This Matchmaking Suck

smart212 Member Posts: 136

my username explain about it


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,844

    What sucks is when I’m playing as a rank one killer I get rainbow lobbies and lower ranked survivors. I want to go against full red rank teams but that doesn’t happen every game.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    There's few things more demoralizing than getting matched against a red rank SWF as a green/yellow rank killer and then getting stomped into the ground. The reverse is also a pain, but it's not quite as humiliating to get clapped by one player as it is four working together to rough you up as badly as possible. It's one thing when they all escape and another when they follow you around clicking and won't leave until the last second because they're that unthreatened by you.

    I look forward to the MMR implementation, but I'd have way less beef with the current matchmaking if it never paired you with anyone more than one tier in either direction when finding solos, and premade teams with rainbow ranks used the mean of the ranks involved instead of randomly picking one (so 3 rank 1s and one rank 17 can't fish out baby killers to destroy; the game will treat it like their lobby is rank 5.)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,238

    You DC'd after using a Survivor Pudding... why?

    You know you lose when you DC right? The other players get a quitters bonus.

  • hak_kie
    hak_kie Member Posts: 12

    The new MMR should fix problems like this. SWF red ranks make even the best killers feel bad man.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ever wondered why survivors have long queues? There is your answer.