I wasn’t even there anymore by the time she swung. 😂

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Honestly spine chill is pretty much the only way to counter her stridor. Since you know if she is on you.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,753

    Some one in my chat came up with this sage advice:

    "You ######### yourself and pray hard she somehow slips in it."

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    gen rush and hope she's #########. The good thing about spirit is because she's so busted she attracts a lot of crap killers who have had a bad time on other killers and want some easy wins; and fortunately, unlike pre nerf freddy, if you're crap as spirit you'll still probably lose.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2021

    You have to understand what the Spirit is hearing and seeing and then manipulate that. IE things like fast vaulting a window and then slow vaulting back over for one example. You take advantage of her limited senses.

    You have to make her react to you, not you reacting her. Be proactive, not reactive.

    I cannot stress the above enough. If you are looking for feedback from her you are playing against her wrong.

    She has the advantage while you're injured but while healthy you have the advantage against her and she is having to just guess your movements so be unpredictable. Most survivors do the same things.

    She also has quite a bit of perk counter play but even without going into perks she has plenty of counter play already available, the perks just make it easier.

    Spirit is a killer that actually asks more skill of the survivors than most killers do.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    Spirit with Stridor be like:

    (Man I love MK, go watch the new movie)

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    They need to make it were you can see her moving her hands so you now when she's phasing.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    You can hear spirit moving when she's phase walking so turn your headphones up and watch for moving grass

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    But when you're in the chase you can't here the phase

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    There is so much you can do during her phasing. Double back, crouch to make yourself quieter and then change directions, act like you're gonna loop a place and then run away from it, slow vault a window or pallet, throw the pallet down from the direction you ran to it, find a teammate so your tracks will be muddied. There is so much counterplay, unlike Nurse. Your priorities are wrong.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    No, but you can see her suddenly stand still. They could be faking it, but its still a possible tell

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    play a quiet character with iron will (preferably ace or tapp). when you crouch itll feel like you have tier 2 iron will. but dont worry most spirits suck because shes mostly played by trash players because of her broken power.

    OR if you want a direct counter:

    this sucks but: bring iron will and no mither, it nullifies the effects of stridor. not very ideal but its technically a way to counter stridor

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    Ya that's the problem facing it.

    Its 50/50 of what you do ether you slam the pallet or run but she's still going be on you that's hard to play against

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    If she's new/bad, stridor can be an handicap since it make even regular breathing, and injured sound, louder in general, you can double back for example, or going into a place with line of sight blocker, sometimes they will think your right in front of them and they will sto phasing, when in reality your on the other side of the wall.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    If the spirit is good, you FF. She has no real counterplay.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    hm didn't think about that, she won't be able to hear anything. But it is a risk

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    The things you say dont apply to a STRIDOR spirit, even with iron will she can easily hear you

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347
  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Funny i had a Spirit message me the other day because they knew who i was and that i use Iron Will and they said Iron Will carries me...when she uses Stridor to counter it so i don't see the issue. Apparently they also hate pre-dropping pallets against them when they phase

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    To survive facing a good Stridor spirit, pray for luck being on your side.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    No. Crouching still makes you quieter and you can still double back, or double double back. It just depends on the Spirit's intuition and patience.