Surv Double Pip DOWN when I black pip. I’ve lost 7 pips as surv snd 3 as killer!


I was rank 4 with one pip and went down to rank 5 with four pips after only one game. It double de-pipped me (when I black pipped that game). This has happened many times over the last week. It also pips me down when it says I black pip as killer. It did this more than once also. I would be a rank 3 survivor with two pips if all the pips taken away from me were to be evened out. Has anyone else experienced this? DBD is my FAVORITE game but this pipping issue is making me much less enthusiastic to continue playing. It also did this to me as killer. I am owed 4 pips as killer. Which would put me at rank 11 killer. Why is this happening? Devs if you could look into this I would appreciate it! Thanks!

~Erica (loyal dbd player since the Demigorgon came out).
