Leatherface is pay to win

Deadzones are everywhere and this killer can spam a 1-Shot ability and hold his saw for an eternity. Completely and utterly broken. His stun from a sawed pallet is so short you can't even reach a second pallet without dying.
Blows my mind this killer was buffed like this.
Stop buffing killers please, nerf killers so the game is fair for both sides. One side is not supposed to win effortlessly all the time. Games are supposed to be fair.
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Silly Sluzzy, if Bubba holds his chainsaw for more than 7 seconds it automatically triggers a tantrum!
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Everyone, please don't give this post attention. Sluzzy is a well-known troll on this forum, and we don't want to give them or Lord_Tony any attention, because that's what they want. Just step away, and think before you take this post seriously. Just don't reply to it at all. I'm going to repost this in every Sluzzy/Lord_Tony thread.
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Speaking facts is considered trolling now...hmm
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It doesn't matter if you agree with Sluzzy's opinion or not, they are making this post for the sole purpose of getting attention.
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Ok and the problem?
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There's no problem with having an opinion, but there IS a problem with making bait posts that everyone has to sift through in order to find valuable discussions that are worth any amount of time.
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" hold his saw for an eternity"
Except he can't do that. The Chainsaw will overheat and he will be forced into a tantrum.
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Vault locations are his nightmare. Reason bamboozle is ran so often on him git good and stop.
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Dead zones are not everywhere. A large number of maps give survivors plenty to work with.
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Bubba is countered by just running windows. Don't even need pallets. He's dog poop when you vault windows. It's funny getting suffocation pit against a bubba. The middle part makes him useless.
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It's not facts though considering it's easy to hard counter bubba.
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Given that survivors absolutely have more than enough time to go from pallet to pallet agaisnt Bubba, it being his main counterplay, I have to assume you are actually talking about how you screwed up and got downed in a deadzone.
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This is a valuable discussion because something that is pay to win is badly unfair. He is a walking NOED now and most maps don't have enough pallets to stop him. You have to throw the pallet down every time because his saw lasts so long he can walk all the way around the loop. Not bait post but an awareness posts that killers are too overpowered.
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Yes yes, very much my bad
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I disagree Bubba is not pay to win even though he is bullshit sometimes with the camping but I would agree if you said Freddy he is the perfect definition of pay to win even though people say he’s not that strong and Otz put him B-tier. Freddy is pay to win you don’t even need to be a great killer to be good with him he’s to easy and his power can easily be spammable and he takes no skill to use
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I thought his old self was more fair.
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You're literally giving them attention and made a copy pasta in their honor... Like, do you want an irony medal or something?
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It's better to try than giving them what they want. One post is better than multiple, you think?
The effort is pointless anyways, but it's worth a shot. You fueling the fire isn't making it any better.
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No? You literally became their personal stalker going into every single one of their threads. They put no effort into this yet they got a devoted fan. I'd say it's even creepy.
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If you nerfed him though, it would encourage bubba players to facecamp more.
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You're not helping man. I'm telling people to not take the bait.
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You tell people not to take the bait by making copy pastas and bumping every single thread they make? It's hard for the rest of us to take any bait when you swallowed it whole.
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This is actually the first post I've posted that on. It's a warning.
What's wrong with what I'm trying to do anyways?
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That you're giving them A LOT of attention while telling people not to do it. So you're either an hypocrite or have zero self awareness.
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I'm still sticking to my guns, but whatever. If you think it's hypocritical that's fine, but you're starting an unnecessary argument and that's really all I can say. Can't stop you.
I'd rather give them attention, and have no one else do it. I don't care if it makes me a hypocrite, I'll accept that. You didn't need to start this man.
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They do that anyway. I would like to point out his saw lasts so long that he can hit through borrowed time. That's not fair.
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Then don't save in front of him, ez.
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I would take original Bubba back in a heartbeat. Can't do my favourite meme gameplay anymore with new Bubba.
Since old Bubba could hold his chainsaw fully charged I would sometimes fool around with survivors by collecting 3 stacks of PWYF AND tier 3 Bloodlust (obviously I would do that only when I'm done playing seriously).
As a result I would actually catch up slowly whilst holding the chainsaw fully charged. Must have been quite a sight to see a Bubba catch up while holding the chainsaw.
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Dude. You're being baited by them right now.
Look at the Joined date of that person. (April 28th)
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I wasn't having a good day earlier today, I couldn't really think. I'm sorry.
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Here's a tip, for everyone:
Before you say that a killer is too strong or OP, play as that killer for at least 5 games.
Most of the time, it's just the survivors not wanting to change the way they play to cater to the killer. Each killer plays different, so each killer needs to be dealt with differently by the survivors.
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Yay it's Sluzzy! :D
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... And that's how I ended up in the comment section.
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Not gonna lie, this is exactly my thoughts when I started playing dbd as survivor. I was legitimately thinking that Leatherface is pay to win.
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You must be pretty bad crying all the time here,one friendly tip i can give you is get a life.
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I knew it! I swear, before opening this thread i knew it was a sluzzy thread. Never change you absolute legend
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I want a Sluzzy x Lord_Tony crossover
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I wonder who would win a match. SWF of 4 Sluzzy or Lord_Tony killer? Both convinced that other side is OP.
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Hey Sluzzy, how's things?
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I feel like Lord Tony and Sluzzy could be the next Godzilla v King Kong Franchise
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1v1 at the fractured cowshed. Tony rocking spirit (underpowered), Sluzzy in a 1-man swf, both with one hand firmly gripping their ethernet cables ready to pull if there's any funny business
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This took more effort than I expected
@Lord_Tony @Sluzzy thoughts?
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Aw hell yeah brother.
What I wouldn't give to watch battle between Lord_Tony and Sluzzy.
Real talk, someone should get these two on a podcast together, just to talk about the game.
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sup sluzzy
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Sluzzy is play with to lose.
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Hi Sluzzy
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Bad bait on par with a Survivor that makes bad plays