Sick of Unbalanced Trials

Theshadowcrow Member Posts: 6
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

So, kinda sick of having unbalanced trials. I've taken tons of screen shots of survivors way above my level. I guess the 10 min que times for survivors is just going to get longer and longer until they fix it or the game dies. Be back in 2 months when my rank goes back to 20. Also its kind of funny that within 15 seconds of my noed tot pop survivors have been able to somehow find it and pop it before its even been uses once... Even when I've had other tots the whole game, but magically the only find the one.


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Im afraid you need to wait for the mmr and hope it works. This problem is known for years.