Pls rework Cheryl's face model.

(Not my screenshot)
Okay so I wanna bring this up because its something that bugs me as a hardcore SH fan. I love the fact Cheryl was added, shes my main and honestly my favorite SH protag but I don't get why you changed her so drastically like you did with Quinten. You made her hair so yellow instead of that fading bleached style it is in the games, you made her look 40 or older, and just overall made her look like a completely separate person from the actual games. Like if you put her in another outfit but kept the head I still would never guess its Heather/Cheryl from SH3. Her and Quinten imo need the most work done because yes her outfit is great but she looks nothing like her source material. And I know BHVR works with KONAMI a lot so surely you could get the rights to change her look?
I mean look at Monsters And Mortals rendition of Heather. It looks absolutely amazing and you can definitely recognize yes this is heather mason. As a Silent Hill fan its very upsetting that they somewhat ruined heathers appearance. Devs did such a good job with Lisa Garland but Heather just turned out so cracked out idk what happened.
Yeah like I'm happy to have her but man when I play her it doesn't even feel like I'm playing her.
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Yes, yes, and yes.
I can tolerate DBD Cheryl's facial structure and proportions but man, her neck is giraffe size...
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She probably looks the way she does due to the limitations of the games engine. I mean, look at the new Meg update, the face is just a little smoother with better hair, but it doesn't look like much changed. Heck, look at how Yui looks in her cinematic and look at her in game and you can clearly see that her in game character is taking fashion tips from Voldemort.
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I have no complaints from a pure standpoint of how good her face looks, but I agree that it ought to be more accurate.
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Give us the jeans + shirt combo and the princess heart look while you're at it.
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I agree. It needs to be more accurate.
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It's not that bad IMO but it could be better.
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Resident Evil is my dream chapter. I really hope they get the character's faces right.
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Yes, I have also given feedback like this, and as a SH fan I can notice that his face and voice are not alike. Please BHVR, rework licensed characters
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I feel like Lisa Garland was supposed to be the survivor and they changed it later on since the voice matches with Lisa a lot more than it does Cheryl.
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And please, PLEASE have the good sense not to change Meg's hair. The subtle facial work is great. But her red locks are part of what makes her unique, and the new hair is way too messy and lighter. I'd be perfectly fine with Meg if she kept her original hair.
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Worse hair! Much worse!
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I don't like the crackhead version of her what DBD has either.
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I agree. The model ingame is awful :/ .. her face looks like she is on drugs or something.
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Maybe Quentin has been sharing her his batch