My DBD Overhaul

If I could make major gameplay changes, I would slow down the pace of the game and make the killers more threatening.

I'd slow down gen speeds and add secondary objectives and gamemodes that work on the same random chance as the maps and spawn locations

Make it more brutal, immersive, and intense by redesigning maps more around terrain then standard, boring loop shapes, make the maps darker and more foggy.

I'd add gibs and more gore to make the game more realistic, and remove the red stain to make killers more unpredictable.

I'd add makeshift and found weapons as items for survivors, but they can only stun for a second or two. they won't stop a killer in their tracks but at least give you a little bit more of a chance and make you feel a little bit safer.

I'd redesign items to look more used, and give hooks the impression that they've taken countless victims beforehand

It's all wishful thinking, I know, but I just want to hear some opinions
