Solo Queue: Do you prefer aggressive or immersed teammates
As the title says, this is mainly to all my solo queue teammates out there, but feel free to answer even if you don't play solo queue. I personally have more fun when I play aggressively and feel like more gens get done but I want to see what the preferences are amongst my teammates.
Also, by immersed, I mean they hide from the killer when nearby but focus on the objective. I doubt anyone likes P3 claudys hiding when the killer is across the map.
Solo Queue: Do you prefer aggressive or immersed teammates 46 votes
Unfortunately, when I go into a match I've no idea how the killer is gonna play, so I'd want the other solo survs to play aggresive to get through the gens as fast as possible and not be afraid to loop the killer.
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It's all about the action!
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I prefer intelligent teammates. There is a time for aggression and there is a time for caution. Just doing one or the other is dumb.
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Even if they throw the entire game, watching them play is always a sight to behold.
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Wait a second, wheres all those people that defends playing inmersed, and likes the idea of escaping with 13k points?
I feel bamboozled!!!
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######### kind of question is this? Nobody want's that useless urban evading Meg that self-cares in a corner on their team. I see you and I hate you. I have more contempt for you then the Leatherface that is currently headbobbing as he facecamps me.
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Aggressive don't do gens, Immersed do but tend to hide and let you die on hook
There's a higher chance you'll win with Immersed than Aggressive, no matter how slim the chance is
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I cannot stand aggressive players i will not have it or associate with these type of players.
I prefer to play with players whom play fair and polite.
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I find whenever I play aggressive, I die more often. Same with my teammates. I prefer teammates that are immersed, but are smart about it.
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It depends but when I play killer I prefer aggressive players, since they tend to be more into the action and tend to focus less on gens. But as a survivor I prefer immersed players since they tend to be gen doers.
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I don't mind as long as they do gens and don't farm me or the other survivors
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A third option is missing: efficient teammates.
But in any case, it's better to have those who also go into a chase and don't just sit around in the corner.