Sabotaging hook with Mechanic's Toolbox triggers cooldown on Saboteur

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78

I was on Dead Dawg Saloon, doing a sabo daily as Cheryl Mason, and tried sabotaging the hook under the Killer's (Cannibal) nose. I picked up a Mechanic's Toolbox mid-game and attempted the sabo with that, but got downed in the process, and my Saboteur cooldown timer triggered. My build was Bond/Breakout/Saboteur/Sprint Burst, and the toolbox had no add-ons.

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  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    Something to keep in mind is that if you have both a toolbox and Saboteur when you are near a hook you'll have TWO options: M1 to use the tolobox to sabo and M2 to use Saboteur to sabo. It may be the other way around but I know for a fact you are given two options on which to use to perform the action they both give you.

    I too was running a sabo daily one time and brought in Jake to get it done instead of bringing in toolboxes and found a toolbox much like you said you did. I wasn't trying to sabo save so I had plenty of time to notice the two options. So you may want to test this by running Saboteur and taking in a toolbox with you and seeing if using the toolbox triggers the Perk or not.