What are you're 4 favourite non meta perks.

Perks that arent really meta that you like.
My personal 4 are
Iron Maiden - Been playing a lot of trickster lately and I honestly cant stand watching reloads at normal speed it feels like watching them in slow motion
Surveilance- I know its kinda meta with ruin but honestly its louder gen noise is extremely underated and saves me a lot of time since I can hear if a gen is being worked on from muuuuch further. Only bad thing is when 2 like 70% gens are close it is way too loud to hear anything.
Bloodhound- Just because of maps like midwich, hawkins and swamp. Their is either so much blood that is just part of the map or the color is so simalar I have a hard time spotting it.
Agitation- Again it saves a surprising amount of time and honestly is the best counter in the game to flashlights since they just feed soooo many free hits.
These two I like but I haven't ran in a long time just cause I am hooked on trickster:
MYC- only on high mobility killers/hag
Starstruck- Its meta on like nurse but even on like doc its pretty fun
For Survivor:
Diversion - Empathy - Lithe - Inner Strength
For Killer:
Blood Warden - No Way Out - Make Your Choice - Sloppy Butcher
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- Mindbreaker - An easy no. 1, it eliminates exhaustion perks when chasing survivors off gens. Heavily underrated.
- Stake Out - It gives lots of progression on skill checks and is a very fun perk to use.
- Fast Track - Same as above, but a lot more rewarding!
- Autodidact - A very fun healing-based perk. When you get value out of it, it's SUPER satisfying.
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- Gearhead
- Autodidact
- Mettle of man
- Solidarity
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Mettle of man
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1. Detectives Hunch
2. Alert
3. Autodidact
4. Wake Up.
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Mad Grit, Agitation, Iron Maiden, Detective's Hunch.
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Why gearhead? I personally find it super unsatifying as sometimes it will proc but then nobody gets a skillchecks or something
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Second Wind, Desperate Measures, Agitation and Infectious Fright.
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Mine our Lullaby, agitation, Brutal, PWYF. Sloppy and Infectious are perks I really love but I consider them meta. Also if I could choose a fifth would be fire up. Reason it was not in top 4 was because it's suited for certain killers IMO. I really love this perk on Mike as I tend to lose some gens stalking and his vault in tier 3 with fire up is OMG.
Survivor - For the people, Fixated, Botany, and Lightweight which i find to be so underrated.
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Whispers because it doesn't require any conditions to activate and you can't hide from it
Blood Warden because it's just pure payback. Anyone who falls for it deserved it. If the gates are open you should have left.
MYC because it adds a fear factor and it's technically not tunneling :P
Trail of Torment. I kinda like the losing your TR on a killer that isn't stealthy and sneaking up on someone.
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- Autodidact
- Aftercare
- We will make it ( not sure if that is meta or not? )
- For the people!
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I love FTP too bad zarina is only level on lol
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Stake Out
Brutal Strength
Third Seal
And I don't really have a 4th because almost everything else I run can be considered meta (BBQ, STBFL, and Pop on m1 killers: Lithe, BT, Inner Strength on survivor)
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For killer: Surge, Thrilling Tremors, Trail of Torment, and my favourite ever and most crutch perk, Save The Best For Last.
Survivor: Alert, Kindred, Fixated, Second Wind.
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Works well with Oppression and Pop
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Mindbreaker- I don't like Sprint Burst. I use this perk on Freddy, Demo, and sometimes Ghostface.
Surge- very quick and easy gen regression. I use this on any m1 killer.
Hex: Crowd Control- I don't see a lot of people running this, surprisingly. It prevents a lot of really good loops.
Haunted Grounds- Really helps with a sudden snowball, plus it helps me defend the totems.
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fKiller: Forced Penance / Dark Devotion / Nemesis / I'm All Ears
Survivor: Aftercare / Detective's Hunch / We're Gonna Live Forever / Head On
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For Killer: Hoarder + Franklins Demise
Absolutely no one expects this.
For Survivor: Plunderers Instinct + Appraisal
I've pulled 3 keys in a single match with PI + Appraisal. I just have to beg people to let me open the chests.
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I'd have to say repressed alliance and soul guard
Not sure for killer, I think the meta is to variable from killer to killer to say any given perk is "not meta" except for the really really bad ones. I love monitor on nurse if that counts. I never see anyone saying its good for nurse but I think it's one of her best perks.
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Make your choice
dark devotion
for survivor:
auto didact
calm spirit
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For survivor:
• Deja Vu: this has been so efficient in avoiding 3-gen scenario and works with a strong, tactical build.
• Lightweight: has saved me a few times when seeing killers approach from a distance or escaping risky situations.
• We'll Make It: get the troops back quickly into action, or healed in time before the killer tries to get a quick down. Also, can quickly turn around an injured group in a jiffy.
• Empathy: great to use not just as a quick way of helping those in need, but also seeing what the killer was doing.
For killer:
• Lightborn: people armed with torches are no longer a problem. Plus, with good bluffing, survivors can be tricked for quite some time.
• Spies From The Shadows: exceedingly underrated scouting perk that's helped reveal survivors many times. Those crows work hard for me!
• Forced Penance: not so sure why I like it so much, but it seems to be rather effective in making survivors more cautious. Games appear slower with it, for some reason.
• Mad Grit: just mad fun!
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Isnt opression always considered a great skillcheck which gearhead doesnt proc on anymore
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Some of these could be argued to be meta, but here goes:
Survivor: Kindred, Windows of Opportunity, Alert, Breakout (Breakiut needs an entire build based around it if you want to do sabo plays, but it's fun)
Killer: Discordance, Dark Devotion, Blood Echo, STBFL, Surge
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- Iron Maiden (It counters BBQ's biggest counter, lockers, feels nice to have on Huntress and Trickster and I get quite a few oneshots since the buff)
- Starstruck (I really like this Perk especially on Nurse, though I could say it is a bit broken on Nurse)
- Agitation (Combined with Startstruck and even on it's own, it always feels nice to get to hooks faster, even though I have the feeling that you aren't as fast anymore. Once you were able to catch up with Survivors but not anymore.)
- Monitor and Abuse (It is my personal favourite Perk on most Killers. I don't wanna use Shadowborn for the extra FoV but Monitor kinda works with myself. The extra FoV outside of a Chase gives me the ability to look around more, be more aware of my surroundings and during a chase I am usually focused on my prey with my vision so the switch to normal FoV doesn't really bother me. And the reduced Terror Radius helps of course.)
No Survivor Perks in that part really since the ones I use are either meta or used more often than not, but I will still write down my Survivor build.
- Borrowed Time
- We're gonna live forever
- Spine Chill
- Kindred